tracking error

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈɛrɚ][ˈtrækiŋ ˈerə]


  • I the mismatched system with some other conditions holding the tracking error can be made bounded .

    对于不满足匹配条件的系统,若另一些条件成立,则 跟踪 误差有界。

  • The controllers with the integral term of tracking error are designed to eliminate the steady-state tracking error effectively .

    设计带有 误差积分项的控制器,从而有效地消除了稳态误差。

  • By theoretical analysis the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded with tracking error converging to zero .

    理论分析证明了闭环系统是半全局一致终结有界,且 跟踪 误差收敛到零。

  • The state of the closed-loop control system is proved to be bounded with tracking error converging to zero .

    同样证明了闭环模糊控制系统全状态有界和 跟踪 误差收敛到零。

  • Then some methods to compensate the dynamic tracking error are introduced .

    然后探讨了补偿动态 跟踪 误差的一些方法。

  • Global ultimate attractiveness of system tracking error and parameters is also proved .

    并证明了系统 跟踪 误差和参数的全局一致收敛。

  • These short ETFs will suffer from greater tracking error compared with traditional ETFs because futures are harder to manage than stocks .

    与传统ETF相比,这些做空型ETF的 追踪 误差更大,因为期货比股市更难控制。

  • It was proved that the tracking error converges to the prescribed boundary layer and all the signals in the closed-loop system were bounded .

    算法保证闭环系统所有信号的有界性且使得 跟踪 误差收敛于任意设定的饱和层内。

  • A Study on the Model of Portfolio Investment Decision Based on Tracking Error

    基于 跟踪 误差的证券组合投资决策模型研究

  • Relative to the funds we have I will have a higher tracking error and more active money and probably more in medium and small sized stocks .

    与我们的基金有关的,我会允许高一些的 跟踪 误差和更多的流动货币,可能更多的在中小规模股票。

  • The identification error and the ( trajectory ) tracking error are analyzed and guaranteed to be bounded .

    对辨识误差和轨道 跟踪 误差进行分析并证明了它们的有界性。

  • Limit Shadowing Property of the Global Attractor for a Semilinear Parabolic Equation ; Identification and Modeling of Tracking Error Using BP Neural Network and Evaluation of Tracking Performance

    半线性抛物型方程全局吸引子的极限伪轨跟踪性用BP网的 跟踪 误差辨识建模及跟踪性能评价

  • Finally relationship between groove depth and tracking error signal offset of DVD-RAM disc is analyzed .

    分析了DVDRAM盘片预刻槽深度与 误差信号受径向倾斜影响偏移量的关系。实验结果较好的验证了计算和结论。

  • Selecting suitable generalized output polynomial and using REM algorithm the controller can provide no tracking error to the varying given input and complete compensation to the observed disturbance .

    提出的自校正控制器在保证广义性能指标极小化的同时,借助REM算法,通过适当选择广义输出的多项式实现对设定值变化的无 偏差 跟踪和对可测干扰的完全补偿。

  • Lastly the manual tracking error of the guidance loop is analyzed and simulated .

    最后,对含人工跟踪回路的飞行器闭环回路的人工 跟踪 误差特性进行了综合分析和仿真计算。

  • GPS PN Code Tracking Error Estimator with Model Bias

    一种含模型偏差的GPS伪码 跟踪 误差估计器

  • The load disturbance is estimated and compensated by the speed controller which effectively removes the static tracking error that would be caused by the disturbance without compensation .

    通过速度控制器对负载扰动进行估计和补偿,消除了负载扰动可能带来的稳态 跟踪 误差

  • Research showed that the non-linear friction and tracking error were two main obstacles to improve the performance of servo .

    研究表明,非线性摩擦和 跟踪 滞后是影响它们性能提高的两大主要障碍。

  • And the inverse optimization method must be substituted with tracking error model .

    通过分析,我们认为在模型的使用过程中之前的逆向优化方法也必须采用优化 跟踪 误差模型。

  • Risk Control Mechanism of Active Portfolio Investment with Tracking Error Constraints

    跟踪 误差下积极资产组合投资的风险约束机制

  • First according to the tracking error dynamics and kinematics described by unit quaternion error and angular velocity error a sliding mode controller is derived based on Lyapunov theory .

    首先根据由误差四元数和误差角速度描述的 跟踪 误差动力学和运动学方程,设计了基于李亚普诺夫方法的滑模变结构控制律。

  • Identification and Modeling of Tracking Error Using BP Neural Network and Evaluation of Tracking Performance

    用BP网的 跟踪 误差辨识建模及跟踪性能评价

  • These improved hysteresis control schemes can ameliorate dynamic performance and decrease the tracking error of load currents .

    这两种改进的滞环电流控制方法,均能改善系统的动态响应性能,减小电流的 跟踪 误差

  • Finally the drag tracking error is analyzed .

    最后,我们分析了阻力加速度 跟踪 误差

  • Where the fuzzy control is a two dimensional PD type controller with the tracking error of joint angle and its derivative as input of the controller .

    其中,模糊控制是二维PD型控制器,其输入为关节角 跟踪 误差及其导数。

  • The influence of tracking error and the bias of the theoretical trajectory departure is discussed also .

    分析了 测距 误差和理论弹道偏差对 定位的影响;

  • Based on the adaptive Kalman filtering algorithm an estimator for the GPS PN code tracking error with model bias is proposed .

    在自适应卡尔曼滤波算法的基础上提出了一种带模型偏差的GPS伪码 跟踪 误差估计器。

  • The tracking error system of WMR is established using the given trajectory and then represented by a T-S fuzzy model .

    利用机器人运动特性和参考轨迹建立轨迹 跟踪 误差系统并将其作T-S模型描述。

  • The tracking error effect due to the power control step-size was analyzed .

    还分析了功率控制步长对用户方位角 跟踪 误差的影响。

  • It can guarantee the global boundness of closed loop signals and make the output tracking error arbitrarily small .

    它能保证闭环系统信号的全局有界性,并使输出 跟踪 误差任意小。