tracing method

[ˈtresɪŋ ˈmɛθəd][ˈtreɪsɪŋ ˈmeθəd]

[计] 跟踪法

  • Study on high-precision rapid ray tracing method by multi-retracing

    多次回溯高精度快速射线 追踪 方法研究

  • A real ray tracing method was used to simplify the optical design of a Gaussian beam shaping system .

    研究了真实光线 优化光学系统的 方法以简化高斯光束整形系统的光学设计。

  • Objective : To evaluate the reliability of the digital marker tracing method combined with center-of-mass algorithm in measuring human pelvic displacement .

    目的:评价数字标记点质心 跟踪 在骨盆位移测量中的可靠性。

  • Ray Tracing Method for Optical System of Interferometry Measurement Used for Form Deviation of Precise Complex Surface of Machine Parts

    适用于精密复杂零件表面形状的干涉测量光学系统的光线 方法

  • In order to resolve the problem of traceability for microwave delay line an effective tracing method is raised .

    针对微波延迟线量值溯源的问题,提出了有效的量值 溯源 方法

  • Propagation of light rays through an axicon and the equivalent waveguide system of double-axicons resonator was analyzed by using ray tracing method .

    利用光线 对光线通过锥透镜和双锥透镜谐振腔的等效波导系统进行了分析。

  • We demonstrate a simplified ray tracing method is better than the traditional ray tracing methods and the statistical models .

    论证了简化的光线 优于传统的光线追迹法和统计模型法。

  • Calculation of Light Power Coupled from a Cylindrical Scintillator into Optical Fiber Using Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Method

    MonteCarlo有限元射线 计算圆柱形闪烁体与光纤的耦合功率

  • The calculated result of the dispersion and resolution consists with that calculated with the geometric ray tracing method .

    在对色散和分辨力的分析上,获得了与光线 很好的一致性;

  • Considering the practical requirement in scientific research and adopting the tracing method for REE distribution patterns the authors earned out a systematic research on the distribution patterns of REE in soils of alluvial plain .

    摘要根据科研生产工作的实际需要,借鉴稀土元素分布模式 示踪 方法,对冲积平原景观区土壤中稀土元素的分布模式进行了系统研究。

  • Study on Tracing Method of Delay Margin Curve of Power System Based on Optimization

    基于优化过程的电力系统时滞稳定裕度曲线 追踪 方法研究

  • As an effective tracing method stable nitrogen isotope is significant for studying the nitrogen cycling especially for identifying source of nitrogen pollution .

    稳定氮同位素作为一种有效的 示踪 手段,在研究氮循环特别是污染氮源的识别方面有重要意义。

  • Tent law and ray tracing method were used to simulate the multipath propagation characteristic of microwave in rectangular tunnel .

    运用 射线 和帐篷定律模型对空直矩形隧道微波载波的多径传播特性进行了仿真研究。

  • Ray tracing method has demonstrated that the coordinate transformation method is correct .

    为了证明坐标变换法在像 计算中的正确性,本文采用了光线追 对其进行了验证。

  • Then using the block tracing method a sealed model consisting of blocks surrounded by modified interfaces is generated .

    利用块体 搜索 方法形成若干由编辑后的界面围成的块体,组成无缝模型。

  • The paper explains the formation of radio holes in atmospheric duct based on ray tracing method provides approximate expressions to determine the initial position of radio holes .

    该文用射线 跟踪 解释了大气波导中无线电盲区的形成原因,导出了计算无线电盲区起始位置的近似公式。

  • The radome is considered as multilayer medium flat the3-D ray tracing method is used to build antenna-radome mathematical model for the radome electric performance computation .

    结果表明这种 方法可以用于 电大尺寸波导裂缝阵天线一天线罩系统的电性能计算。

  • Realized the curving ray tracing method based on the Snell law .

    实现了基于Snell定律的弯曲射线 追踪

  • Using the tracing method cyclone velocities with different oscillation frequencies have been measured and the Reynolds number of the liquid calculated in order to analyze the turbulent intensity .

    采用 示踪 测出振荡器不同振荡频率对应的流体的回旋流动线速度,进而计算流体的雷诺准数以考察流体运动状态。

  • Study on Soil Detachment Rate and Relationship with Flow Sediment Load with REE Tracing Method

    坡面土壤剥蚀率及其与水流 含沙量的关系 研究

  • A Practical Curve Tracing Method of Delay Stability Margin of Power System

    一种电力系统实用时滞稳定裕度曲线 追踪 方法

  • The spatial variance of hill slope erosion in Loess Hilly Area by ~ ( 137 ) Cs tracing method

    ~(137)Cs 示踪 研究黄土丘陵区坡面侵蚀空间变化特征

  • Two types of distributions decentralized and centralized receiver were simulated using the simplified ray tracing method .

    并用简化的光线 对分散式和集中式接收进行了仿真。

  • This paper introduces the weighted interpolation algorithm of inverse distance and the contour tracing method in triangle unit .

    介绍了反距离加权插值算法和三角网格的等值线 追踪 方法,并用 面向对象的C++编程 语言 封装为TContour类。

  • A direct tracing method of the laser ray-path is provided .

    提供了一种激光光路的直接 追踪 方法

  • The test results validate the two-phase ray tracing method and the inversion method based on the generalized inverse matrix .

    试验成果验证了两阶段的射线 追踪 方法和基于广义逆的反演方法的正确性。

  • Study on heterogeneous characteristics of soil water flow in field by dye tracing method

    田间尺度下土壤水流非均匀运动特征的染色 示踪研究

  • The Graphic Tracing Method Solves Procedure Dimensions in the CAPP System

    用图表 追踪 求解CAPP系统中的工序尺寸

  • Method The flourescent retrograde tracing method and quantitative anatomical techniques were used .

    方法研究采用荧光逆行 示踪 标记 和定量解剖学技术。