


  • Trailblazer 's data-filtering system was never built either .

    开拓 的数据过滤系统也从来没有建造过。

  • The trailblazer dare take an unbeaten is immortal forever .

    敢于走前人 没有 走过 拓荒 ,永远是不朽的。

  • Meanwhile the role he played as a trailblazer in the field of arts should not be underestimated due to the fact that he was one of the foremost exponents of Mi Fu though his own works of calligraphy and painting are yet to be unearthed .

    其书画作品今虽未见,但作为 米芾 传人之一,在 艺术 传递过程中发挥的作用 不可低估。

  • But Yao was a trailblazer a player who bucked the Chinese system and made his way to the U.S.

    但姚明是 开路人, 的劲突破中国的体制才来到美国的。

  • The village of Shuangxi in the hills north-east of Chongqing city has been designated by local officials as a reform trailblazer .

    深处重庆市区东北重山峻岭中的双溪村被当地官员誉为改革的 开路先锋

  • The trailblazer has been Santander but its relentless effort to make its systems exactly the same everywhere is being emulated by Citigroup HSBC and Standard Chartered .

    方面 先驱者是桑坦德,但是它为了使系统在每个地方完全一样而付出的不懈努力正被花旗集团,汇丰银行和渣打银行赶超。

  • The lecture however highlighted how food has become a trailblazer for national pride in Peru as well as an engine for tourism the restaurant business agriculture and fisheries .

    然而,这次演讲突显出,食品已成为秘鲁民族自豪感的重要 源泉,并且成了促进旅游业、餐饮业、农业和渔业等多个 行业发展的引擎。

  • And I respect Geraldine Ferraro she is a trailblazer and was an inspiration for a lot of people including myself when she ran .

    我尊重费拉罗,她是一位 开路先锋。她当年竞选时激励了很多人,包括我本人。

  • But on Saturday President Obama praised Ferraro as a trailblazer who broke down barriers for women and for Americans of all backgrounds .

    不过奥巴马总统星期六赞扬 费拉罗是为妇女和美国所有其它背景的人打破禁固的 开拓

  • Dayi county chosen by Chengdu as a trailblazer for land reform says it got the job done by the middle of last year .

    大邑县被选为成都市土地改革的 先驱者,称在去年年中就把任务完成了。

  • In a country where the royal family rarely communicates directly with the public thailand 's Crown Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn could be considered a trailblazer .

    在一个王室家族鲜少直接与民众沟通的国家,泰国公主诗琳通可被视为是 开路先锋

  • Trailblazer Tony fadell rethought the method for controlling home temperatures with nest a thermostat that looks more like an iPod .

    例如行业 先驱者汤尼•法德尔重新思考了控制室内温度的方法,设计出一款与iPod外观类似的恒温器Nest。

  • Frank Drake is a trailblazer in that quest .

    弗兰克.德雷克就是这样一 探索者

  • With 80 % of its sales coming from overseas Sony has long been Japan 's international trailblazer .

    索尼公司80%的销售来自海外,索尼公司早已是日本企业的国际 事务 路灯

  • He has been the trailblazer and given British sprinters the belief that we are able to take on and beat the world 's best .

    他一直是 开路先锋,让英国短跑选手相信我们能与世界上最好的运动员一 高下,并且击败他们。

  • The Trailblazer itself is rather slow and sluggish but is equipped with a powerful main gun and a gun turret .

    先驱者 本身行动想 迟缓,但是却可以装备强力的主炮以及炮塔。

  • As a trailblazer of his time Donald Barthelme is one of the most original and influential American postmodern writers .

    作为时代的 先驱唐纳德·巴塞尔姆是美国最具独创性和影响力的美国后现代主义作家之一。

  • As Ben Horowitz another trailblazer writes in his seminal essay on founders their emotional commitment exceeds their equity stake .

    正如另外一 行业 先驱者本•霍洛维茨在一篇关于公司创始人的开创性论文中写道:“他们在感情上的投入超过了他们持有的股份。”

  • He was the original startup geek who in my mind was a trailblazer in building a company around strong talent .

    他是早期的初创企业狂人,在 如何 吸引 众多 牛人打造一家企业方面,他也是一 先行者