working draft

[ˈwə:kɪŋ dræft][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ drɑ:ft]


  • Ideally participants on the conference call will have read at least the overview document provided as part of the public working draft materials .

    理想情况下参与电话会议的与会者都应该至少总揽了提供的这个披露 工作 草案的一部分。

  • Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child

    儿童权利公约 草案 工作

  • The Check In button lets you upload the file for use by the team and the Save as Working Draft button uploads the file while restricting access to the user who uploaded it .

    CheckIn按钮允许上载该文件以供团队使用,而Saveas Working Draft按钮将上载文件,同时限制对上载该文件的用户进行访问。

  • This week diplomats at the United Nations were working on the fifth draft of a Security Council resolution on the future of Kosovo .

    本周,在联合国的外交官员们正 忙于安全理事会关于科索沃未来的决议的第五个 草案

  • Working group on a draft United Nations Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples ;

    拟订联合国土著民族权利宣言 草案 工作组;

  • Modify the working draft in2006 January initial public comments .

    修改 工作 草案最初于2006年1月公开征求意见。

  • The Drafting Committee will be in charge of working out a draft resolution to be submitted to the Conference for deliberation .

    起草委员会将负责 起草提交大会讨论的决议 草案

  • China has been working on a draft animal protection law which says all the animals are protected but are edible .

    中国 一直起草一份动物保护法规,法律规定了所有动物都受保护,但可以食用。

  • The working draft is unclear as to whether a sub-list such as the Leave menu appears when a user activates the main list or whether a user must activate the sublist item itself .

    关于当用户激活主列表时子列表(如Leave菜单)是否会出现,还是用户必须激活子列表项本身以使其出现, 工作 草案并未说清楚。

  • Working Group on the draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples

    土著人民权利宣言 草案 工作

  • Jiang a member of China 's working group preparing a draft for this international partnership says an agreement is likely to be finalised over the next few months .

    作为正为这 国际合作 起草方案的中国 工作组的一员,姜克隽说这项合作能否成功将有可能在接下来的几个月里见分晓。

  • Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions .

    经常在组成国家集团及写作 工作文件和决议 草案的时候采用。

  • Yes say a group of open source hardware enthusiasts who have been working on the draft version of a definition of open source hardware .

    是的,现在有一群热衷开源硬件的人们正在为定立 草案工作

  • Working Group on a draft statute for an international criminal court

    国际刑事法院规约 草案 工作

  • The result is a working draft of a UML model that you can use to continue IEPD development .

    这个步骤的结果是一个UML模型的 工作 草案,您可以使用它来继续IEPD开发。

  • Simple Knowledge Organization System ( SKOS ) is just such a technology presently in the last call stage of the Working Draft process but already well understood implemented and discussed .

    SimpleKnowledgeOrganizationSystem(SKOS)就是这样一种技术,目前正处于 工作 草案流程中的最后请求阶段,但是已经得到了充分理解、实现和讨论。

  • And as we speak bipartisan groups in both chambers are working diligently to draft a bill and I applaud their efforts .

    正如之前已经提到的,国会参众两院的有关团体 正在勉力 草拟一个法案,我对他们的努力表示赞赏。

  • Discussed the working draft of a peace treaty ; they need working agreements with their neighbor states on interstate projects .

    讨论和平条约的 工作 草案;他们需要与邻州就州际问题制定的工作协议。

  • The geolocation Working Group of the W3C has recently relased the first Working Draft of the geolocation API specification and we are now releasing the first Labs build with support for the API .

    W3C的地理位置工作组(GeolocationWorkingGroup)最近发布了geolocationAPI规范的首个 工作 草案,现在我们发布了支持该API的实验构建版。

  • The specification of the language is W3C working draft now .

    目前,该语言规范还是W3C的 工作 草稿

  • The ECMA working group in charge of the Common Language Infrastructure standard has produced released a working draft of the5th edition .

    负责通用语言基础架构(CommonLanguageInfrastructure)标准的ECMA工作组发布了一个第五版的 工作 草案

  • At a Model UN conference when a working paper or draft resolution is first written it may not be discussed in debate .

    在模联会议中,一份 工作文件或者决议 草案刚刚完成的时候不能够被讨论。

  • Current working draft will be updated as necessary to bring it up to public review draft status in the coming weeks / months .

    在接下来的几周或几月内,现有的 工作 草案将会按需更新以进入到公众评阅草案阶段。

  • The SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language ( SPARQL ) is currently under discussion as a W3C Working Draft .

    SPARQL协议和RDF查询语言(SPARQL)目前是W3C的 工作 草案,还在讨论当中。

  • Please note that this is a first working draft and we still welcome suggestions .

    值得注意的是,这是第一个可以 正常 工作 草案,我们仍然欢迎大家的建议。