trade fair

[treid fɛr][treid fɛə]


  • She visited the most significant trade fairs and examined small and large trade fair stands .

    她到访过最出色的贸易展览会,也对大大小小不同的 贸易 展览会进行了考查。

  • The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to arouse people 's interest .

    商业 展览会上的展出者免费分发了一些样品来引起人们的兴趣。

  • Which cost factors should be taken into account when planning for participation in a trade fair ?

    在计划是否参加 展销 会前需考虑什么成本因素?

  • Welcome to the Trade Fair !

    欢迎参加这个 交易

  • It 's some information regarding a trade fair in Germany next spring .

    这是有关明年春天在德国的 资讯。

  • The International Pow Wow the biggest international tourism trade fair concluded Tuesday in the United States .

    最大的国际旅游 交易 国际PowWow大会周二在美国结束。

  • Do you often take part in the trade fair ?

    您经常参加 交易 吗?

  • He used the cards on his visit to the Canton Trade Fair and all was well .

    他在 广交会上用了这些名片,一切正常。

  • In November Chengdu hosted a trade fair that attracted several hundred small - and medium-sized enterprises from China and the European Union .

    成都在去年11月份举办了一次 贸易 洽谈 ,吸引了数百家中国和欧盟(eu)的中小型企业参加。

  • You make arrangements to have a stand at a trade fair . Explain your requirements in detail .

    在一次 贸易 博览会上安排一个展位。详细地说明你需要的物品。

  • During a recent trip to a trade fair in Western China I heard about UK excellence in agriculture .

    不久前参加的一个在中国西部 举办 商贸 ,让我耳闻目睹了英国在农业产业方面的杰出表现。

  • The World Exposition is not the same as a trade fair in which mainly governments and international organizations participate .

    世博会不同于 贸易 展览会贸易展览会主要是由政府和国际组织参加的。

  • All the departments concerned turned their attention to the trade fair which was to take place in the autumn .

    各有关部门马上把注意力转向计划在秋季举行的 交易

  • The banquet began in the private room of a restaurant not far from the Trade Fair complex .

    在离 广交会不远的一家餐厅的包间里,宴会开始了。

  • I sincerely wish this Forum and the Western China International Economy and Trade Fair a great success !

    衷心祝愿本届中国西部国际 博览会和论坛取得圆满成功!

  • Guangzhou Trade Fair is regarded as the first Name Card of world companies .

    广州 博览会被认为是跨国(世界)公司的第一名片。

  • Such a trade fair offers an opportunity to find out what is happening in the industry .

    这种 展会提供一个机会来寻找行业所发生的事情。

  • You 'll be in time for the trade fair .

    你们正好?上参加 交易会。

  • Reserve a stand for your company at a trade fair in Dallas .

    在达拉斯的 贸易 展览会上为你的公司预定一个展位。

  • A : That 's right . Now I remember . It was at the trade fair wasn 't it ?

    甲:对,现在我记起来了,是在 贸易 展览会上,对吗?

  • We hit a home run last week at the trade fair .

    我们在上周的 商品 交易 中取得了成功。

  • Global Trade Fair and Investment Forum

    全球 贸易 博览会和投资论坛

  • It transforms the behaviour of trade fair visitors into motion light and music in real time .

    它能实时把 参展游客的举止转化成动作、光线和音乐。

  • Visitors returning from the Canton Trade fair .

    从广州 交易 回来的人。

  • To participate in Sino-Arab economic and trade association of China and the Arab countries Economic and Trade Fair activities ;

    参加中阿经贸协会组织的中国与阿拉伯各国的 经贸 洽谈 活动;