tracking velocity

[ˈtrækɪŋ vəˈlɑsɪti][ˈtrækiŋ viˈlɔsiti]


  • In the process of testing this thesis adopted a nonlinear tracking differentiator to support carrier-phase velocity it improved the speed accuracy greatly .

    测试过程中,采取了非线性 跟踪微分器来辅助载波相位 测速,大大提高了速度精度。

  • Analyzing deeply on the frequency coupling of the position tracking loop and the velocity stabilization loop the corresponding de-coupling method and the ideal model of the position loop and the velocity loop above were presented .

    针对 伺服 系统的位置 跟踪环和速度稳定环在频域存在的耦合现象,深入分析了产生频域耦合的原因和相应的解耦设计方法,提出了此类系统位置 跟踪环和 速度稳定环的理想设计模型。

  • The whole algorithm 's idea consists of two aspects : the first processed the IR image sequences from the two different IR bands by detecting on the fusion of dual band and precise tracking to get the information of velocity and grayscale of targets ;

    该算法的具体思路为:首先对来自两个不同波段(波长分别为3~5μm,8~12μm)的红外图像序列进行双模融合检测和 跟踪,获得目标的 速度信息和灰度信息;

  • Analysis on Optic-Electric Tracking System with Angle Velocity Measurement

    具有角 速度测量的光电 跟踪系统分析

  • With the mathematic model of tracking beam current by velocity real-time tracking can be obtained ;

    通过建立 速度 跟踪束流的数学模型,较好地解决了 速度跟踪束流的实时性问题;

  • The dynamic model of hybrid machine is reduced on detecting angular displacement of constant velocity motor . The control strategy for controllable motor ground on tracking the motion of constant velocity motor is proposed .

    根据混合输入机构中恒 电动机可测不可控的特点,提出了混合输入机构 实现轨迹 跟踪的硬件结构方案和基于恒速电动机角位置 跟踪的可控电动机控制策略。

  • We designed a TV auto-tracking system of photoelectric theodolite for taking high-precision tracking of the targets with rapid velocity and high acceleration . We utilized the technique of velocity lag compensation acceleration lag compensation and double closed loop control system in the design .

    为了精密 跟踪 速度快、加速度大的被测目标,采用双闭环控制策略,及速度滞后补偿和加速度滞后补偿技术,设计了光电经纬仪电视自动跟踪系统。

  • In this dissertation several key problems about signal processing for PD radar have been studied . The main content includes : Clutter tracking technique CFAR detector based on clutter tracking and ambiguity resolution in range and velocity etc.

    论文对PD雷达信号处理中的若干关键问题进行了研究,主要内容包括:杂波跟踪技术、基于杂波 跟踪 虚警(CFAR)检测和雷达目标解模糊处理。

  • This paper presents an analytic design method for fast tracking Systems . Velocity feedback and acceleration feedback can all increase dynamic lagging error of the System .

    本文提出了快速 跟踪系统的解析设计法,并指出, 速度和加速度反馈都将增加系统的动态迟后误差;

  • Angle tracking velocity and acceleration


  • The principle of waveform invariance is used in measuring velocity of an acoustic corr-elation current profiler ( ACCP ) with bottom tracking capability to provide vessel-earth relative velocity .

    声相关海流剖面仪( ACCP)利用波形不变性原理进行测速,能够测得相对海底的绝对 速度

  • One is velocity based multi-model predictive control method . Improvement is made on reference trajectory and switching rule to realize efficient large range tracking control of flight velocity .

    一是研究了基于速度切换的多模型预测控制方法,通过对参考轨迹及切换准则的改进实现了对大范围 速度指令 信号的快速 跟踪

  • These indexes of the least tracking contrast 、 least tracking target 、 most tracking velocity 、 tracking error 、 target acquisition time and target acquisition probability are important parameters for estimating the quality of the TV tracking box .

    最小跟踪目标对比度、最小跟踪目标尺寸、最大 跟踪目标 速度、跟踪精度、目标捕获概率和目标捕获时间等六个指标是衡量电视跟踪箱跟踪性能的重要指标。

  • The closed loop control strategy by model tracking 2-freedom rotation speed and the sight-based velocity estimation method are introduced .

