traffic court

[ˈtræfɪk kɔrt][ˈtræfik kɔ:t]


  • You have the option to appear before a judge in traffic court to dispute a ticket ;

    你也有权出席 交通 法庭并就罚单事宜进行辩论;

  • On Judgment of Traffic Crimes ' Accomplices & Attention to Theoretical Grounds of Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People 's Court

    关于 交通 肇事罪共犯的认定&兼谈最高人民 法院有关司法解释的理论依据

  • It says You are hereby requested to appear in traffic court on Tuesday 8 a.m .

    上面写着“特此通知你必须在星期二早上8点钟到达 交通 法庭”。

  • Chester Stiles was arrested in Nevada during a traffic stop and he is now scheduled to appear in court .

    切斯特.斯泰尔斯在内华达的一个 交通岗被逮捕并会预期出现在 法庭上。

  • In a traffic court of a large mid-western city a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light .

    在一个中西部大城市的 交通 法庭上,有位年轻女士被带到法官面前,为开车闯红灯吃到的传票进行答辩。

  • If you receive a traffic ticket you normally have the option to plead guilty or no contest and accept the consequences or plead not guilty and fight the ticket in court .

    如果你接到一张 交通罚单,你通常有权选择服罪或者不予辩驳,接受事实,或者不服罪,进行 法庭辩论。

  • The traffic court has jurisdiction over violation of statutes governing the use of roads and motor vehicles .

    交通 法庭有权管辖违反道路和车辆法规的事件。

  • The Application of Traffic Accident Maintenance to Criminal Trial & Comments on the Judicial Explanation NO.33 of Supreme People 's Court

    交通事故责任认定在刑事审判中的运用&兼评最高人民 法院2000]33号司法解释

  • A police patroman of the local force handed him a ticket with a summons to traffic court .

    当地一位巡逻警察递给他一张传票,要他上 交通 法庭

  • It specific practice in Kang court Traffic accidents circuit court and so on . Description of the ad litem place not only at the grassroots level established but also could established in the woods and the location of rural trails and farm kang .

    具体实践中,主要体现在炕头法庭、 交通事故巡回 法庭等方式,说明审案地点不仅能够在基层就地设立,还能够在树林间、田园小径上以及农家炕头等地点设立。

  • The number of law cases about compensation of body damages in the traffic accident was 459157 in the law cases completed by all different levels of the court in 2009 .

    在2009年各级人民 法院审结的案件中, 道路 交通事故人身损害赔偿案件达459157件。

  • Research on Maritime Safety Assessment in Port TRAFFIC COURT

    港口 船舶 交通安全评价的研究

  • The administrative behavior of Beijing Traffic Administration Bureau is determined to be illegal by the court because the local rules it takes as basis violate superior laws but it is obviously improper to make altered penalty which is against the plaintiff .

    北京市 交管局依据的地方法规违反了上位法律而被 法院 判决行政行为违法,却做出更不利于原告的变更处罚,显然失当。

  • Two similar traffic accidents the decision of the court were very different as the traffic offence and crimes against the public in a dangerous way which caused the query of public and the dispute of legal circles .

    两起类似的 交通事故, 法院的判决却截然不同,分别定为交通肇事罪和以危险方法危害公共安全罪,这引发了民众的质疑以及法学界的争论。

  • Court system 's modernization and reform TRAFFIC COURT

    法院制度现代化与 法院制度改革