trade data

[treid ˈdetə][treid ˈdeitə]

[经] 有关贸易赤字的资料

  • The analyst should also document any business rules that are applied to trade data particularly data transformation or ( crub ) procedures as well as data validation rules .

    分析员还应该证明应用于 交易 数据的所有商业规则,特别是数据变换或数据过程,以及数据确认规则。

  • Index to Overseas Business Report as extracted from the National Trade Data Bank CD-ROM.

    境外商务报告索引,提取自国家 贸易 数据库多媒体光盘。

  • Based on the four-digital trade data from the perspective of comparison of intra-industry trade pattern across countries this paper analyze the status of China 's manufacturing division of labor .

    利用四分位 贸易 数据,从产业内贸易形态跨国比较的视角,本文对中国制造业国际分工地位进行了研究。

  • Still trade data released for February highlighted the weak demand for metals .

    尽管如此,2月的 贸易 数据凸显了金属需求的疲软。

  • And the signals coming out of recent releases of trade data have so far been very mixed .

    迄今为止,近期发布的 贸易 数据也释放出非常矛盾的信号。

  • Ms. Ma said the trade data reflected that external and internal demand were strong which spurred demand of credit in January .

    马晓萍说, 贸易 数据反映出国内外需求依然强劲,这刺激了1月份的信贷需求。

  • And direct trade data fail to capture other transmission mechanisms for example via financial markets .

    此外,直接 贸易 数据不能反应其它传导机制(例如通过金融市场)。

  • Based on2002 Input-Output Table and international trade data of corresponding sectors the intermediate input imports are categorized into horizontal and vertical intermediate input .

    本文综合考虑这两种影响,采用2002年投入产出表和相应行业的 进出数据将中间品进口分为水平型的中间品进口和垂直型的中间品进口。

  • Trade data elements directory & Standard data elements

    GB/T15191-1997 贸易 数据元目录标准数据元

  • Slightly better trade data from China helped drive prices higher .

    中国略有好转的 贸易 数据促进了股价的攀升。

  • Trade data on Friday showed exports and imports falling for the 10th month year-on-year .

    上周五公布的 贸易 数据显示,中国进出口总额连续第十个月同比下降。

  • But that last bit the mention of the worrying new trade data caught a number of ears .

    但最后一句话,提到令人担忧的最新 贸易 数据,还是让很多人竖起了耳朵。

  • Furthermore we can easily modify this query to insert this enriched trade data into an XML column in our DB2 database .

    此外,我们还可以很容易修改该查询,以将这些变丰富了的 交易 数据插入到我们的DB2数据库的一个XML列中。

  • With this object the JavaScript code can trade data with a Web server without reloading the page .

    有了此对象,JavaScript代码可以在不重新装载页面的情况下与Web服务器进行 数据 交换

  • But they conceded that Riyadh could be boosting output towards Asia where oil trade data are murkier .

    但他们承认,沙特方面可能提高了对亚洲的产出,而亚洲的石油 贸易 数据不那么透明。

  • Meanwhile US trade data suggested that the rate of decline in both world and domestic activity was slowing offering further tentative hope that the worst might be over for the global economy .

    与此同时,美国的 贸易 数据显示,全球和国内经济活动下降速度均在放缓,进一步为全球经济最坏时期可能已经过去的观点带来了暂时的希望。

  • Empirical Research on the Intra-industry Trade between China and Australia : Based on the Import and Export Trade Data from 1997 to 2007

    中澳两国产业内贸易的实证研究&基于1997-2007年进出口 贸易 数据

  • Equity markets in Europe and the US rose yesterday as investors were cheered by a report of better trade data out of China and downplayed unease over eurozone debt concerns .

    欧美股市昨日上涨,因投资者受到一篇有关中国 贸易 数据好转的报道的鼓舞,并减轻了对欧元区债务问题的担忧。

  • Looking at a number of indicators whether they be anecdotal from domestic or global companies that do business in China published data on consumption and investment or importantly the trade data all of this is clear .

    观察一下各种指标,无论是来自中国本土企业或在华开展业务的全球性企业的坊间数据、消费与投资的官方数据、还是重要的 贸易 数据,我所说的一切就会一览无遗。

  • On Monday China announced weak trade data .

    周一,中国发布了疲弱的 贸易 数据

  • He said that while China had the US on the defensive ahead of the G20 over its monetary policy the new trade data will rebalance the debate .

    他表示,尽管在G20峰会召开之前,中国可以攻击美国的货币政策,使美国处于守势,但新的 贸易 数据将转变辩论平衡。

  • United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory

    联合国 贸易 数据交换目录

  • Uniform rules of conduct for interchange of trade data by teletransmission ;

    电传交换 贸易 数据统一行为规则;

  • The most recent trade data from China appears to confirm his view with a pick-up in demand .

    中国最近的 交易 数据显示需求出现增长,这似乎印证了他的观点。

  • A final reason for optimism is that the trade data formerly used in Washington to support calls for a Renminbi revaluation is now telling a different story .

    我对这一问题持乐观态度的最后一个理由是,华盛顿此前用来支撑人民币重估观点的 贸易 数据,如今出现了不同的情况。

  • The Sub-Contractor shall be liable for any expenses or damage incurred by Siemens due to the lack of or inaccuracy of said Export Control and Foreign Trade Data .

    分包商应负责西门子公司由于其提供的出口管制和 外贸 数据不准确而遭受的花费和损失。

  • Chinese trade data for may have provided a glimmer of hope for the global economy with domestic and external demand both much stronger than expected .

    中国5月份 贸易 数据为全球经济带来一线希望的曙光,国内和外部需求的强劲程度均超出预期。

  • But trade data show the UK still performing substantially worse than France and Germany in its exports to China .

    贸易 数据显示,英国在对华出口方面仍远逊于法国和德国。