transient behavior

[ˈtrænʃənt bɪˈhevjɚ][ˈtrænziənt bɪˈheɪvjə]


  • Drift flux model is adopted to analyze the transient behavior of U tube steam generator .

    使用漂移流模型建立U形管蒸汽发生器 瞬态分析模型。

  • Numerical Simulation on Transient Behavior of Hydro-Viscous Drive Speed Regulating Start

    液体黏性调速起动 瞬态 过程数值模拟研究

  • Electromechanical Coupling Model and Analysis of Transient Behavior for Inertial Vibration Machines

    惯性振动设备的机电耦合模型和 瞬态 过程分析

  • Study on the influence of initial conditions on the thermal transient behavior of journal bearings

    初始状态对径向滑动轴承热 瞬态 过程的影响

  • A type of switching function is used to describe the transient behavior of real switches so that the simulation time is obviously reduced and the convergence problem solved the simulation accuracy improved .

    这个方法用开关函数描述实际开关的 瞬态 过程,在仿真分析中明显地缩短了仿真时间,有效地解决了仿真算法收敛性问题,提高了仿真准确性。

  • The results of numerical simulation demonstrate the transient behavior of weld pool and the periodic variation of fluid flow and heat transfer with the periodic variation of welding current in stationary pulsed current TIG weld pool .

    计算结果展示了脉冲TIG焊接 过程中,随着焊接电流的周期性变化,熔池流场与热场的周期性变化 规律以及熔池形成的 动态发展 过程

  • HVDC voltage transducer ; Voltage divider ; Transient behavior ; Step response ; Response time ; Non-uniformity of voltage distribution .

    直流电压传感器;分压器; 暂态 特性;阶跃响应;响应时间;电位分布不均度。

  • Considering the gas expansion behind the plunger and the transient behavior of the gas above the slug the dynamic characteristic is analyzed by mass and momentum conservation equation and the dynamics model of plunger movement is made .

    在考虑油管和油 套环空中的气体膨胀以及地层流入 动态的基础上,利用质量守恒和动量平衡方程,分析了柱塞的动态特征,建立了柱塞运动动力学模型。

  • The transient behavior of a new photoconductive switch

    新型光导开关 瞬时 特性的研究

  • Transient behavior and optimization of a new capacity control system

    一种新的 浓度容量调节系统及其 动态 特性和参数优化

  • Rapid design technology and method is suggested and developed for the diversity and transient behavior of the products based on the present market .

    快速设计技术与方法是当前市场在对产品多样化、 变性等需求的形势下提出并发展起来的。

  • Finite-time stability which focuses on the transient behavior over a finite interval is different from the stability under Lyapunov meaning .

    系统的有限时间稳定性研究的是系统在某段时间上的 暂态 性能,与李亚普诺夫渐近稳定是两个不同的概念。

  • The space distribution and transient behavior of the electromagnetic forces acting on the coils are investigated on many practical large transformers .

    本文以 DPF1-240000/500型等多台大型电力变压器为例,计算和分析了大型变压器突发短路时线圈所受电磁力的空间分布 规律 时间 过程

  • Based on the test data of acceleration process of 492Q gasoline engine a thermodynamic model of combustion heat release rate is developed to study the transient behavior of gasoline engines .

    作者依据 492Q汽油机加速过程的试验结果,修正了汽油机燃烧放热率 计算的热力学模型,使之适用于 稳定 工况

  • Linear and Nonlinear MOA Modeling of Electro Magnetic Transient Behavior

    电磁 暂态 计算 MOA的线性和非线性混合模型

  • The steady-state behavior in both the cases of two-photon far-and near-resonance and the transient behavior in the case of two-photon near-resonance are analysed .

    分析了在双光子离共振和双光子近共振情形下的光学双稳特性,以及在双光子近共振情形时的 瞬态光学双稳 特性

  • Transient behavior of PEM fuel cells

    质子交换膜燃料电池的 瞬态 变化 机理

  • In this doctoral thesis first an overview of transient behavior of MSP and the applications to queueing theory reliability theory and inventory theory is presented .

    在这篇学位论文中,回顾和系统地总结了马尔可夫骨架过程 瞬时 的理论及其在排队论、可靠性理论和存储论等方面的应用结果。

  • Thermal Transient Behavior of Thrust Bearing under Step Applied Load

    阶跃载荷扰动条件下推力轴承热 瞬态 过程研究

  • Flow field around high-speed train and transient behavior of the aerodynamic characteristics in constant wind field were simulated by Detached Eddy Simulation and the unsteady property was analyzed .

    采用分离涡模拟法模拟了恒定风场中高速列车绕流的非定常流动,在时域和频域内分析了车辆和转向架气动特性的 瞬态 性质

  • Finite volume methods along characteristics for the transient behavior of a semiconductor device of heat conduction

    热传导型半导体 瞬态 问题的特征有限体积方法及 分析

  • The studies on automotive catalytic converter including reaction kinetics heat and mass transfer gas distribution transient behavior deactivation modeling design fast light-off and low emission techniques were reviewed .

    综述了近30年来国内外在汽车催化转化器方面的研究概况,包括化学反应动力学、传热传质、气体流动、催化器 暂态 行为、失效、模型、设计、快速起燃和低排放技术等。

  • The noise margin the transient behavior and the fan out ability of the cells are explained .

    说明了标准单元库的噪声容限、 瞬态 特性和单元扇出能力的描述方法。

  • In future work we would like to explore the use of a dynamic model that captures more transient behavior of the system and use it as the basis for better controller design .

    在将来的工作中,我们要开发一个捕获更多系统 短暂 行为的动态模型。以这个模型为基础,更好地设计控制器。

  • As the primary control system of generator unit the excitation and governing systems have a great influence on the dynamic behavior of the power system and its electromagnetism transient behavior . It is important to establish precise and effective excitation and governing system model .

    作为电力系统发电机组的主要控制系统,发电机励磁、调速系统对电力系统的动态行为、电磁 暂态 过程有很大影响,建立精确有效的励磁、调速系统模型至关重要。

  • The substance of transient behavior of the machine was unveiled by analyzing computer simulation results of the model and the new methods were presented to reduce transient amplitude of the vibration machine and to improve the transient behavior .

    通过对模型数值仿真结果的分析,揭示了惯性振动设备 瞬态 过程的实质,提出了减小振动体瞬态振幅和缩短瞬态过程的新方法。

  • Modelling for Transient Behavior of Diesel Engine Governor System

    柴油机调速系统 动态 特性计算和分析

  • The transient behavior of nonlinear wave-mixing effect where the resonant enhancement exists is also obtained .

    还得到非线性混频效应的 瞬态 过程。共振增强存在于此非线性混频过程中。

  • Design & Programming on RC Circuit 's Transient Behavior Meter

    RC电路 过渡 特性测量仪的设计与编程

  • The simulation shows that compensators and forecast arithmetic are effective both to keep the system stable and to limit the system overshoot and shorten the system 's transient behavior .

    仿真研究表明,采用补偿器结构和延时预测算法能够在保证系统稳定性的同时有效地降低系统的超调量,缩短系统的 过渡 过程