trace file

[tres faɪl][treis fail]

[计] 跟踪文件

  • Each invocation of the user exit will generate a new trace file so please don 't leave trace on in production .

    这个用户出口的每次调用都会生成一个新的 跟踪 文件,因此在生产中不要开启跟踪功能。

  • As you can imagine the trace file can get very large fairly quickly .

    正如您可以想象到的,这个 跟踪 文件可能会迅速地变得很大。

  • Permission is also required to create a trace file on the corresponding computer .

    在相应计算机上创建 跟踪 文件也需要该权限。

  • The trace formatter is a Java program that runs on any platform and can format a trace file from any platform .

    跟踪格式化器(traceformatter)是一个可以在任何平台上运行的Java程序,可以对来自任何平台的 跟踪 文件进行格式化。

  • Each time an entry address is encountered in the trace file it 's pushed onto the stack .

    每次在 跟踪 文件中碰到一个入口地址时,就将其压入堆栈。

  • The ability to dump all the events from a trace file to a CSV file .

    支持将所有事件转储到 CSV 文件中。

  • You can use the tree view to navigate through the DB2 trace file .

    您可以使用树形视图导航DB2 跟踪 文件

  • TraceFile & the prefix you want to use for each trace file name .

    traceFile&希望为各 跟踪 文件名使用的前缀。

  • These are the same trace file elements described in the above list .

    它们与以上列表中描述的 跟踪 文件元素相同。

  • The trace file resides in the same directory as the application that was invoked .

    跟踪 文件与调用的应用程序处于相同的目录中。

  • The first trace file will trace all XA call activities and will be named exactly as you specified .

    第一个 跟踪 文件将跟踪所有的xa调用活动,其名称就是您指定的名称。

  • It can also process a trace file that has been recorded by the trace facility .

    它还可以处理跟踪设施已经记录的 跟踪 文件

  • Before you can tune any database you must create a Transact-SQL script file trace file or trace table that contains a representative workload for the databases you want to tune .

    优化任何数据库之前,必须先创建transact-sql脚本文件、 跟踪 文件或跟踪表,使其包含要优化的数据库的代表性工作负荷。

  • For this scenario you are most concerned with the trace file elements that are used in your EMF model for detecting database resource leaks .

    在此场景中,您最关心的是EMF模型中用于检测数据库资源泄漏的 跟踪 文件元素。

  • If another entry address follows it means that the address on the stack called the address last read from the trace file .

    如果后面紧接着是另外一个入口地址,这说明堆栈中的地址调用了这个刚从 跟踪 文件处读出的地址。

  • When an event occurs that belongs to an event class specified in a trace SQL trace records the event name and the associated data in a trace file .

    跟踪中指定事件类的某个事件发生时,sql跟踪将把事件名称和关联数据记录到 跟踪 文件中。

  • Use the following procedure to set the maximum file size for a trace file .

    使用以下步骤可设置 跟踪 文件的最大文件大小。

  • Before you can create the EMF model you need at least one DB2 trace file .

    在创建EMF模型之前,您至少需要一个DB2 跟踪 文件

  • As the call chain is parsed from the trace file a connectivity matrix is built that identifies which functions call which other functions .

    在分析 跟踪 文件中的调用链时,会构建一个连通矩阵,用来表示哪个函数调用了其他哪些函数。

  • File path & Specifies the location of the trace file when the destination field is specified as File .

    FilePath&在目标字段被指定为文件时,指定 跟踪 文件的位置。

  • The trace file created can be viewed using Ethereal or any tool .

    然后,可以使用Ethereal或其他工具查看创建的 跟踪 文件

  • Note that if the trace file or table has been saved the contents of the file or table remains unchanged .

    请注意,如果已保存 跟踪 文件或表,则该文件或表的内容将保持不变。

  • Instead a trace file is created and then shipped to the developer for analysis .

    它只是创建了 跟踪 文件,然后传递给开发者以供分析。

  • For example we 've seen clients that print user passwords to a trace file .

    例如,我们见过客户端将用户密码打印到 跟踪 文件中。

  • When tracing is enabled a Database Interface Designer trace file is automatically created when a type tree is generated .

    在生成类型树时,如果启用了跟踪功能,DatabaseInterfaceDesigner将自动创建一个 跟踪 文件

  • A trace file name must be provided .

    必须提供 日志 文件名。

  • Is an arbitrary name used for the directory and trace file where the traces will be stored .

    可以是任意的名称,用来做为 跟踪存储的目录和 文件名。

  • A trace file is a file where the trace results are written .

    跟踪 文件是写入跟踪结果的文件。