tracking behavior

[ˈtrækɪŋ bɪˈhevjɚ][ˈtrækiŋ bɪˈheɪvjə]


  • Adaptive Phenomenon of Human Compensatory Tracking Behavior .

    人的补偿 追踪 行为之适应现象。

  • The results of the study play a role in the facilitative effect . in identification tracking behavior understanding and description of the target in application of video surveillance .

    研究成果对视频监控应用的目标分类、 跟踪 行为理解等具有一定的促进意义。

  • The process of video sequences in intelligent video surveillance system includes image preprocessing target detection and classification target tracking and target behavior understanding .

    智能视频监控中视频序列的处理流程,一般包括图像预处理、目标检测和分类、目标 跟踪、目标的 行为理解等步骤。

  • Consider a browser add-on like TACO to further reduce tracking of your online behavior .

    考虑安装浏览器插件,例如TACO,进一步减少你的在线 行为追踪的次数。

  • The system of network education is a complicated and large system . Except solving Student Personnel Administration it has to solve the problems of tracking behavior analysis system security audit system monitoring and maintenance .

    网络教育管理系统是一个规模巨大的复杂系统,除了解决教务和学员管理以外,还要解决人员 行为 跟踪和分析、系统监控和维护、系统安全审计等问题。

  • This work will provide reliable data for target tracking behavior analysis description and understanding .

    通过获取目标的 轮廓,对运动目标进行 识别,目标 行为 跟踪、分析、描述和理解提供可靠的数据支持。

  • Target tracking is divided into three key components : the detection of the target area target tracking target behavior analysis .

    目标跟踪主要分为三个关键环节:目标区域的检测、目标 跟踪、目标 行为理解。

  • Fast and accurately extract the moving region is a prerequisite task for the following research such as target classification video tracking behavior recognition .

    快速而精确的提取出运动目标,是进行后续研究的前提,比如目标分类、视频 跟踪行为识别等。

  • The tasks intelligent visual surveillance has to complete include : moving object detection object classification object tracking object behavior understanding and identity recognition etc. Two of these key issues are focused in this paper .

    智能视觉监控需要完成以下任务:运动目标物提取、目标分类、目标 跟踪、目标物 行为理解和身份识别等。本文专注于 其中 目标 提取 目标 跟踪这两个关键技术的研究。

  • Typically intelligent video surveillance system is made up of a variety oftechnologies ; they are moving target detection target classification and identification target tracking behavior understanding and description .

    智能视频监控技术通常包括运动目标检测、目标分类和识别、目标 跟踪行为理解与描述几个部分。

  • It is in the Intelligent Vehicle assisted navigation technology bottom splitting the moving objects real-time and effectively is essential foundation for the subsequent processing including target identification tracking behavior comprehension .

    它处于智能车辆辅助导航系统的底层,是各种后续高级处理如 目标分类、 行为理解的基础。

  • One component of targeted marketing is through tracking online behavior of customers that visit the company 's website .

    的一个组成部分,有针对性的营销是通过 跟踪上网 行为的用户访问该公司的网站上。

  • Researchers measure the results by tracking their behavior and performance afterward .

    接下去,研究者会通过 跟踪他们的 行为和表现来衡量结果。

  • Video Object Tracking and Behavior Recognition Using Sequential Bayesian Methods

    基于序贯贝叶斯方法的视频目标 跟踪 行为识别

  • Analysis technology of moving objects in video processing has been utilized widely nowadays . In general analysis of moving objects can be classified as detection tracking recognition and behavior understanding of moving objects .

    在视频处理中,运动目标的分析技术运用的非常广泛,一般的运动目标分析可以分为运动目标的检测、 跟踪、识别和 行为理解。

  • Moving object detection is a focus of the intelligent video surveillance system these days and is a precursor to higher-level objectives such as object recognition tracking and behavior analysis .

    运动目标检测是智能视频监控中研究热点问题之一,是识别、 跟踪行为分析等高层研究的基础问题。

  • The studies of this system have the following aspects : extraction of moving foreground ; target segmentation and identification ; target tracking ; behavior identification and classification .

