xylenol resin


  • A fiber-optic reflected sensor has been developed by immobilizing xylenol orange on717 anion ion exchange resin .

    研究了一种将 甲酚橙固定在上海717阴离子交换 树脂上作为试剂相的光导纤维反射型传感器。

  • Study on absorption performance of lead and cadmium on xylenol orange impregnated resin

    甲酚橙浸渍 树脂对铅和镉的吸附性能研究

  • The Characteristic of Xylenol Orange Forming Resin

    甲酚螯合形成 树脂特性的研究

  • The chelates of xylenol orange containing hydrophile groups are not sorbed by the resin .

    而含有亲水基团的 甲酚橙螯合物不被 树脂吸附。

  • A new chelate-forming resin bearing xylenol orange group was prepared by stirring a solution of xylenol orange ( XO ) with a common anion exchange resin .

    本文介绍了一种用 甲酚 (XO)溶液与强碱性阴离子 树脂以简便的搅拌方式,制得具有XO基团的新螯合形成树脂的方法。