
n.气管,导管,螺旋纹管( trachea的名词复数 )

  • Conclusion The immuno-histochemical method of detecting the expression of IgE in lungs tracheas and spleens can be supposed to be the pathomorphological targets for forensic expertise in anaphylactic shock .

    实验组其它器官及对照组9个器官均无表达。结论应用免疫组化方法检测IgE在肺、 气管、脾组织中的表达,可作为法医学鉴定过敏性休克死亡的病理形态学诊断指标;

  • The level of IL-2 in tracheas : Radioimmunoassay was applied to detect the level of IL-2 in tracheas .

    气管 黏膜IL-2水平:应用放射性免疫方法检测气管黏膜IL-2水平。

  • Purpose : To determine the optimal position of CT scan for diagnosing the foreign body in tracheas and bronchi .

    目的:确定诊断 气管、支气管异物时CT扫描的最佳位置。

  • I found broken ribs punctured lungs hematomas broken legs severed tracheas and the ligamenta nuchae were torn loose .

    我发现断裂的肋骨,被刺穿的肺、血肿、断腿、被割断的 气管和颈部韧带断裂。

  • IEL of bronchia and tracheas distributed in bronchia mucosal epithelium and in tracheas mucosal epithelium especially in bifurcation of tracheas .

    气管和支气管黏膜上皮 之间 IEL分布,尤其以气管叉处为多。

  • Short-term effectiveness of gamma knife radiosurgery for mediastinal lymph-node metastases suppressed tracheas

    伽玛刀治疗纵隔淋巴结转移癌压迫 气管近期疗效 观察

  • Lung has a complicated structure which contains a large number of vessels and tracheas . The disease in lung also is numerous which impacts on human health seriously .

    肺部结构复杂,内部包含大量血管和 气管于肺部的疾病也众多,严重影响了人类的健康。

  • In July another two-faced kitten this one named Gemini also died within days of his birth likely because he had issues eating with two tracheas and one throat .

    同年7月,另一只叫做双子座的双面猫出生,但出生不久也死了,可能是由于同时用两个 气管和一个喉咙进食造成死亡。

  • To investigate the local cellular immunity in the respiratory tract the numbers of intraepithelial lymphocyte ( IEL ) and the level of IL-2 in tracheas were detected ;

    通过检测 气管上皮内淋巴细胞( IEL)数量和 气管白介素-2(IL-2)水平来探讨 鼻腔 免疫气管局部细胞免疫的影响;

  • The results showed that the numbers of IEL in tracheas was increased significantly ( P < 0.01 ) with PRRS attenuated strain immunization by nasal route contrast to muscle injection and control group ;

    气管 IEL数目的 变化:PRRS弱毒株鼻腔免疫组IEL数量比对照组和肌肉免疫组呈极显著增加(P<0.01),PRRS 毒株肌肉注射 免疫组IEL数量与对照组无显著变化。

  • Results w_1074 ( 1 ) The expression of IgE : There was positive expression in the lungs and tracheas in the test group and was the highest at 0 hour in four times and there were statistical significance P < 0.01 ;

    【结果】IgE的表达:实验组肺及 气管组织呈阳性表达,并以0、6h表达最强,各时间点的表达强度有统计学意义,P<0.01;

  • Conclusion Acquired respiratory infection after opening tracheas in cranial surgical ICU is a main problem encountered in treatment .

    结论 气管切开术后呼吸道获得性感染是抢救危重患者一个严重的问题。

  • The authors consider selecting optimal position of CT scan as critical factors for diagnosing the foreign body in tracheas and bronchi .

    作者认为,选择CT扫描的最佳位置,是诊断 气管、支气管异物的关键性因素。

  • Results : Tracheas left and right main bronchi upper and lower lobar bronchi and partial segmental bronchi were like as arborescence displayed on the same plane .

    结果: 气管、左右主支气管、上下叶支气管,以及部分段支气管呈树枝状被显示在同一层面上。

  • The pathologic changes of cilia to the interior tracheas were scanned through electric-lens ;

    扫描电镜观察支气管内表面 纤毛的病理形态学变化;

  • NDV could be detected by RT-PCR in the tracheas of the artificially infected chicken next day then in the cloaca spleen and kidney .

    利用RT-PCR对NDV人工感染鸡最 可于 后第2天从病鸡 气管中检测到NDV,其次为泄殖腔和脾、肾。

  • A New Species of the Genus Mammomonogamus from Hainan Province China ; A nematode worm ( Syngamus trachea ) that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes .

    呵欠虫一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫 比翼属)

  • Tracheas of rabbits in control group were closed immediately after incision without any special treatment .

    对照组切 开兔 气管后不进行任何处理,直接闭合 气管

  • Estimation of doses to the total lung and the basal cell layer in the tracheas of rabbits by inhalation of short-lived ~ ( 222 ) rn-daughters

    吸入短寿命氡子体的家兔全肺及 气管基底细胞层的剂量估算