


  • IN2002 a bitter and tragicomic story of the Bosnian war won an Oscar for best foreign film .

    在2002年,一个有关波斯尼亚战争的辛酸且 悲喜交集的故事赢得了奥斯卡最佳外语片奖项。

  • Q & A on Sex The Tragicomic Characteristics and Ethnic Ideology in Ancient Hebrew Literature

    古代希伯来文学的 悲喜 性及民族意识

  • I could list for you a tragicomic litany of all the things I was once mistakenly completely certain about and I 'm sure you can do the same .

    我可以为你列举 曾经我错误地完全可以肯定的事物的一系列 喜剧,我认为你也一定能。

  • For years my love life continued to be one long tragicomic novel .

    多年来,我的爱情就像一 长长的 悲喜交集的小说。

  • It is that odd as it now seems history could one day come to regard Gordon Brown as a rather good prime minister a much better one than he has been reckoned during his tragicomic premiership .

    那就是,历史有一天会把戈登•布朗 为一位相当杰出的首相,比在他那 悲喜 交加的首相任内人们所 预期的要好得多, 不管这看起来有 多么奇怪。

  • Dark comedy refers rather to the tragicomic form in which laughter and despair are inextricably mingled .

    黑色喜剧一词 确切 是把笑声和绝望难解难分地结合在一起的 那种 喜剧形式。

  • The Tragicomic Virtue-Politics : Political Ethics in Greek Tragedy

    美德政治之 悲喜交集&试论希腊悲剧的政治伦理意义