track group

[træk ɡrup][træk ɡru:p]


  • The node can get corresponding historical track records from familiar member group correct these records on account of the difference between the nodes ' evaluative capability then calculate the trust degree of trade object and make decision about trade by the result at last .

    节点之间建立信任关系是通过在成员 中收集相关历史 记录,并且根据评价能力的差异修正这些记录,然后计算出交易对象的信任度,并由此信任度进行交易决策。

  • But you can keep your life balanced and on track by joining a small group for accountability by regularly evaluating your spiritual health by recording your progress in a personal journal and by passing on what you learn to others .

    不过你可以保持生命的平衡,就是 着加入 小组来互相督促,定期对自己的属灵健康作体检,藉着生活日志记录自己的灵命进程,以及将自己所学传送给别人。

  • Name as the magazine will host Group buy activities from time to time individual members can keep track of your company 's Group buy information and product promotions .

    名视杂志会不定期举办团购活动,个人会员可随时 掌握贵公司的 团购信息及产品促销信息。

  • The healing of the wound track and fracture were excellent in HE group and no osteomyelitis was observed by X-ray and pathological examination in HE group .

    低温 伤口及骨折均愈合良好,X线片和病理观察均无骨髓炎表现;

  • When the LVM receives a request for an I / O it breaks the I / O down into what is called logical track group ( LTG ) sizes before it passes the request down to the device driver of the underlying disks .

    当LVM接收到一项I/O请求,在将请求传递到磁盘的设备驱动程序之前,它将I/O分解为逻辑 磁道 (LTG)的大小。

  • The method of complex numbers is used to obtain the track integrated equation group for the ratio of any gear tooth numbers of the geared five bar mechanism with the practical example of ratio of gear tooth number of being ± 1 given .

    用复数法得出了齿轮五杆机构任意齿数比的 轨迹综合方程 ,给出了齿数比为±1的数值实例。

  • The more detailed example deals with the situation in which a Lotus Symphony spreadsheet is used to track a group of projects .

    这个更详细的示例处理这样一种情况:LotusSymphony电子表格用来 跟踪项目。

  • According to the develop target of Guangzhou City it needs to build a traffic track of 255 miles by the year 2010 . Guangzhou Metro Group Company is in charge of this project 's construction and operation .

    根据广州市的发展目标,到2010年,广州要建设255公里的 轨道交通。建设和运营全部由广州地铁总 公司负责。

  • When Jeep set out to create its quickest-ever model it was with the race track rather than mud track in mind said Peter Lambert Managing Director of Chrysler Group UK .

    “当解放油罐车的quickest-ever出发去创建的模型,它与赛道泥 跑道而不是头脑,”彼得说兰伯特,董事克莱斯勒 集团英国。

  • It is the first time that the cutting force as an additional force which put into the calculation of interior resistance force of track group and the resistance force when climbing the slope ;

    首次将工作装置切削力作为附加力计算到 履带 行走内阻力、 爬坡阻力上。

  • In a cluster environment the design and realization of the parallel algorithm of particle filter to track ; group scheduling algorithm to minimize the time consumed by each step of communication overhead .

    在集群环境中,设计并实现了粒子滤波 跟踪的并行算法;采用 通信调度算法,最小化了每步通信所消耗的时间开销。

  • Analysis and Thought of Current Situation of Track and Field Sports of Group A in Colleges

    对高校 甲组 田径运动现状的分析与思考

  • Jonny Evans is confident Northern Ireland are on track to qualify for the World Cup finals after today's3-2 Group Three win at home to Poland .

    在主场3-2击败波兰之后,乔尼。埃文斯对北爱尔兰从第3 小组 杀进南非世界杯充满信心。

  • Research on social culture changes often reviewed developing track of diachronic evolution in a community or group society .

    摘要社会文化变迁研究往往揭示出一个社区或 群体社会历时性演变的发展 轨迹

  • To track the Gearman project subscribe to its Google group or visit its IRC channel # gearman on Freenode .

    为了 跟踪这个Gearman项目,可以订阅它的Google ,或访问Freenode上它的IRC频道gearman。

  • The top-4 colleges and universities have their own characteristic of strong track events group with higher competitive benefits .

    综合排名 前四名的学校,都拥有本校特色的具有较高竞争效益的优势项目

  • To move and keep track of controls and windows within the context of a group you manipulate their z-order .

    若要在 的上下文内移动和 跟踪控件和窗口,可操作其z顺序。

  • How do I find out what the maximum supported logical track group ( LTG ) size of my hard disk ?

    如何查明硬盘所支持的最大逻辑 磁道 (LTG)大小?

  • Track a group of work items that you or your team needs to complete .

    跟踪您或团队要完成的一 工作项目。

  • This thesis is a research on characteristics of technique-teaching of track and field by multimedia optimization group at teachers ? college with the aim of promoting teaching reform .

    本文通过研究高师体育院系 田径技术课多媒体优化 组合教学的特点,以促进教学改革深入开展。

  • Results : In the LSCS group walking track distance was significantly shorter than that in the control group 8 or 9 months postoperatively .

    结果:LSCS ,术后8个月步行距离明显减少,步容出现变化, Seep的振幅明显减小及知觉出现过敏。

  • The injection needle track was seen without hematoma and edema in sham group rats .

    假手术 大鼠注射侧脑组织仅见注射针 ,未见血肿及水肿。

  • The track ownership had ties to an organized crime group .

    马场主和犯罪 团伙有关联。

  • The preoperative and postoperative level angle of screw track of the pedicle in CT films in the specimen group the control group and the test group were compared with e angle of the pedicle in the anatomy and analyse them in statistics .

    分别在标本 、对照组和实验组的CT片上测量术前及术后椎弓根螺钉钉 的水平偏角,与解剖学的椎弓根e角数据比较,并进行统计学处理。

  • Squatter houses along the track used the railroad as an access to their houses . Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers

    居住在 铁轨沿路的违章建户,常利用铁轨作为回家的交通工具。客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家 会议

  • No deep infection occurred in the UTN group but there were 4 cases of significant pin track infections in the external fixator group .

    UTN组无深部感染,外固定 4例有明显钉 感染。

  • There was not significant difference in ego-identity state between students in Gong-du school and in normal junior school which follows the development track of teen-agers group .

    工读学校学生表现出的自我同一性状态并未和普通学校学生有很大差异,遵循整个青少年 群体的发展 轨迹