
  • Significance of Simultaneous Measurement of Platelet Spe-cific Autoantibody Reticulated Platelet and TPO in the Diagnosis of Immune Thrombocytopenia

    改良MAIPA、网织血小板与 血小板生成素检测对免疫性血小板减少症的诊断价值

  • TPO can stimulate hematopoietic recovery after radiation injury .

    TPO可促进辐射损伤后的造血重建,有 可能 解决 急性放射 血小板恢复 滞后的问题。

  • The activity for removing soot in the O2 atmosphere was investigated by temperature programmed oxidation ( TPO ) .

    采用程序升温氧化( TPO)对催化剂在O2气氛下脱除碳黑颗粒的活性进行了考察。

  • Objective To study the purification and renaturation of recombinant human SCF-TPO fusion protein .

    目的探讨重组人 细胞 因子 / 血小板生成素 SCF TPO)融合蛋白纯化及复性的 最佳方法。

  • The Effects of the Glucose Toxicity on Expression of TG 、 TPO of Thyroid Cell in Rat

    糖毒性对大鼠甲状腺细胞TG、 TPO表达的影响

  • Synthesis and Function Analysis of a New Thrombopoietin ( TPO ) Mimic Peptide

    一种新型血小板生成素( TPO)模拟肽的合成及功能研究

  • Application of Firestone 's TPO mechanically fastened system in Dalian Intel project

    凡士通 TPO机械固定系统在大连英特尔项目中的应用

  • Conclusion The N-terminal of human TPO with biological activities can be expressed successfully in Pichia pastoris .

    结论在巴氏毕赤酵母系统中成功地分泌表达了有生物学活性的人 TPON-端结构域。

  • Effect of recombinant human Tpo on the proliferation of HEL cells

    重组人 血小板生成素对人红白血病HEL细胞增殖的影响

  • Cpe-sw will strictly comply with all relevant statutory regulations which shall be comparable to that of the company 's standard pertaining to occupational safety and health and environmental protection which are applicable to the local where Jinqiu TPO feed design is performed .


  • It was concluded that Tpo may be a possible autocrine factor of HEL cells .

    实验结论提示 Tpo可能是HEL细胞的自分泌因子。

  • The autocrine and paracrine of Tpo in the spontaneous growth cells in liquid culture were examined by RT PCR .

    用RTPCR技术检测液体培养自发性生长细胞的 Tpo的自主分泌和旁分泌;

  • Due to distances it is currently envisaged that there would be one TPO processing facilities separately to be located in quilin and Jinhua field within the JQ block .

    考虑到距离,目前设想将会在jq区块的秋林和金华区分别设立一座 tpo处理厂。

  • Introduce optical parametric oscillator systematically . Theoretically analyses the threshold of TPO .

    对光学参量振荡器进行了系统的介绍,理论上分析了 太赫兹参量振荡器的阈值。

  • The results of RT-PCR show that umbilical cord blood stromal cells express GM-CSF SCF and TPO .

    结果显示:体外原代培养的人脐血基质细胞能表达GM-CSF、SCF和 TPO

  • This article presents characteristics of TPO and strongpoints installation and application prospects of TPO roof membrane .

    介绍了 TPO 材料的特点以及TPO屋面卷材的优点、铺设方法和应用前景。

  • Tet on gene expression system was used to regulate the level and time of thrombopoietin ( TPO ) expression by doxycycline in NIH / 3T3 cells .

    应用Tet-On基因表达系统,调控血小板生成素( TPO)基因在NIH/3T3细胞中的表达时间与水平。

  • AIM : To study the effects of thrombopoietin ( TPO ) and other hematopoietic cytokines on platelet activation .

    目的:研究血小板生成素( TPO)及其他造血生长因子在体外对人血小板活化的影响。

  • This article reviews the development of TPOs gene structure function transcriptional regulation the relation-ship between TPO with thyroid diseases and radioactive iodide therapy .

    深入研究其基因结构及转录调控对 甲状腺疾病和放射性碘治疗具有重要意义。

  • CONCLUSION : Heparin enhances the effect of Tpo on the proliferation of megakaryocytes .

    结论:肝素能增强 血小板生成素对巨核细胞增殖的作用。

  • Conclusion TPO stimulate proliferation and maturation of megakaryocyte progenitor .

    结论 TPO 作为 增殖 因子,促进巨核系祖细胞的增殖及分化。

  • Study on the Correlation between Serum TPOAb and Expression of Sexual Hormone Receptors and TPO in Endometrium with DUB

    功血患者血清TPOAb与其子宫内膜性激素受体及 TPO表达相关性的研究

  • Progress in the Research on the Morphology the Interfacial Structure and the Adhesion of TPO / CPO


  • Objective To study the effect of thrombopoietin ⅱ ( TPO ⅱ) on the exsanguine thrombocytopenia mouse death rate .

    目的探讨血小板生成素Ⅱ( thrombopoietinTPOⅡ)体内的生物学活性对失血性血小板减少小鼠死亡率的影响。

  • Conclusion The marrow fluid TPO concentration decline in hepatitis cirrhotic patients might affect the platelet concentration .

    结论肝炎肝硬化患者骨髓内 环境 TPO浓度降低可能是外周血血小板计数减少的原因之一。

  • Objective : To clone human thrombopoietin ( TPO ) cDNA .

    目的:为获得人 血小板生成素 全长cDNA克隆。

  • The serum TPO levels were measured by sandwich - ELISA method .

    夹心法ELISA检测血清 TPO水平。

  • And I propose a design of intracavity TPO pumped by picosecond laser .

    并且根据得到的 结论提出了一种皮秒激光泵浦的内腔式 TPO设计方案。

  • Transfection of Human Thyroperoxidase ( TPO ) Gene with Liposome and the Expression of TPO Protein in A549 Cell

    脂质体介导的人甲状腺 过氧化物酶基因转染肺癌A549细胞及其蛋白表达