transaction journal

[trænˈsækʃən ˈdʒɚnəl][trænˈzækʃən ˈdʒə:nl]


  • The journal entry to record this transaction in the cash disbursement journal on March 1 would be .

    对此项 业务,在3月1日,要在现金支出 日记 中作分录如下。

  • In a western accounting system the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a journal .

    在西方会计体系中,有关每笔经济 交易的资料最初是记在一本叫做“ 日记 ”的会计账

  • To record a transaction in a journal in terms of debit and credit is referred to as making a journal entry or journalizing .

    用借项和贷项在日 记帐中记录一 业务叫做日记帐分录或记日记帐。

  • These tests had Lotus Domino transaction logging enabled with the favor runtime setting and mail journaling was set to journal all messages locally .

    这些测试通过最佳运行时设置(favorruntimesetting)启用了LotusDomino 事务日志,邮件日志设置为在本地 记录所有消息。

  • The transaction is recorded by the following entry in general journal form .

    该项 经济 业务以普通 日记 的形式记录如下。

  • Each print position is for printing a different type of document : cash receipt transaction journal or sales check .

    每个打印位置用于打印不同类型的文件,如现金收据、 日志、售核对单。

  • In addition two file systems on a seventh array were used to hold the transaction log and the journal files .

    另外,第7个阵列上的两个文件系统用来存储 事务日志和 日志文件。

  • After the transaction has been recorded in the journal the debit and credit changes in the individual accounts are entered in the ledger .

    经济 业务记入 日记账之后,每个账户的借贷变化再记入分类账中。

  • The I / O statistics here are calculated from the Solaris iostat command and are the sum of the reads and writes for the six data volumes plus the transaction log and journal file systems .

    这里的I/O数量是通过Solarisiostat命令计算出来的,是6个数据卷以及 事务日志和 日志文件系统上读写操作的总和。