tracking area

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈɛriə][ˈtrækiŋ ˈɛəriə]

[计] 跟踪区

  • The master control interface of PLUS locating system is developed with Windows form designer including menu bar toolbar status bar tracking area tag bar and alarm bar .

    利用Windows窗体设计器设计了PLUS定位系统的主控界面,包括菜单栏、工具栏、状态栏、 跟踪 区域、标签栏以及报警栏六个模块。

  • In order to satisfy the requirement of tracking area target tracking algorithms were studied in this dissertation include : ( 1 ) An improved image segmentation algorithm based on OTSU is designed .

    本文针对成像末制导中的 目标 跟踪需求,研究了 目标跟踪算法和实现技术,包括:(1)设计了一种改进的基于OTSU算法的图像分割算法。

  • In the tracking process the target area and the corresponding kernel color histogram are usually established in the first frame by user .

    跟踪的过程中,被匹配的目标通常由用户在第一帧通过手工的方式 选定,并对目标的颜色进行核函数直方图建模。

  • Through the analysis of current target tracking method puts forward a improved target tracking algorithm that combination area correction .

    分析了目前运动目标跟踪的主要方法。提出一种结合 面积校正的改进的目标 跟踪算法。

  • But the further improvement of the attitude tracking accuracy at the area of attacking is limited by a natural aircraft 's inertial dynamics .

    但欲进一步提高攻击 的姿态 跟踪精度已受到自然飞机惯性动力学的限制。

  • Mean Shift is a very good algorithm in visual target tracking area .

    在视觉 跟踪 领域,MeanShift算法是一个非常优秀的算法,是国外最近几年才发展起来的。

  • Maneuvering target tracking data association and distributed track fusion three of the most important and general problems in target tracking area are discussed in this dissertation .

    本文的研究内容包括机动目标跟踪、数据关联以及分布式航迹融合,是目标 跟踪 领域最具普遍性和重要性的三个问题。

  • Simulation Research about Submarine to Elude Tracking of DICASS by Blind Area

    潜艇利用迪卡斯声纳浮标 盲区规避 跟踪仿真研究

  • Human target detection and tracking is an important research area with many applications such as Intelligent Transportation System intelligent video surveillance advanced human-machine interface intelligent robot video analysis and electronic entertainment .

    人体目标检测与 跟踪 算法是计算机视觉的研究热点,其在智能交通、城市安防、人机交互、智能机器人、视频图像分析和电子娱乐等 方面都有着广泛的应用。

  • Moreover the apparatus and method continuously apply the same tracking servo operation to an entire area of the same high-density read-only optical disc or rewritable optical disc .

    另外,该设备和方法连续应用相同的 跟踪伺服操作到相同的高密度只读光盘或可重写光盘的整个 区域

  • How to find a hot topic in the complicated micro-blog information has become focus of the topic detection and tracking research area .

    如何在纷繁复杂的微博信息发现热点话题,已经成为话题发现和 跟踪领域研究 领域的热点。

  • In this way with the same tracking time the chip area can be reduced as much as 70 % .

    通过这个方法,在达到相同的 跟踪时间的电路设计中,采用此方案的电路 面积可减少70%以上。

  • The second part is human motion tracking including based on model area and key point .

    第二部分是运动人体的 跟踪,其中包括基于模型的 跟踪和基于 区域以及基于特征点的 跟踪

  • Digital Optimal Preview Control of Trajectory Tracking Based on Trajectory Error Area

    基于 面积误差 评价的轨迹 跟踪数字式最优预见控制

  • Moving object detection and tracking based on video is an emerging area of research focus in computer vision and pattern recognition . It can be used in intelligent video surveillance and driver assistance system .

    视觉运动目标检测与 跟踪算法的研究是计算机视觉和模式识别领域的一个新兴的 热点,应用于智能视频监控系统和辅助驾驶系统等。

  • Parabolic antenna in a widely used is tracking antenna area By use the optimum design it may produce a very narrow beam it 's tracking precision is high but because it 's beam width is very narrow the searching target is very difficult .

    抛物面天线是火控雷达中普遍使用的一种 跟踪天线,通过系统优化设计,可以形成很窄的波束,所以其跟踪精度很高,因为其波束很窄,所以搜索发现目标困难。

  • Target tracking as an important research area in the applications of computer science it plays a very important role in our daily lives .

    图像 跟踪 技术作为计算机科学应用领域的重点研究 方向,在当今的生产和生活中扮演着重要的角色并具有广阔的应用价值。

  • Object detection and tracking has many applications in some area including intelligent transport network video content analysis and object behavior understanding .

    目标检测和 跟踪有很多的应用 领域,包括智能交通网、视频内容分析和目标行为理解等。

  • Selection and outside boundary tracking techniques of object area in binary image

    二值图象中物体 区域的选定及外边缘 跟踪技术

  • The ultimate location of the object is the expectation of the centroids of the pixels of the same grey level in the tracking area . The centroid weighted algorithm has three advantages .

    该算法通过求 跟踪 区域内同一灰度级所有像素的质心位置的数学期望获得目标的最终位置。

  • Based on inter frame prediction the foreground can be segmented from the original image by detecting and tracking moving target or interesting area in image sequence .

    在帧间预测的基础上,对序列图像中的运动目标或感兴趣 区域(视频会议中为人脸 区域)进行检测和 跟踪,从而实现前后景的分割。

  • Simulation Analysis of Tracking Area and Opportune Area of the Orbital Maneuvering

    轨道机动的 追踪 与机遇区仿真分析

  • Secondly a simple tracking algorithm integrated with many moving objects ' characters such as smooth motion property and consecutive size property is brought forward . The simplified algorithm is just tracking the outer-rectangle of moving object area in-the binary image .

    接着重点提出了一种运动目标的运动平滑性和尺寸连续性等特征,在二值图像层面上对运动目标 区域的外接矩形进行 跟踪的计算简单的算法。

  • Secondly a new method of dim target detection and tracking based the feature of target area is proposed .

    其次,本文利用目标 邻域的特征,提出了基于邻域特征的弱小目标检测和 跟踪方法。

  • On the foundation of tracking flame in suspected area drew the dynamic characteristic array of flame carry on dynamic characteristic analysis .

    在火焰疑似 区域 跟踪的基础上,提取火焰动态特征序列,进行动态特征分析。

  • Target recognition and tracking is a very important research area in pattern recognition .

    目标识别和 跟踪是模式识别 领域的一重要研究内容。

  • In target tracking area there widely exists incomplete measurement .

    在目标 跟踪 领域,由于探测设备性能有限及网络通信丢包等原因,广泛存在着不完全量测的情况。

  • In tracking the area of face contour distortion were searched by the method of particle filter and the face contour parameters were solved .

    同时,利用非线性滤波方法在人脸轮廓的变形 区域 进行搜索,求解人脸轮廓参数,进行人脸轮廓 跟踪