trade balance

[treid ˈbæləns][treid ˈbæləns]


  • The Influence of BOP Items ' Adjustment on China 's Trade Balance

    国际收支贸易调项对中国 贸易 平衡的影响程度

  • These policies have hindered US exports to China and therefore have become a major obstacle for bilateral trade balance .

    这是制约美国对中国出口,影响双边 贸易 平衡的主要障碍。

  • The cause is China 's changing development model which has affected not just the energy and environmental footprint but also China 's financial system the trade balance and the geopolitics of resource-rich nations everywhere they wrote .

    他们在论文中写道:原因在于中国正在变化的发展模式,它不仅影响了能源和环境足迹,还影响了中国的金融体系、 贸易 平衡以及全球资源富国的地缘政治。

  • It did not stabilise the US trade balance ; instead it led to sizeable trade deficits .

    该协定未能稳定美国的 贸易 平衡,正相反,它导致了大规模的贸易逆差。

  • Importance of the trade component of U.S.GNP is growing thus the Merchandise Trade Balance is of increasing importance .

    由于在美国,国内生产总值(GNP)构成中贸易项目的重要性越来越突出,因此商品 贸易 收支指标的重要性也随之增加。

  • In addition a series of measures are being implemented to promote China 's foreign trade and trade balance .

    另外,从我们国家进一步发展对外贸易,促进对外 贸易 平衡的角度讲,各项措施也正在得到落实。

  • One cannot see a similar broad link between currency movements and trade balance changes .

    人们无法看到汇率走势与 贸易 差额变动之间有着类似的广泛相关性。

  • This would have big implications for the trade balance a contentious issue with the west .

    这将对中国的 贸易 平衡产生重大影响。 贸易 平衡 中国与西方之间争议很大的一个问题。

  • At least this is an improvement in the trade balance .

    这条 回复巨搞笑:至少我们和中国的 贸易平衡 一下下了。

  • The key issues for the US side remain the trade balance and the value of the RMB .

    对于美国方面而言, 贸易 平衡和人民币币值仍是关键问题。

  • Look at their trade balance their debt and budget .

    看看他们的 贸易 收支情况吧,他们的债务,还有预算。

  • It is no necessary that we make RMB depreciate in order to improve trade balance only .

    贸易 收支应力求中长期的 平衡,目前没有必要单纯为改善 贸易 收支 状况而使人民币贬值。

  • Last year we managed to attain a favorable trade balance in our foreign trade .

    去年,我们成功地实现了外贸 贸易 顺差

  • In the short-run a fall in domestic demand could quickly improve the trade balance .

    短期而言,内需下滑可能会迅速改善 贸易 平衡

  • The industry supports up to 200 jobs and it is a significant contributor to the trade balance through exports of equipment and energy and lower petrol and gas imports .

    核能行业为法国提供了多达20万个就业岗位。通过出口核设备和能源,以及降低汽油和天然气的进口,核能行业为法国的 贸易 平衡做出了重要贡献。

  • Relationship between US-China trade balance and US-Japanese direct investment in China

    美国和日本在华直接投资与中美 贸易 差额的关系

  • We should also increase necessary imports improve the trade balance and integrate importing with the adjustment and upgrading of domestic industries and technology imports .

    增加必要的进口,改善 贸易 平衡,把进口与国内产业调整和升级、技术引进结合起来。

  • The relationship will be in focus today when monthly trade balance data are released .

    在今天月度 贸易 收支数据公布之际,这一关系将成为人们关注的焦点。

  • We have been adopting measures like expanding market access strengthening IPR protection and increasing import to promote trade balance .

    我们一直在采取扩大市场准入、加强知识产权保护和增加进口等措施促进 贸易 平衡

  • US Export Control Against China & a Major Obstacle for Bilateral Trade Balance

    美国对中国出口管制是双边 贸易 平衡的主要障碍

  • Japan 's nuclear power plants shut down pushing up imports of other fuel and tipping the trade balance into deficit .

    日本关闭了核电厂并加大了对其他燃料的进口,日本 贸易也由此转为 逆差

  • This is likely to improve our trade balance bringing it back to its initial position .

    这多半会改善我们的 贸易 差额,使它回复到最初的状况。

  • Examining the effect of a real depreciation of the Hong Kong dollar on Hong Kongs trade balance .

    探讨港元实质贬值对香港 外贸 的影响。

  • Among its doctrines was that the trade balance must be favourable meaning an excess of exports over imports .

    重商主义的信条中,包括 贸易 收支必须为顺差,即出口高于进口。

  • The continuing growth of China 's export has led to the rapid expansion of favorable trade balance and the trade conflicts between China and its trading partners .

    出口的持续增长导致了我国 贸易 顺差急剧扩大,也造成我国与欧美等国的贸易摩擦不断升温。

  • This is a realistic way of resolving the trade balance issue between China and the United States .

    这是解决中美 贸易 平衡问题的现实出路。

  • These figures reflected the aforementioned process of place-of-origin transfer and showed that the trade balance between the United States and the countries and regions in Asia as a whole has not substantially changed over the years .

    这些数据反映了上述转移过程,也说明美国对这些亚洲国家和地区的 贸易 平衡关系,在总体上并没有实质性的变化。

  • We had a very favourable international trade balance last year .

    我国去年有很大的国际 贸易 顺差

  • Now America can terminate its reliance on debt-financed consumer demand and sustain recovery only by a big improvement in its trade balance and supportive investment .

    美国现在要想摆脱对由债务支撑的消费需求的依赖、并实现经济的持续复苏,只能通过明显改善 贸易 收支 状况和支持性的投资。