tracer diffusion

[ˈtresɚ dɪˈfjuʒən][ˈtreisə dɪˈfju:ʒən]


  • Isotope tracer technique showed that glucosamine sulfate above can pass through the skin in vitro of test animal in a diffusion cell and osmose into subcutaneous tissue .

    同位素 示踪研究结果显示, 实验中制备的放射性同位素 标记的氨基葡萄糖硫酸钠可穿过 扩散池内的离体实验动物皮肤,进入皮下组织。

  • A series of tracer experiments in city street canyons under light wind was conducted to investigate the atmospheric diffusion of vehicle-generated pollutants .

    为研究机动车辆排出的污染物在大气中的 扩散规律,在北京做了小风条件下的街谷 示踪试验。

  • Sulfur hexafluoride tracer and its application to atmospheric diffusion

    六氟化硫(SF6) 示踪剂及其在大气 扩散中的应用

  • Tracer test for the Hydraulic Conditions Impact on the Contaminative Diffusion around Spur-dikes

    水力条件对丁坝附近污染 扩散影响的 示踪试验

  • Using the tracer to simulate the pollution in water . Taking Photos to get the concentration diffusion image in the specific times and then using digital image processing techniques to obtain two-dimensional isoconcentration contour map of pollutant concentration .

    实验 示踪剂罗丹明B模拟污染物在水体中的 扩散,拍照得到不同时间下物质的浓度场图像,将图像输入计算机进行处理,最终获得对应时间条件下浓度场的二维等浓度线图。

  • Tracer Experiments on the Diffusion of Soluble Hazardous Chemicals Around Spur-dike with Different Angles

    不同角度丁坝附近可溶性危险化学品 扩散 示踪试验

  • Ionic diffusion in hydrothermal fluid :ⅰ . theoretical calculation of tracer diffusion coefficients

    热液流体中的离子扩散作用:Ⅰ. 示踪 扩散系数的理论计算