


  • According to influence of contact pressure distribution law of amphibious tracklayer to drawing performance much of study work is based on the Mohr-Coulomb Linear Yield law under the soil plasticity theory .

    针对两栖 履带 车辆 压的分布规律对 车辆牵引性能的影响,大量的研究工作均是基于土壤塑性理论下线性的摩尔-库仑屈服准则。

  • The torsional vibrations of drive systems exist in most power equipments In this study the multi-body system dynamics is used to investigate the torsional vibration problem of the drive system of tracklayer bulldozer .

    轴系的扭转振动存在于许多动力设备的传动系统中,本文从多体系统动力学的 角度研究 型号 推土机传动轴系的扭转振动问题。

  • Study on the New Veer Movement of Tracklayer in Virtual Environment

    虚拟场景中 履带 车辆转向运动仿真算法研究

  • The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied .

    研究具有机械式自动变速器的 履带 车辆起步时离合器结合控制问题。

  • Study on a New Movement Algorithm of Tracklayer on Road with Trapeziform Road

    基于梯形道路的 履带 车辆运动算法

  • Finite Element Method Analysis of Composite Gearing Box of Tracklayer

    履带 车辆综合传动装置箱体有限元分析

  • A model of driveline of the tracklayer which was pulled by hydraulic power was built by using the means of modular modeling . The acceleration performance of the vehicle was simulated and studied .

    应用模块化建模手段,建立了具有 液力传动的 车辆动力传动系统及整车的仿真模型;

  • Study of the Small Road Wheel on Amphibious Tracklayer

    水陆 履带 采用小负重轮的探讨

  • Fuzzy evaluation of the tank crew discomfort in the vibration of the armored tracklayer

    履带装甲车辆振动对驾乘人员 乘坐舒适性影响的模糊评价

  • A simplified three-quality vehicle model was established on the basis of person-vehicle-road interaction . By means of test and analysis of riding seat vibration signal of armored tracklayer under different velocity and grade of road surface the fuzzy evaluation of tank crew riding comfort degree is investigated .

    基于人车路相互作用建立了简化的三质量车辆模型,通过对 履带装甲 车辆在不同车速和不同等级路面座椅振动信号的测试分析,进行了 履带装甲 车辆对驾乘人员乘坐舒适性模糊评价的研究。

  • Renovation proposal and application for tracklayer and bridge-erector running system & power system


  • Influence of Contact Pressure Distribution of Amphibious Tracklayer to Adhesive Force under NonLinear Cutting Model

    非线性剪切模型下 履带 车辆 压分布对附着力的影响

  • With the rapid development of sensor technology computer science artificial intelligence and other related subject tracklayer is becoming more and more intelligentized .

    随着传感技术、计算机科学、人工智能及其它相关学科的迅速发展, 履带 正向 智能化方向发展。

  • This article will describe the design of magnetic suspension system of electronic tracklayer which is drove by a new type of linear electromotor .

    本文叙述了一种新型的直线电机驱动的 履带 电动 车辆磁悬浮系统的设计。

  • While in the building of light railway the light tracklayer takes the critical role .

    而在轻轨的建设中,轻型 铺轨 占有着重要的地位。

  • A functional model of one type of tracklayer is established according to this method .

    根据该策略,建立了 某种 型号 履带 车辆的功能模型。

  • Electric drive systems in armored tracklayer vehicle s


  • Research on the Technology of Intelligent Tracklayer 's Vision Navigation

    智能 履带 视觉导航技术研究

  • Manufacturing Technology for Box Beam Horn of Narrow-rail Tracklayer

    窄轨 铺轨机箱型梁机臂制作工艺

  • Utilizing the existing tracklayer and bridge-erector to develop the new hauling and running motor and reducer and improving their suspension installation mode and power transmission mode and improving brake rigging to make them good for the operation in railway section with complex foundations .

    文章论述了利用现有的 铺轨、架桥机,重新研制新的牵引走行电机、减速机,且改进他们的悬挂安装方式和动力传递方式,改变基础制动装置,以适用地质复杂区段铁路线路的铺架。

  • Study on a New Movement Algorithm of Tracklayer on Treadway Bridge

    履带 车辆训练中的车辙桥行驶算法研究

  • Design of the Fault Diagnosis Expert System of Tracklayer Engine

    履带 车辆发动机故障诊断专家系统的设计

  • Auto-navigating virtual tracklayer based on genetic artificial neuron network

    基于遗传神经网络的虚拟 履带 车辆自主导航

  • Design and Development of a New Kind of Tracklayer Running Control System

    一种新型 铺轨 控制系统的研制

  • Studied the possibility of using small road wheel on amphibious tracklayer based on the analysis of big one .

    在分析水陆 履带 采用负重方案的基础上,研究了采用小负重轮的可能性。