trade school

[treid skul][treid sku:l]


  • I 'm hopeful when I think about how companies like RedZone are reinvigorating manufacturing or about how what started as a small trade school is now a global research university .

    当我一想到像红色地带这样的公司正在为振兴制造业,一想到但年小小的 职业 学校现在已经成长为全球有名的研究型大学时,我对未来就充满了希望。

  • This would go a lot faster if you put your trade school diploma to work and helped me set up this high-frequency tone generator .

    要是你能把你 专科学历学以致用,帮我装好高频音波发生器的话就能快很多了。

  • Geography educators should shoulder educational tasks of international economic trade establishing the goal of international economic trade for the secondary school students deterring teaching contents and methods of international economic trade really carrying out international economic trade education in secondary school geography teaching .

    地理教育工作者应承担起国际经贸教育的任务,制定 中学国际 经贸教育目标,确定国际经贸教育内容和途径,把国际经贸教育真正落实到中学地理教学过程之中。

  • A big enlarges of the students scale in Yuxi Industry Finance & Trade School a new demanding evaluation of school teaching quality is put forward .

    随着玉溪工业 财贸 学校学生规模的扩大,给学校教学质量评价工作提出了新的要求。

  • The plight and countermeasure of financing of trade school

    中等 专业 学校财务困境及对策

  • This paper briefly introduces a simplified matrix of scale economy proposed by the Neo Trade School under the condition of monopolist competition .

    本文简要介绍垄断竞争情况下,新 贸易 学派关于规模经济的一种简化模型。

  • I plan to learn a trade after graduating from high school .

    我打算 高中毕业 后学门技术。

  • From the real situation of campus network this paper proposes a solution to course selection system based on Web Service with the practical course-selection requirement of trade school 's credit system .

    本文从网络校园的现实情况出发,联系中等 职业 学校学分制环境下网络选课的实际需要,提出了一种基于WEBService网上选课系统的解决方案。

  • Architectural Creation of the Extension Project in Guangdong Foreign Trade School

    广东省对外 贸易 职业技术 学校改扩建工程设计

  • Job certifications used to be the domain of trade and technical school graduates .

    职业证书只是在 贸易毕业生和 技校毕业生中占主导地位。

  • Therefore the author carried out experiments with a part of students in Grade 03 major classes in Jiangxi Industrial Trade Vocational Technology School .

    因此,笔者在江西工业 贸易职业技术 学校2003级部分专业班级进行了实验研究。

  • I trade it with other kids at school .

    我在 学校跟别的孩子 了。

  • Since its founding 50 years ago Zhengzhou Industry and Trade School has unswervingly adopted the tenet of cultivating high-level geological professionals by relying on the related industries and serving them .

    郑州工业 贸易 学校办学50年来,始终把培养高标准的地质技能人才作为办学宗旨。

  • Class Planning of the Curricula of Computer Assembly and Maintenance in Trade School


  • At present it is difficult for a large number of trade school of animal and veterinary the cause lies in the fact that the teaching staff and professional training conditions are very poor .

    目前很多 中等农牧 学校畜牧兽医专业 办学难的原因是没有好的师资队伍和好的专业实训条件。

  • Qiao has earned a bachelor degree in international trade from the School of Economics of the Renmin University of China .

    她同时拥有中国人民大学经济 学院学士学位(国际 贸易专业)。

  • That 's especially true of the majority of high school graduates who go on to college or trade school where people commonly get student loans and credit cards even if they don 't have jobs .

    特别是对于大部分高中毕业上大学或 经贸 学校的学生来说,即时他们没有工作也往往能得到学生贷款和信用卡。

  • Shanghai trade school Infirmary management system based on C / S architecture is realized on the platform .

    上海市 贸易 学校的基于C/S架构的医务室管理系统即是在上述平台上实现的。

  • Research and Practice on Classification Teaching in Mathematics Classes at Trade School

    职业 学校数学分层教学研究与实践

  • The research in practice on how to develop the school-based moral education curriculum in secondary specialized schools is done through exploring the development process in Tangshan City Economic and Trade School .

    该部分通过探讨唐山市 经贸 学校德育校本课程开发的过程,从而从实践上来进一步研究如何开发中专德育校本课程。

  • The paper firstly illustrates relative theories of financial supervision and then introduces trade cycle theory of Austrian School to explore into the root of systematic risks .

    本文的第三章引入奥地利 学派 商业周期理论,对系统性风险形成的根源从理论上进行了一般性的分析和探讨。

  • It has certain directive significance to design the system and the application . Yuxi Industry Finance & Trade School will improve the teaching quality improve the developing ideas and provide data supporting theoretical basis .

    该系统的设计与初步应用将对玉溪工业 财贸 学校教学质量的提高、完善后续评价系统的设想与开发提供数据支持和理论依据。

  • The creative accomplishments embody in the following areas : The first comparing with the different schools of rent-seeking theory this paper gives a definition to rent-seeking according to the study of international trade school .

    第一,对寻租理论的不同学派理论观点进行比较,根据国际 贸易 派对寻租理论的研究,结合我国政府采购领域的寻租现象给出了政府采购的寻租定义;

  • Ponape Agricultural and Trade School

    波纳佩农业和 职业 学校

  • Exploration of the Design of School Architecture ── Creative Knowledge on Fujian Foreign Trade School

    教育建筑设计探索&福建省 外贸 学校创作体会

  • Use Packet Tracer to build a trade school computer network teaching platform

    用PacketTracer构建 中职计算机网络教学的实训平台

  • Investigation on Effect of Tableware Disinfection in Catering Trade of School and Its Surrounding Areas in Zhangping City in 2008

    2008年漳平市城区 校园及其周边饮食 食(饮)具消毒效果调查

  • Some Thoughts on Safeguarding Lawful Rights in the Trade Union of School

    学校 工会维权工作的几点思考