trade upon

[treid əˈpɑn][treid əˈpɔn]


  • David Diebold & Associates is a consulting service company that assists foreign and domestic companies with investment and trade matters drawing upon more than 20 years of experience in China .

    大伟迪博尔德公司( DavidDiebold&Associates)是一家在投资与 贸易方面协助境外和国内企业的咨询公司,在中国具有20多年的经验。

  • It is true foreign trade had always insisted upon a certain amount of gold and silver coin .

    国外的 贸易总是 基于金币和 银币是一个事实。

  • This paper expounds the influence of the international green trade barriers on Chinese foreign trade analyses the effect quantity foreign trade upon Chinese environment and makes some suggestion .

    本文在阐述了国际绿色壁垒对我国出口贸易影响的同时,也分析了大量对外 贸易 国内环境造成的影响,并提出了有关建议。

  • Traffic and trade are two important impacts upon land exploitation .

    交通与 贸易 影响土地开发的两个重要因素。

  • To make a more scientific probe into the effects of international trade upon economic growth we build a cross countries model and use panel data to make an empirical study .

    为了更科学地论证国际 贸易 经济增长效应,我们利用面板数据建立一个跨国实证模型,实证分析发现总体 贸易促进样本国家的经济增长,但不同类型国家的 贸易对经济增长的贡献度不同。

  • On the Enlightenment of Western International Trade Theory Upon China 's Foreign Trade Pattern

    西方国际 贸易理论 我国对外贸易的启示

  • The two countries ' overseas trade policy had great influences upon the overseas trade development even upon the transformation to the modern times .

    两国海外贸易政策的变迁不仅影响了海外 贸易的兴衰,而且进一步 影响 两国现代化因素的成长以及向近代社会转型的道路。

  • The ACP-EU Negotiations on New Trade Arrangements and Their Influences upon the Developing Countries

    欧盟&非加太新 贸易体制谈判及其 发展中国家的影响

  • Such withdrawal shall apply both to this Agreement and the multilateral trade agreements and shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the date on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General of the wto .

    此退出适用于本协定和多边 贸易协定,并在wto总干事收到书面退出通知之日起6个月 期满后生效。

  • The Study on the Impact of International Trade upon the Resident Income Gap between Southern and Northern of Jiangsu

    国际 贸易 苏南、苏北居民收入差距影响的研究

  • The slave trade is lightly touched upon in several of the novels but not very heavily .

    一些小说中提到了 贩卖奴隶,但 着墨不多。

  • In recent years with the rapid development of international trade the trade of illegal cargo infringing upon others intellectual property right is also on the increase .

    近年来,随着国际贸易的迅速发展, 侵犯他人知识产权的非法货物的国际 贸易数量也呈上升趋势。

  • There was severe trade depression consequent upon a number of serious strikes .

    几次大罢工 ,起之而来的是严重的 贸易萧条。

  • Therefore the process trade policy should be adjusted in order to enhance the upgrading effect of process trade upon industrial structure .

    因此应调整相关政策,以提升加工 贸易 产业结构升级的推进作用。

  • Sino-Korea trade imbalance problem has influenced upon the further development of Sino-Korea trade .

    韩中 贸易不平衡的问题影响两国贸易的进一步发展。

  • Trade structure is an important factor affecting trade conditions . Yet trade structure is contingent upon production structure and the economy and production structure decide the reasonable extent of the trade structure .

    贸易结构是贸易条件的重要影响因素,而 贸易结构是 依附于生产结构的,经济或生产结构决定了贸易结构的合理程度。

  • Article 20 Applications must be made for the registration of trade marks of cigarettes cigars and packed cut tobacco which shall not be manufactured and marketed before the trade mark is registered upon approval .

    第二十条卷烟、雪茄烟和有包装的烟丝必须申请 商标注册,未 核准注册的,不得生产、销售。

  • What is the impact of trade openness upon socioeconomic development in a country or region ?

    贸易开放到底 一个国家或地区的经济社会发展起 什么样的作用?

  • Development of Sino-USSR trade relation and its effect upon the Asia-Pacific region

    中苏 经贸关系的发展及 本地区的影响

  • On the Effect of International Trade upon the Transfer of Inflation

    国际 贸易 通货膨胀转移的影响

  • When a firm quote is provided the trade will be executed upon its confirmation by another securities firm .

    买卖申报为确定报价者,经其他证券商确认成交 即行 成交

  • The Influence of China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone upon China 's Petrochemical Industry

    中国-东盟 自贸区 中国石化产业的影响

  • Impacts of Traffic and Trade upon Land Exploitation in Shandong Area in Ming Dynasty

    交通 贸易 明代山东土地开发

  • Foreign trade plays a very important part in the development of a country 's modernization . From the perspective of modernization this article makes a detailed research on the impact of China 's foreign trade during 1930-1936 upon China 's industrialization treaty port urbanization etc.

    对外贸易是一个国家现代化发展过程中的重要构成部分,本文从现代化的角度对 1930&1936年间的中国对外 贸易 中国的工业化、通商口岸城市化等的影响进行了详细研究。

  • However the influence of trade liberalization upon the developed countries differs from that upon the developing countries and thus the benefits they have obtained are of great difference .

    但是, 贸易自由化 发达国家和对发展中国家的影响并不相同,所获得的利益更是相差甚远。