tracing test

[计] 跟踪试验

  • The algorithm of critical path tracing test generation ( CPTTG ) presented in this dissertation obtains higher fault coverage smaller test set and shorter CPU time for ISCAS ' 85 10 benchmark combinational circuits .

    以上述工作为基础提出的临界路径 跟踪 测试产生算法CPTTG,对国际通用的电路范例获得了较高的故障覆盖率、较小的测试集及较短的测试产生时间。

  • This paper mainly illustrates the full tracing test for steam seal ring made by rolling while being manufactured by X-ray .

    钢板卷制汽封圈在切割成弧段时发生不同程度的收缩变形。采用X射线法对汽封圈的制造过程进行了 跟踪 测试

  • This thesis took use of Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students PASS as an evaluation tool in before and after test and tracing test and did the significance test as a quantitative analysis of this study .

    用中学生学习拖延问卷进行前测、后测与 追踪 ,并做显著性检验,作为本研究的定量分析。

  • Tracing Test and Its Analysis of the Undergraduates ' Eyesight

    大学生的视力 追踪 检测与分析

  • Petri net in the form of document workflow constructed the data model a set of lineages tracing test show that this method has solved the problem of document workflow lineages tracing effectively expand the application of materialized views update .

    以Petri网的形式构造出文档数据流变化的数据模型,通过一组血统 追踪 测试表明,该方法可以较好的实现文档工作流形式的数据血统追踪问题,扩展物化视图更新的应用范围。

  • Some date have been obtained about long-term and short-term shifting rate of clock frequency based on investigating and tracing test on S-1240 SPC exchanges . And gives reference evidences of maintenance period of clock frequency of SPC exchanges .

    在调研以及 跟踪S-1240程控交换机时钟频率的 测试基础上得出有关时钟频率短期和长期频率偏移的数据,提出了我国电信网中程控交换局时钟频率的维护周期的参考依据。

  • This method not only overcome the inconvenience of conditions of tracing medicine playing and test but also can be used to study the diffusion and movement laws of the pollutants at different hydrodynamic conditions .

    模拟试验不仅克服了野外条件下 示踪剂投放和 测试条件的不便,还能够更好地研究不同水动力条件下污染物的扩散运移规律。

  • Through tracing test of college students ' heart and lung function this paper analyses their functioning conditions at present and puts forward some suggestions and measures for improvement .

    本文通过对大学生心肺机能 追踪 试验,分析了目前大学生的机能状况,并提出了建议及改进措施。

  • In the light of the characteristics of silt motion methods such as observation through trial tunnel model experiment and sand tracing test etc. were studied and back silting in the channel after excavation was forecasted .

    针对粉沙运动的特性,采用试挖槽观测、模型试验、 示踪试验等方法进行了研究,并对航道开挖后的泥沙回淤进行了预测。

  • And Bode plots of the two degrees of the freedom of the parallel robot were presented based on the sine signal tracing test result .

    对该系统的并联机器人进行了正弦信号 跟踪 测试,依据 测试结果绘制了两个运动自由度的伯德图。

  • Tracing test in alpine-gorge area ── a case study of Jinping district west sichuan china

    高山峡谷区岩溶水 示踪 试验&以川西锦屏地区为例

  • The effect of unbalance weight of the crankshaft-flywheel on the engine 's operation was studied from the view of shaking and wearing by means of tracing test .

    通过 跟踪 试验,从振动和磨损的角度,研究了曲轴飞轮组的平衡对发动机工作的影响。

  • According to the result of tracing rut test coarse aggregate content dust and puddle ratio asphalt types and mixture density of AC-16C asphalt mixture and its anti-tracing performance were studied in a systematic way .

    车辙 试验结果为判据,对AC-16C粗型沥青混合料的粗集料含量、粉胶比、沥青类型、混合料密度等因素,对沥青混合料抗车辙性能的影响进行了系统研究。

  • In this paper the principle of pulse-type K_2Cr_2O_7 tracing method the test device and experimental steps are described and the test Processes are illustrated with a practical example .

    本文着重介绍脉冲式K2Cr2O7 示踪原理、 实验装置与步骤,并举实例叙述测试方法的过程。

  • Experimental study of the isotope tracing method to test the MULTIPLE-AQUIFER mixed well

    同位素 示踪测定多含水层混合井试验研究

  • According to the statistics analysis for production datum tracing test and lab test the main factors in the edge defects of coiled sheet have been found .

    针对涟钢CSP板卷存在的板卷边部缺陷主要质量问题,统计分析了大量的生产数据,进行了现场 跟踪 试验以及实验验证;查找出了CSP板卷边部缺陷的主要影响因素;

  • Through the tracing test paper investigation documentation invitation etc.

    采用 跟踪 测试、问卷调查、文献资料、访谈等研究方法,对部分省队 羽毛球 运动员 身体 素质进行研究。

  • Failure Analysis to Failure Torsion Bars Phase Identification and Speed Tracing of Three Axis Test Table

    扭力轴台架 实验断裂失效分析三轴台速率状态的鉴相及其速率 牵引

  • Study on the mechanism of removal of radioiodine with silica gel impregnated with silver nitrate by the methods of infra-red spectrum scanning electron microscope X-ray diffraction and radioactive tracing test is reported .

    本文用红外吸收光谱测定、扫描电镜观察、X射线衍射分析、放射性 示踪 试验等方法,研究了附银硅胶除碘的机理。

  • This paper gives a brief introduction to the karst development in Dushan area and discusses the types distribution and tracing test of karst groundwater .

    本文概述了独山南部地区岩溶发育的基本条件,论述了岩溶地下水的类型、平面展布和埋藏特点以及 示踪 试验

  • It was shown that FR-SAMI had good waterproof property through exposure tracing seepage test and impermeability test after hot rolling .

    通过暴露轮碾渗水 试验和热碾压后抗渗性试验,来说明 FR-SAMI夹层具有良好的防水性能。

  • A tracing test of karst seepage in the area of Longkou reservoir on the Yellow River

    黄河龙口库区岩溶渗漏 示踪 试验研究

  • The function optimization problem for analyzing the data of river water mass tracing test to determine the longitudinal dispersion parameters of river is to be solved by simulated annealing algorithm .

    将模拟退火算法应用求解分析河流水团 示踪 试验数据,确定河流纵向离散系数的函数优化问题。

  • Three kinds of chemical tracers have been used to study the recharge boundary of spring No. 31 system at Guilin karst hydrogeological experimental site in China . The tracing test was conducted in rainy season ;

    应用三种化学 示踪剂,对桂林岩溶水文地质试验场31号泉系统的补给边界 进行了研究。

  • Study of s ~ q curve by isotope tracing test from single borehole

    单孔同位素 示踪 测试S~Q曲线研究

  • A new kind of light tracing test instrument for the measurement of nystagmus

    检查眼震电图的新型辅助装置&光点 跟踪 实验装置

  • Data Processing of the Firing Gate Parameter in Tracing Accuracy Test

    跟踪精度 试验中相关射击门参数的数据处理

  • TRACING TEST IN CORROSIONAL HILL AREA - A case study of Xinhua county Hunan province

    湘中溶蚀丘陵区 示踪 试验&以湖南新化为例

  • A Preliminary Analysis of College Students ' Heart and Lung Function Tracing Test

    浅析大学生心肺机能 追踪 试验