working database

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈdetəˌbes][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈdeitəbeis]

[计] 工作数据库

  • When creating a custom membership provider ensure that you follow security best practices to avoid attacks such as SQL-injection attacks when working with a database .

    创建自定义成员资格提供程序时,请确保遵循安全最佳做法,以避免在 使用 数据库时受到攻击,如sql注入式攻击。

  • This paper discusses the method and the working flow of database construction including data source selecting data standard establishing quality controlling and database designing etc. This paper also describes the process of constructing the large-scale vector database of Nanjing in detail .

    本文从 数据库数据源、数据要求、数据的质量控制、数据库设计等方面阐述 数据库建立中的技术方法、 建库流程和关键问题,最后以南京市大比例尺基础矢量数据库为例详细阐述建库的过程。

  • When working out this database server / client model and socket theory based on Java is adopted to achieve online communication .

    开发中,习题 的网络通讯设计采用的是服务器/客户机模式和套接字技术。

  • Organizational knowledge can be classified into three types : individual knowledge working process and database .

    组织知识可以分为三种:个人知识, 工作流程, 数据库

  • For working with the MySQL database I used the phpMyAdmin available with my hosting account .

    为了 使用MySQL 数据库,我使用我的主机帐户可用的phpMyAdmin。

  • Working with a database system doesn 't have to be difficult .

    使用 数据库系统并不很难。

  • The data analyze node can implement the high-speed output of working records and the synchronization of data through Ethernet communication of central monitor node and uniformly manages the working records using database .

    数据分析结点通过与中心监测结点的以太网通讯实现海量行车记录的高速导出和数据同步,并使用 数据库行车记录进行统一管理。

  • The indexes that support multiline fields are not replicated from the working master database to user databases .

    支持多行域的索引并没有从 工作主要 数据库中复制到用户数据库中。

  • By using Apache Derby you can quickly begin working with a full-featured database system .

    使用ApacheDerby,可以迅速地开始 使用特性齐全的 数据库系统。

  • It also made the general design of the system and the detailed design of the working categories and database of the system which achieved the distribution of the system functional model and the structural design of the information system .

    接着进行了系统的总体设计,对系统 工作类和 数据库进行了详细设计,从而完成了系统功能模块的划分和信息系统的架构设计。

  • Traditional data mining is working at relational database or transactional database and is unable to reveal the meteorological information included in the spatial and temporal characteristics .

    传统的数据挖掘是在关系 数据库或事务型数据库中发现知识,无法揭示气象信启、中包含的时空特征。

  • If you are working on a database project in solution explorer you can add a database reference .

    如果您 正在解决方案资源管理器中 使用 数据库项目,则可以添加数据库引用。

  • To use this new feature you have to be working with a new database at the V8.2.2 + level .

    为了使用这个新特性,您必须 使用V8.2.2+级别上的新 数据库

  • Because you are working with an embedded database that will not only be used by your application but will also be created by it you have to provide code for creating the database .

    因为您将要 使用一个嵌入式 数据库,不仅是您的应用程序要使用它,而且也要通过应用程序来创建它。您需要提供代码来创建该数据库。

  • At this point you have a working database system which you can run either as a stand-alone network server or as an embedded database within your own application .

    这时,就有了一个可 工作 数据库系统,既可以作为独立的网络服务器运行,也可以作为内嵌的数据库在自己的应用程序中运行。

  • Always exercise caution when working with the database .

    处理 数据库的时候,要经常性地,提高警惕。

  • Chapter 5 discusses analysis and application to spatial data and property data of mineral space database and working level database for geological factor in macro approach and micro approach .

    lli章主要是从宏观和微观两个层面的地质因素方面阐述了矿产地和 工作程度空间数据和属性数据的分析应用。

  • Practically speaking this means you have to be more careful about objects-in-memory-versus-objects-in-storage when working with an object database .

    实际上,这意味着在 使用对象 数据库时,必须更加谨慎地比较 内存中的对象和存储中的对象。

  • This is done to avoid deadlocks while working with an empty database .

    这样做的目的是避免 使用数据时出现的死锁。

  • Two DASes are provided for the PHP implementation of SDO : one for working with data in XML and one for working with a relational database .

    为SDO的PHP实现提供了两个DAS:一个用于处理XML数据,另一个用于 处理关系 数据库

  • You can find more than a dozen open source Python packages for working with a SQL database not counting the special-purpose modules that connect Python to specific databases .

    您可以找到一打以上的 操作SQL 数据库的开放源码Python包,这还没包括用于连接Python与特定数据库的特殊用途模块。

  • InfoQ : What are the main differences in the areas of data modeling and application development when working on a NoSQL database compared to a Relational database ?

    InfoQ:NoSQL 数据库与关系型 数据库相比,在数据建模和应用开发上其最主要的差别是什么?

  • Connect to your working database ( in this example it is the sample database DWESAMP : db2 CONNECT TO DWESAMP )

    连接到 工作 数据库(在本示例中,为示例数据库DWESAMP:db2CONNECTTODWESAMP)

  • The architecture working mode database processing HL7 standard message building and parsing and data security are described in detail .

    从构架的体系结构、 工作模式、 数据库处理、HL7消息构建和解析及构架的安全机制方面对该构架进行了详细地说明。

  • Working with a database server that will be part of an embedded deployment requires a different approach from a traditional enterprise deployment .

    使用嵌入式 数据库服务器需要不同于传统企业部署的部署方式。

  • The locking strategy we came up with is to rely on having only a single server working with a given database and for that server to fully serialize calls .

    我们采用的锁定战略(lockingstrategy)是,仅让一台服务器 处理给定的 数据库,并针对该服务器对调用进行完全序列化。

  • Specifically mixed logistic controlling system and the idea of predigesting standard task instruction through building up the standard working procedure database are put forward in the implementing system .

    在实施体系中提出了适合单件小批生产的混合物流控制策略和通过建立标准 工序 来简化标准作业指导书编写的思想。

  • With PHP and the DB2 extension for PHP installed and configured you are now ready to start working with your DB2 database in PHP .

    为PHP安装了PHP和DB2扩展之后,现在可以在DB2 数据库 使用PHP了。