


  • Female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes first competed at the 1928 Games .

    而到了1928年奥运会,女性体操和 田径运动员首次出现在比赛场上。

  • Cybernetics & systems analysis : application to appraising track-and-field teaching ; If used properly English ambiguity can result in positive pragmatic effect .

    运用系统论和控制论评价 田径 运动教学效果如果巧妙地运用英语歧义,可以起到积极的语用效果。

  • On the same tack Li Ning in September signed up to sponsor Sudan 's national track-and-field team .

    出于同样的战略考量,李宁在9月份与苏丹国家 田径队签约成为其赞助商。

  • The paper analyzes some main problems that are currently existing in college track-and-field teaching and their causes and discusses the importance of track-and-field teaching in all-round quality education for college students .

    分析当前高校 田径教学存在的主要问题及其原因,讨论田径教学对大学生进行全面素质教育的重要作用。

  • The Application of Multimedia Method to Track-and-field Skill Specialized Course


  • There are many track-and-field events such as the high jump the long jump the100-metre dash etc.

    田径 运动的项目很多,例如跳高、跳远、百米赛跑等。

  • Creating the Student-centered Structure of Teaching a Track-and-field Sports Theory Class of P.E. Teacher Training Program

    构建以学生为主体的体育教育专业 田径理论教学

  • A computer system of management with perfect function and high automation is needed to meet the demand of scientifically managing the track-and-field meets on national and international scales .

    为了对国际或全国性 大型 比赛进行科学管理,必须建立一个功能完善、自动化程度高的计算机管理系统。

  • A track-and-field event in which a discus is thrown .


  • Improve the teaching method and finesse for track-and-field specialized course ;

    改进 田径专选课教学方法和教学手段;

  • An Analysis of the Results of Our Country 's Track-and-Field Events in the Past Five Years and Prediction of the Possible Results of the Track-and-Field Events at the Ninth National Games

    对我国近五年 田径成绩分析及九运会田径水平预测

  • For the first time female gymnasts and track-and-field athletes competed at the Games .

    妇女第一次 出现在体操和 田径赛场上。 从此 以后,女子奥运项目 得到迅速 发展

  • On Expanding the Track-and-field Curriculum Content of Physical Education

    拓展体育教育 专业 田径课程内容研究

  • On this basis the paper puts forward new assumption on the construction of track-and-field teaching contents of new type junior middle schools and more reasonable classification of track-and-field teaching which provides reference strategies and implementing cases for the extension of teaching contents of junior middle schools .

    在此基础上提出了新型初中 田径教学内容的构建设想;较为合理的田径教学内容的分类;为初中田径教学内容的拓展提供了参考对策与实施案例。

  • Study on the Maximal Speed of Man ′ s 100m Race in the Two Rounds of the World Track-and-Field Competition

    世界 田径 锦标赛男子100m跑最大速度的研究

  • Analysis of the Results of the Fujian Track-And-Field Team in the 11th National Games

    第十一届全运会福建 田径队比赛分析

  • Track-and-field competition starts to unfold in the West Asian Games

    西亚运动会 田径比赛全面展开

  • The stadium could be used for track-and-field events and football matches .

    体育馆可用于 田径项目及足球比赛。

  • Improve the teachers'and students'cognition of track-and-field ; Hospital culture is an important position in hospital .

    提高教师和学生对 田径文化的理解;

  • I hope the research can provides beneficial reference for the reform and practice of track-and-field teaching contents of junior middle schools .

    希望本文研究能够为初中 田径教学内容的改革实践提供有益的参考。

  • New Ideas of Track-and-field Teaching Reform in Colleges and Universities

    高校 田径教学改革的新思路

  • Peculiarities and Age Characteristics in Excellent Track-and-Field Athletes ' Many Years of Training

    优秀 田径运动员多年训练的年龄特征及训练特点

  • The Management of Sport Apparatus on Track-and-field Ground

    田径 比赛场地器材的管理

  • Hence the determination of Athletics South Africa ( ASA ) the country 's track-and-field body to bring victory back from the World Athletics Championships recently held in Berlin .

    因为如此,南非田径 协会(ASA,该国的 田径 管理机构) 才会 如此坚决的要从最近柏林举行的世界田径锦标赛中带回胜利。

  • Investigation to athletic injury during university students ' track-and-field sports meeting

    大学生参加 田径运动会发生运动损伤调查报告

  • The Present Situation and the Study of Development Strategies About Training of High-standard Competitive Talents in the Track-and-field Competition of Xiamen City

    厦门市 田径高水平竞技人才培养现状与发展对策研究

  • The drillmaster at the athlete of causal analysis in train and ame at track-and-field

    田径 运动训练和比赛中教练员对运动员的归因分析

  • The city leaders held a banquet in honor of the sportsmen who had won glory for our nation and among them was the outstanding track-and-field athlete from our county .

    市领导为国家赢得荣誉的运动员举行了宴会,其中有一 来自我县的杰出 田径 运动选手。