    提出了模型 跟踪2自由度转速闭环控制策略和基于观测器的 车速估算方法。

  • Tide simulation is studied by using water level tracking technology the velocity field and temperature distribution are measured by using automatic velocimetry and temperature sensor .

    利用水位 跟踪技术进行了潮汐模拟,采用自动测速、测温技术进行了 流场及温度场的测量。

  • Based on the definition of radar tracking target angle velocity maximum and acceleration maximum relates the feasibility to represent the angle tracking characteristic and the simulation way of the low frequency error signal is discussed .

    基于雷达 跟踪目标最大角 速度和角加速度的定义,分析了用雷达 跟踪 目标最大角 速度和角加速度表征雷达跟踪性能的可行性,并对角误差信号的模拟方法进行了讨论。

  • The constitute and principle of the outer weld automatic tracking system are introduced . The velocity regulating system GTR - PWM of the driving system and its hardware circuit are introduced briefly .

    介绍了外焊缝自动 跟踪系统的组成及工作原理,简述了传动部分GTR-PWM 调速系统,给出了系统的硬件电路。

  • The controller constructed by the function not only can show the boundedness of filtered errors of tracking position and velocity but also can project any element of them to the space of two_dimension from which it can realize robust tracking to high speed desired trajectory .

    由该函数构造的控制器不仅能实现对位置和 速度 跟踪误差的有界滤波,而且能将它们的误差分量任意地投影到二维空间任意点,实现对高速参考轨迹的完全鲁棒性跟踪。

  • The integrated testing system of electro-optical tracker aims at the integrated testing problem of tracking precision tracking velocity tracking acceleration etc . functions and capabilities in two channels of TV and infrared in the development acceptance check and repairment of electro-optical tracking device .

    光电跟踪仪综合测试系统的研制旨在解决光电跟踪仪制造、验收和修理中电视和红外两个通道的跟踪精度、 跟踪 速度、跟踪加速度等功能和性能的综合测试问题。

  • Three dimensional time-delay maneuvering target tracking in slow velocity

    具有 慢速时滞机动目标三维 跟踪

  • The other is dynamic pressure based multi-model predictive control method . The simulation result shows that it could lead to good performance of large range tracking control of velocity while the altitude changes .

    二是提出了基于动压切换的多模型预测控制方法,保证飞行器在飞行高度发生变化时,仍然能够实现大范围 速度 指令 跟踪,并通过仿真验证了控制器设计的有效性。

  • Improving Target Tracking Performance Using Velocity Bound

    利用 速度界提高目标 跟踪性能

  • At the same time the relationships of the maximum tracking angle and tracking angular velocity to the user satellite 's orbit altitude and orbit inclination are acquired using the tracking laws .

    同时,在给定系统一定初始条件的情况下,利用该跟踪规律分别推出了用户星最大 跟踪角度和角 速度与用户星轨道高度和用户星轨道倾角之间的关系。

  • The Segment Chirp-Z Transform and Its Application to Tracking Moving Target Velocity

    分段Chirp-Z变换及其在目标 速度 跟踪中的应用

  • Experiments show that this scheme can completely meets needs of tracking velocity and tracking accuracy of the tracking system .

    实验表明,此方案完全能够满足跟踪系统对 跟踪 速度和跟踪精度的要求。

  • A Method to Improve the Performance of Tracking the Seeker 's Angle Velocity

    一种提高导引头角 速度 跟踪性能的方法

  • In this article we discussed the principle of ALT-ALT mount for small satellite tracker and proved this mount has no blind area near the zenith need small tracking velocity and acceleration only .

    讨论了小型光电人卫跟踪仪的ALTALT机架原理,分析证明采用这种机架形式没有天顶盲区、 跟踪 速度和加速度较小。

  • The tracking angle angular velocity and the angular acceleration can be derived through the tracking laws .

    通过该跟踪规律可以推出用户星天线 跟踪中继卫星的 跟踪角度、角 速度和角加速度。

  • By the experiment of fixing static object and contrasting experiments of tracking moving object the capability of the visual tracking system and the velocity PID control algorithm is tested .

    并通过静态目标锁定实验和动态目标跟踪对比实验,检验了该视觉 跟踪系统和 速度反馈PID控制算法的性能。