traditional algorithm

[trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈælɡəˌrɪðəm][trəˈdɪʃənəl ˈælɡəriðəm]

[计] 传统算法

  • The algorithm can be used to adjust the filtering results of a traditional algorithm with targets course maneuvering series .

    针对该问题,提出了利用目标航向机动序列修正 传统 跟踪 算法滤波值的 算法。

  • Traditional algorithm for each data recovery will be time consuming and performance overhead costing .

    若对每次恢复都使用 传统 算法,会耗费大量时间与开销。

  • The algorithm based on time-space structure is better than traditional algorithm in its adaptive capability real-time capability accuracy and precision and so on .

    在模型的先进性、跟踪的实时性、准确度和精度方面较 传统 方法有明显的提高。

  • This algorithm is simpler than the traditional algorithm and less switch losses arise in the asynchronous motor system .

    该算法比 传统 算法简易,在驱动异步电机系统中产生较小的开关损耗。

  • The comparative experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs better than the traditional algorithm only based on clustering algorithm .

    实验比较证明此 算法比单纯的利用 传统聚类解决此问题的算法有更好的性能。

  • Traditional algorithm based on topic search lacks of efficiency and accuracy .

    该文针对 传统的基于主题搜索 算法执行效率不高、精确度低的缺点, 设计了一 基于机器 学习的链接分层 搜索 算法

  • The traditional algorithm of mining outliers cannot mine outliers in data stream effectively .

    传统的离群点挖掘 算法无法有效挖掘数据流中的离群点。

  • This paper is based on the construction of the game tree researching and analyzing the traditional algorithm of game the defect is given .

    基于博弈树的构建,对 传统的博弈 算法进行了分析研究,指出了其存在的不足。

  • Comparing with the traditional algorithm this algorithm can save the time of inserting segments and orientating points .

    相对于 传统 算法,该算法省去了嵌入等高线线段及定位点重新构网的时间。

  • Finally compared with the traditional algorithm the proposed algorithm has made some significant progress and the experimental result has proved its effectiveness .

    最后,通过实际数据和人工数据与 常用 聚类 算法进行了对比实验,结果表明该算法较大幅度地提高了直觉 模糊 聚类 算法的性能。

  • The traditional algorithm of principal-axised angle is sensitive to illumination and results in undesirable precision .

    图像 匹配中,经常需要计算目标的旋转角度,主轴角计算方法对光照变化很敏感,匹配精度较低。

  • This paper introduces the basic algorithm of Linear Programming Problems solved by simplex method the improvement of traditional algorithm especially the recognition rules for objective function and restraint equations . This paper introduces the basic functions of the software of visualized solution with a example .

    介绍了用单纯形法解算线性规划问题的基本解算方法,对 传统 算法的改进,特别介绍了对目标函数和约束方程的识别准则,并以实例说明了可视化解算软件的基本功能。

  • Using the traditional algorithm the vehicular short-wave single-channel direction finding devices can not cope with the single side hand signals satisfactorily .

    现有的车载短波单通道测向设备使用 传统测向 算法,对单边带信号的测向结果比较差。

  • A new and simple compression algorithm based on the vector quantization is put forward by analyzing of traditional algorithm .

    通过对 传统 方法 缺点分析,提出了一种新的简单的矢量量化压缩方法。

  • Compared with traditional algorithm this decoding image of abundant compression dictionary is of high quality .

    解码过程读取压缩字典,重建原图像.结果通过与 传统的分形图像压缩 算法比较,该 算法编码过程 生成丰富的压缩字典,所以解码图像质量高。

  • The data channel scheduling algorithm of traditional algorithm in optical burst switch is analyzed .

    对光突发交换 网络 传统的数据信道调度算法进行了分析。

  • Conception and influence factors of time quota estimation traditional algorithm and shortcoming of linearity neural network were discussed .

    论述了工时定额的概念及影响因素、 常用的工时定额制定 方法、线性神经网络 模型的不足。

  • This article does a brief analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of traditional RTCP algorithm and proposes an optimized control algorithms based on the traditional algorithm .

    首先就传统的RTCP控制算法的优缺点做了一个简要的分析,之后在 传统 算法的基础上提出了一种优化控制算法。

  • Through the simulation it approved that the immunity-based hybrid learning method has obvious advantage over the traditional algorithm .

    通过仿真实验,证明基于免疫的混合学习算法相对于 传统 算法有明显的优越性。

  • This paper analyzed the disadvantages of the traditional algorithm of hex-path odor searching algorithm which can guide a mobile robot with single gas sensor to search for underground odor source .

    分析机器人依靠传感器通过测量地表土壤中气味浓度搜索地下气味源的定步长六边形路径 算法的不足,对其进行 改进

  • Due to non-linearity of the optimization problem it is hard to solve with traditional algorithm .

    由于优化问题的非线性,不能用 传统 算法解决。

  • And the result of simulation which is compared to the traditional algorithm indicated that this algorithm is better to improve the accuracy and coverage of WSN .

    将仿真结果与 传统 算法进行比较,结果表明,改进算法可以大大提高无线传感器网络的定位精度和覆盖度。

  • In this paper based on the improving traditional algorithm of the harmonic analysis a windowed and interpolated algorithm is proposed .

    本文对 传统谐波分析 算法进行了改进,提出了多项窗的加窗插值法。

  • It is shown that the trouble with the complex operation in the traditional algorithm has been avoided .

    该算法避免了 传统 算法中因复数运算而带来的困难。

  • Traditional algorithm neglects some important qualitative considerations .

    但在 传统 算法中,有些重要的定性因素被忽略。

  • The paper carries on a great deal of simulation in MATLAB and compares the performance of this algorithm with the traditional algorithm .

    论文进行了大量的MATLAB仿真实验,并与 传统 算法进行了性能和仿真结果比较。

  • The new calculation method introduces the conception of stiffness matrix of foundation elastic reaction and has better theoretical accuracy compared with the traditional algorithm .

    本方法引入了地基弹性反力刚度矩阵的概念,与 传统的计算 方法相比理论上具有更高的精度。

  • Although traditional algorithm which combines cyclic prefix ( CP ) with pilot carrier is very effective to frequency offset estimation its computational complexity is high .

    传统的基于导频和循环前缀的 算法虽对频偏估计很有效,但计算复杂度较高。

  • A new algorithm is brought forward based on the distance of point to line and compared with traditional algorithm such as Bresenham algorithm or midpoint algorithm .

    利用点到直线的距离公式,提出了一种新的直线生成算法,和 传统 算法相比,该算法具有同样的效率。

  • The method can improve operation speed and reduce operation time effectively over traditional algorithm and can be used in elliptic curve digital signature algorithm ( ECDSA ) .

    阐述椭圆曲线密码体制和椭圆曲线数字签名 算法的原理,给出椭圆曲线数字签名软件系统的 设计,并用C语言进行实现。