


  • Heavy water is also used in research as an isotopic tracer for chemical reactions and biochemical pathways .

    在实验研究中,可用作化学过程和生物化学过程的同位素 示踪剂

  • Application of isotopic tracer in life science

    同位素 示踪在生命科学中的应用

  • Different tracer curve types correspond to different reservoir types providing reliable instructions for in situ profile control .

    不同的 曲线类型反映了不同的储层,从而有效指导现场调剖。

  • Accurate weaponry including optics tracer rounds and effects .

    精确的武器,包括光学, 子弹和影响。

  • In this article Perfluorocycloalkane tracer technology and its applications in atmospheric pollutants transport and dispersion were summarized briefly .

    简要综述了全氟环烷烃 示踪技术及应用、研究进展及中物院示踪 技术研究现状。

  • Is the name of the publication in which tracer tokens were inserted .

    在其中插入了 跟踪标记的发布名称。

  • Posts a tracer token into the transaction log at the publisher and begins the process of tracking latency statistics .


  • Tracer lighting up the sky .

    导弹 枪火点燃了天空。

  • Radionuclide tracer analysis is a third important method .

    第三种重要方法是同位素 示踪分析。

  • I will clean up the tracer and destroy your file after which I will run away from Nigeria to meet with you .

    我要清理 示踪剂和毁灭你的文件,之后我将离开尼日利亚和你见面。

  • This solute will be referred to as a tracer .

    这种溶质称为 示踪剂

  • The proposed method is more accurate than the qualitative investigation such as isotopic tracer .

    该方法较同位素及 综合 示踪法定性分析更为精确。

  • Positron emission tomography ( PET ) is an imaging technique that combines a radioactive tracer with a molecule .

    正电子发射断层成像(PET)是一种结合单一分子放射 示踪的成像技术。

  • Artificial tracer method has been used to investigate dam leakage problem broadly .

    人工 示踪方法已在堤坝渗漏探测中得到很多应用。

  • Investigation of adsorption distribution and migration of lead between environment and plant by stable lead isotopic tracer

    铅在植物-环境体系中的吸收、分布和迁移规律的稳定同位素 示踪 研究

  • Experimental study of Chinese ink as a new type of dye tracer in sentinel lymph node biopsy ~ .

    中华墨汁作为前哨淋巴结活检新型 示踪剂的实验研究。

  • Liquid flow velocity in the down-comer was measured using the electrolyte tracer measurement ( ETM ) technique .

    应用电极 示踪测试技术(ETM)测定了下降段液体速度;

  • Tracer techniques give information about structure and reactions in solid state physics .

    示踪 技术在固态物理学方面给出有关结构和反应的信息。

  • Furthermore incentive and response technology of the tracer was used to study the axial backmixing of the liquid in different structure cell .

    同时,使用 示踪激励响应技术,研究了不同结构单元的轴向返混情况。

  • Methods According to the study of outcrops apply interwell tracer water flooding method and fracturing technique .

    方法采用野外观察、井间 示踪剂、动态注水、压裂等方法进行裂缝识别研究。

  • We continuously inject a tracer into a point in a steadily moving fluid .

    我们连续地将一种 示踪 注入某稳定运动流体中之一点。

  • Single well backflow tracer test There is reflux of barium into the terminal ileum .

    单井 示踪剂回流试验钡剂反流进入回肠末端。

  • ~ ( 15 ) N Tracer Study Ratooning Rice Applied Nitrogen Absorption Assignment and Effect

    ~(15)N 示踪研究再生稻施用氮肥的吸收分配和效应

  • Hydraulic characteristics of the UV disinfector was investigated by tracer experiment .

    采用 示踪实验研究紫外线消毒器的水力特性。

  • I put a tracer on the crate .

    我在箱子上放了一个 追踪器

  • To obtain accurate K values without this problem oxygen was used as the tracer component in this work .

    为了获得准确的k值,如果没有这个问题,氧气被用来作为 示踪剂成分在这方面的工作。

  • Or eliminates an electronic tracer .

    或除掉一个电子 追踪器

  • Study of the Erosion Features of Small Watersheds Based on ~ ( 137 ) Cs Tracer

    基于~(137) Cs 对小流域侵蚀特征的研究

  • It gives an example for utilizing tracer detecting on engineering investigation on water and hydropower projects .