    对这种系统的研究有如下几个方面:①运动前景的提取,②目标分割及辨识,③目标 跟踪,④ 行为识别及归类。

  • Tracking test recycling behavior result of group A and B is significantly greater than Pre-test .

    实验组A和实验组B的 行为 追踪测结果都显著大于前测。

  • Moving object detection which is the key technology in intelligent video surveillance system is the foundation of all the high level intelligent analysis and processing such as tracking behavior understanding and so on .

    而运动目标的检测是智能监控系统中的关键技术,也是监控系统中 实现 目标 跟踪行为分析与理解以及 目标分类等工作的前提。 运动 目标 检测的结果直接关系到监控系统的智能程度。

  • The proposed method detects the behavior of malicious codes by tracking the behavior of binary program monitoring the changes in memory and registers and performing formal analysis in intermediate language level .

    该方法通过对二进制程序 行为进行 跟踪,监视内存和寄存器的变化,在中间语言层对程序行为进行形式化分析,从而达到对恶意代码分析检测的目的。

  • Intelligent visual surveillance has become the focus of the field of machine vision research in recent years . The core of the research in this area is the moving target detection tracking and follow-up behavior recognition based on video .

    智能视频监控是近几年来机器视觉研究的重点领域,而这一领域的研究核心是基于视频的运动目标检测、 跟踪和后续的 行为识别。

  • The pilot operation tracking and behavior analysis based on computer vision is the basic technology for the cockpit human factors .

    基于视觉的飞行员操作 跟踪 行为分析是研究驾驶舱人为因素的基础技术。

  • The research target of the motion object detection is video image sequence and it aim to judge whether there is an object motion and locate it in the video sequence the result will provide to the follow-up tracking and behavior identifying as data base .

    运动对象检测的研究对象是视频图像序列,其目的是判断视频序列中是否存在运动对象并确定运动对象的具体位置,为后续的对象 跟踪 行为识别提供数据基础。

  • Its mainly research topics include moving object detection moving object recognition and tracking abnormal behavior detection and alarm .

    主要研究内容包括运动物体的检测、运动物体的识别和 跟踪、异常 现象的检测和报警等。

  • As the main research tasks in video surveillance object detection tracking and behavior recognition are widely studied in computer vision . They not only have great practical significances but also play important roles to other topics ' progress in computer vision .

    目标的检测、 跟踪 行为识别作为视频监控的主要研究内容,是当前计算机视觉领域的研究热点,其不但具有重要的实际意义,而且对计算机视觉的其他研究领域有着重要的推动作用。

  • Based on the theory of finite volume method ( FVM ) technologies of preparing initial simulation data tracking material deformation behavior and dealing with dynamical contacted boundary conditions were studied .

    基于有限体积基本原理,对有限体积法模拟金属塑性成形中初始边值条件的生成、材料变形 行为的动态 跟踪描述、动态边界条件的处理等技术进行了详细的研究。

  • The technologies on moving human tracking and behavior analysis are the basis that a system monitors human object to be automated and intellectualized .

    视频中的人物 跟踪 行为分析技术是以人为监控目标的监控系统智能化、自动化的基础技术。

  • Users will initially view your Web site the same way the spider does so emphasizing the keywords from the top-left-down is a good Web design practice as well ( see Eye tracking and search behavior ) .

    用户最初查看Web站点的方式与爬行器的方式相同,所以按照自左上角向下强调关键词也是一种良好的Web设计实践(参见视线 跟踪和搜索 行为)。

  • Since the adaptive control scheme is used the system obtains good tracking behavior .

    同时由于实施了自适应控制策略,使得系统有很好的 跟踪 性能

  • It is mainly composed of object detection object classification object tracking and object behavior understanding . In this paper only the human tracking is studied .

    它主要包括目标检测、目标分类、目标 跟踪以及目标 行为理解等方面。本文针对其中的人体跟踪进行了研究。