track distortion

[træk dɪˈstɔrʃən][træk dɪˈstɔ:ʃən]


  • When the track sequential images are actually taken by non-metric digital camera from close distance there would be large nonlinear distortion in digital image .

    实际拍摄时,采用非量测数码相机近距离拍摄 轨道序列影像时,会存在不同程度的非线性 畸变,其 误差将影响轨道量测的精度。

  • To make the hybrid active power filter dynamically track and synthetically compensate the power quality of the power supply system well the detection mode which can detect the distortion currents of the power supply system real-time and accurately is very vital .

    准确、实时地检测出电力系统中瞬态变化的 畸变电流,是混合有源电力滤波器动态、 跟踪补偿电力系统电能质量的关键。

  • With the development of railway and urban transportation ballasted track incarnate some shortcomings such as too much maintenance work high probability of distortion and so on .

    随着铁路运输和城市 轨道交通的不断发展,有碴 轨道体现出了维修工作量大、轨道 变形快等缺点。