working drawing

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈdrɔɪŋ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈdrɔ:ɪŋ]


  • We have many years of experience to electrical design and construction management in this article we discuss some questions about electrical working drawing .

    结合多年的电气设计及施工管理经验,对电气 施工 中经常出现的一些问题分类进行剖析。

  • The Study of the Method for Stairs Working Drawing in the CAD System

    建筑结构CAD系统中楼梯结构 施工 绘制方法研究

  • Design of a CAD system for hydraulic cylinder for construction machines The Study of the Method for Stairs Working Drawing in the CAD System

    工程液压缸CAD系统设计建筑结构CAD系统中楼梯结构 施工 绘制方法研究

  • For its design we generally adopt the method of experience combined with similar engineering data and simple calculation are used to get the working drawing .

    对于其设计一般采用经验的方法,结合相似工程资料,利用简单的计算得到 施工

  • Application of Project Management in Railway Signal Working Drawing Design

    项目管理在铁路信号 施工 设计中的应用

  • In this PISTON-CAD / CAM system database modular and group encode technology are used when the construction dimensions and tolerances of the piston are input by menu the working drawing of piston is output .


  • This thesis gives a brief description of the design and implementation method applied in various working drawing budget program and system of industrial and civil architectural engineering .

    本文简述了用于各种工业与民用建筑工程 施工 预算程序系统的设计与实现方法。

  • The automatic plotting of working drawing in the worm hob CAD system

    蜗轮滚刀CAD系统中 工作 的自动绘制

  • This article discusses and explains the questions needing to be notice about working drawing of plastic gym ground in design .

    着重对塑胶体育场 施工 在设计上经常出现的问题进行了讨论、说明。

  • This paper probes into the problems existing in the preliminary estimate the working drawing estimate and the budget needed for the completion of projects and puts forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

    针对我国工程造价中三算三超现象,探讨了设计概算、 施工 预算和竣工决算中存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。

  • This article gives an explanation on the calculating rules and the calculating foundations of heating piping project quantity which is in budget making of the working drawing of the heating engineering .

    就采暖工程 施工 预算编制中的采暖管道工程量的计算规则和计算依据进行了说明。

  • The main outlines of the working drawing of the gold machine are now sketched in .

    现在,黄金机制 工作 图示的主要轮廓已经清晰了。

  • Discussion on problems of structural design working drawing

    建筑结构设计 施工 中的问题探讨

  • The basic graphic processing method and calling of graphic library are described ; drawing and calling method on drafting of assembly subassembly part working drawing and series drawings are described .

    介绍了基本图形处理方法及图库的调用,总装配图、部件装配 、零件 工作 绘制及系列图的绘制。

  • Having strong scheme design capability or working drawing design capability ;

    有较强的项目管理和 施工 设计能力;

  • The Intelligent Dimensioning of Working Drawing for B-rep based Mechanical Components

    基于B-rep表示的机械零件 工作 尺寸标注的智能化

  • Development of the system for prestressed concrete frame structural working drawing

    预应力混凝土框架结构 施工 生成系统

  • I even had an occasional sneaking suspicion that the director had taken away the working drawing .

    我甚至偶尔暗暗这么怀疑是指挥把 施工 图纸拿走了。

  • Combined with the working drawing design of Angang Bridge this article gives an introduction to the structural characteristics and construction scheme of the trough steel girders .

    结合鞍钢桥 施工 设计,介绍槽形梁的结构特点和施工方案。

  • Procession control is the key procedure to ensure the quality of working drawing filesexamination .

    过程控制是保证施工 设计文件审查 工作质量的关键生产环节。

  • The engineer taught us how to read the working drawing .

    工程师教我们如何看懂 工程

  • A strengthening project was proposed according to breakage condition of structure investigation detection results original design working drawing and actual structure condition .

    结论根据工程破损情况调查、检测结果、原设计 施工 及该工程实际现状,提出加固处理方案。

  • The basic principles and methods of CAD of cylindrical gears are worked out in the paper . A working drawing of cylindrical gears which are arbitrarily composed of different shape of primitives can be generated on screen after the design of parameters have been interactively in - putted .

    介绍了齿轮零件CAD的原理和方法,通过人机对话方式输入设计参数,可在屏幕上设计出一个由多种基本图素随意拼合的齿轮零件 工作

  • This system can accomplish the whole work on the cutting edge design construction design and working drawing formation of worm hob .

    该系统可完成蜗轮滚刀刃形设计、结构设计与 工作 生成的全部工作。

  • The method of plotting the working drawing automatically in the worm hob CAD system is discussed . The realization techniques of the view-plotting module dimensioning module layout module etc.

    研究蜗轮滚刀CAD系统中 工作 自动绘制,详细介绍工作图中各视图绘制模块、尺寸标注模块、布局设置模块等的实现方法。

  • Study on Common Problems of Working Drawing Design Documents

    施工 设计文件中常见问题研究

  • A working drawing must be clear and finish .

    工作 必须简明完整。

  • Brief Analysis on the Necessity of Working Drawing Review of Municipal Engineering and the Problems

    浅析市政工程 施工 审查的必要性及存在的问题

  • And AutoCAD tool software is utilized to draw the working drawing of steel structure truss .

    并运用AutoCAD工具软件绘制出钢结构桁架的 工作

  • Control the discussion of the fabrication cost of the project by working drawing budget

    采用 施工 预算控制工程造价的探讨