trans form

[化] 反式,反式异构体

  • The reflection tomography imaging formula for single-frequency plane wave source shows that 1-D Fourier trans - form of single-frequeney plane wave with respect to x is the product of a factor and the 2 D spectrum of objective function ( velocity variation rate ) .

    单频平面波源反射 层析成像公式表明,单频平面波关于x的一维傅里叶 变换等于目标函数(速度变化率)的2D谱与一个因子的乘积。

  • The polymers were characterized by Fourier trans - form infrared spectroscopy ( FT-IR ) . Acid value molecular weight and polydispersity index ( PDI ) of the polymers were determined by non-aqueous titration method and gel permeation chromatography ( GPC ) respectively .

    用红外光谱( FT-IR)表征了产物分子 结构,用非水滴定方法分析了产物的酸值,用凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)测定了聚合物分子量和分子量多分散系数。

  • In the scheme the inverse fast Fourier trans form ( IFFT ) is used as a way of inverse multiplexing .

    在这个方案中, IFFT的作用可以看作是反向复用。

  • Higher standard is proposed to the di - verse service of information in waterway by the informationized development of harbors the construction of water trans - portation engineering marine salvage the protection form typhoon and flood the management of waterway and so on .

    港口的发展、水运工程建设、 水上救助台防汛、通航管理等领域的信息化发展对水上信息的多元化服务提出了更高的要求。

  • Ridgelet trans - form proposed by Candes can obtain the optimal nonlinear approximation rate for functions smooth away from Linear Singularity by first converting Linear Singularity into Point Singularity and then dealing the resulting Point Singularity with wavelet systems .

    Candes提出的脊波 变换巧妙地将二维函数中的直线奇异转化为点奇异,再用小波进行处理,能获得对含直线奇异的二维或高维函数最优的非线性逼近阶。

  • The reason was that the azobenzene groups transformed from rod-like trans form to bent cis form upon UV irradiation which destabilizes the initial phase structure and lowers the phase transition temperature obviously .

    这是因为偶氮苯基团在紫外光照射之后,由棒状的 体变成了弯曲 的顺式体,破坏了原有的相结构,使液晶相转变温度明显降低。

  • The application of hierarchical lapped biorthogonal trans - form in seismic data compression

    多分辨 重叠双正交 变换在地震数据压缩中的应用

  • In electronic publishing and many music software there is a need to trans form music score to computer readable data .

    在电子出版及许多音乐研究中,均需将 原文乐谱 转化为被计算机可读的数据。

  • As the pH of the solution is decreased the conformation of the ATP molecule changes from trans to cis through gauche form .

    随溶液的pH值减小,ATP分子的构象由 trans构象通过 -gauche构象转变为cis构象。

  • The results show that both cis - and trans - form of NMF can form a linear hydrogen bond with water .

    计算结果表明,NMF的顺式和 构型都可以与水分子形成线型的氢键结构。

  • A novel farm film with weatherability and non fog-drop and light trans form was produced by adding rare earth light transform agents and other auxiliaries in polyethylene resin .

    将稀土转 光粉和其他助剂添加到聚乙烯树脂里,制得新颖的耐候光转换无滴农膜。

  • Study of Adaptive Frequency Multiresolution Analysis of the Hilbert-Huang Trans form

    Hilbert-Huang 变换的自适应频率多分辨分析研究

  • Study of Isomerization Mechanisms from cis to trans form in Polyacetylene

    乙炔顺、 异构化机理研究