traffic class

[ˈtræfɪk klæs][ˈtræfik klɑ:s]

[计] 通信业务类别

  • In addition to the classification of traffic and the goal of the service class service policies also have an importance associated with them .

    除了 请求 的分类和服务 的目标之外,服务策略还有相关联的重要性设置。

  • Given the constraints placed upon frame misordering in a Bridge as expressed in6.3.3 the mappings of priority and traffic class are static .

    网桥内对于数据包的乱序给出了限制,参见6.3.3,优先级的映射和 通信 类别是静态的。

  • And the algorithm to implement the policy is given as : First allocating bandwidth to each traffic class to guarantee blocking rate then choosing the traffic class with the highest revenue rate for bandwidth allocation from traffic classes which can meet the requirment of utilization .

    准入控制的具体实现算法为:首先分配一定带宽给每一类业务 以达到阻断率要求,然后在满足带宽利用率要求的业务流中选取收益最大的进行带宽分配。

  • Bridges that support more than one traffic class are able to support expedited classes of traffic .

    支持多个 通信 类别的网桥能够支持加速类别的流量。

  • The paper is going to solve the problems from these aspects . Firstly fuzzy set theory is introduced to solve fuzziness and intermediary of regional traffic safety situation belonging to the special class .

    为解决上述问题,从三个方面开展对不同地区 道路 交通 安全状况 聚类的研究。首先,通过引入模糊集理论来解决各地区 交通安全状况所属 界限存在模糊性和中介性的问题。

  • But the process is simple therefore in the relative specifications of water conservancy traffic and municipal class etc.

    但由于其工艺简单,因此在水利、 等相关规范中没有具体的施工质量检验与评定标准。

  • Determination of Reasonable Initial Traffic Volume for Class Roads

    等级公路合理初始 交通量的确定与计算方法

  • There are four traffic classes in wireless multimedia network including conversational class streaming class interactive class and background class while three of them are Variable Bit Rate ( VBR ) traffic except conversation class .

    无线多媒体网络中的业务包括话音、流媒体、交互 和背景类业务4种,除话音业务外其余3种 业务都是可变比特速率 业务

  • Then the paper GPRS traffic billing system had been elaborated in general shows that the distinction between the back of class of business design and implementation of GPRS traffic billing section provides background to the whole project .

    然后,对GPRS 流量计费系统作了总体上的阐述说明,为后面的区分业务 类别的GPRS流量计费设计与实现部分提供整体的项目背景。

  • Implementation of TMIS Station Freight Traffic Class Statistic System

    TMIS车站 货运系统 统计的实现

  • In Differentiated Services architecture the individual flow is mapped to the class of traffic at the edges of the network and then routers assign appropriate network resources to each class by scheduling and dropping algorithms .

    区分服务网络中,网络边缘首先将各个 通信 数据流映射为不同的服务类,然后路由器采用分组调度与缓冲管理方式为各个服务 分配相应的网络资源。

  • Research on the traffic simulation of second class highway in cold area

    寒冷地区二 公路路段 交通 微观仿真研究

  • It illustrates the concept and identification of virtual channel the mapping relation between virtual channel and traffic class and virtual channel arbitration .

    详细阐述了虚拟通道的概念、识别,虚拟通道和 流量 归类的映射对应关系以及虚拟通道的仲裁。

  • This work introduced the concept of hierarchical link-sharing tree and bounded a token bucket with each class in the hierarchy thus made it possible to shape the traffic of any class and limit the rate and burst while performing link sharing .

    引用分级链路共享树概念,对应每个类设置一个令牌桶,使得在实现分级链路共享的同时可以对任意一个 业务 进行整形,限制其速率和突发。

  • And mapping the incoming traffic into Forwarding Equivalence Class ( FEC ) is of great significance for MPLS to provide the QoS guarantee .

    而将用户 业务 分类、映射为转发等价 FEC则是MPLS能提供QoS保证的前提。

  • Traffic Model and Performance Analysis for Multi point and Multi class Teleconferencing Networks

    多点多 业务 等级电视会议网模型与性能分析

  • Besides the guaranteed delay bound TD ~ 2FQ can handle aggregated traffic shaping and can maintain inter-flow fairness within each traffic class .

    TD2FQ可用于进行聚集业务的成形调度,除了能够获得确保的延时上界,还可以维持 业务 中不同流间的公平性以及业务流的成形条件,并且保证了输出链路的带宽利用率。

  • A study has been made on both the width of the fast lanes and the traffic capacity of the special bicycle traffic of a Class - ⅱ highway with fast lanes and slow lanes separated .

    分析了评价 交通 拥挤 拥挤 路段的标准,还对快、慢车分车道行驶的二 公路的快车道宽度和其中仅供自行车用慢车道通行能力进行了研究。

  • Traffic control is realized by changing TCP flag bit and state of TCP connection process as well as selectively reducing communication load of businesses in a certain class . 2 .

    通过对TCP的标志位的改变,改变TCP连接进程的状态,选择性的降低某 业务的通信量,实现 流量控制。

  • According to the result of analyzing track that each traffic individual travels in the all kinds of intersections effective traveling space on each class road is determined .

    鉴于此,本论文首先通过对 交通个体在各种交叉口运行轨迹的分析,确定出各 等级道路的有效运营空间;

  • With the development of technology and the increasing requirement of traffic bridge class will be higher and bridge span is longer . Cable-stayed bridge is a main style of long span bridge and is widely applied in practice more and more .

    科学技术的快速发展和 交通需求的增长,为桥梁结构向高 等级、大跨径发展提供了要求和可能,斜拉桥作为大跨径桥梁的主要形式之一,近年来得到了日益广泛的应用。

  • General design of the traffic accident drawing system is mainly to do detailed demand analysis draw the function diagram of each module and the function relation graph of system development and make a detailed introduction to the class and objects used in the System .

    概要设计部分主要深入阐述 交通事故绘图系统的详细需求分析,画出各个模块的功能图和功能关系图,并对系统开发中用到的 和对象做出了详细的介绍。

  • The predicted O-D distribution including the actual traffic information provides the important traffic data for the optimal dispatching of elevator group control system for a class of high-rise buildings . 5 .

    所得到的数据包含了建筑物真实的客流信息,为一 建筑物的电梯群控系统的优化调度提供了重要 客流数据。

  • In the process of the instance validation because of the characteristics of the traffic flow data such as randomness self-organization and class cyclical we must make denoising smooth for preprocessing over the actual measurement data before the implementation of forecasting .

    实例验证时,基于 交通流数据具有随机性、自组织、 周期性等特征,在执行预测前对实际测量数据进行预处理去噪平滑。

  • The basic idea is to classify the traffic according to QoS requirements on the network edge and different class realizes different forwarding characteristic on the core router .

    其基本思想是在网络边缘将 业务 按QoS要求进行简单分类,不同的 在内部路由器的每次转发中实现不同的转发特性。

  • In other words if a traffic class is not using its configured bandwidth any unused bandwidth is shared among the other classes .

    换句话说,如果一个 流量 类别没有配置带宽,那么未被使用的带宽会被其他类(class)。

  • Mobile communication industry since the formation of a situation of tripartite confrontation situation since traffic class income has dropped considerably .

    移动通信行业自形成三足鼎立之势以来, 话务 收入已经大幅下降。

  • The combination of centralization with distribution and the resource management in unit of traffic class instead of individual flow can assure the scalability and reliability of resource management system .

    资源管理的集中与分散相结合、资源 总量管理 措施可以保证系统的可扩展性和可靠性。