yeast milk

[jist mɪlk][ji:st milk]

[医] 酵母乳

  • An experiment was conducted to study the effects of mixture of Bacillus subtilis and yeast culture named Xusuyi ( XSY ) added into dairy diet on intake and milk production .

    研究了乳牛日粮中添加不同比例枯草芽孢杆菌与 酵母培养物混合制剂“畜速益”(XSY)对乳牛泌乳量及 品质的影响。

  • As growth factors corn steep liquor yeast extract milk powder thiamin extract of companion fungi and A mellea mycelia activated clay diatomite and kaolin could promote growth of G umbellata .

    玉米浆、 酵母膏、 奶粉、硫胺素、伴生菌提取物、蜜环菌提取物、活性白土、硅藻土、高岭土都对猪苓固体培养的生长显示出不同程度的促进作用。

  • Effect of lactic acid bacteria on yeast fermentation in the milk beer production

    啤生产中乳酸菌对 酵母菌发酵作用的研究

  • Studies on separated yeast from Kefir grains in milk fermentation

    开菲尔粒中分离 酵母菌 牛乳发酵

  • Whereas when yogurt was produced with B.infantis 0.6 % yeast was added to milk fructo-oligosaccharide was replaced with 20 % and 15 % starter was inoculated .

    选用婴儿双歧杆菌制作酸奶时,在 中添加06%的 酵母粉,以低聚糖取代20%的蔗糖,接菌量为15%。

  • Place the flour 90gm Old Dough oil yeast milk salt and water in the bowl of an electric mixer and with the dough hook mix for6-8 minutes until smooth and elastic .

    把面粉、90克老面肥、油、 酵母牛奶、盐和水放在电动搅拌器里,用和面耙和6-8分钟,至面团光滑有弹性。

  • Screening and Identification of Milk Wine Yeast and Development of Distillation Milk Wine

    乳酒 酵母的筛选鉴定和 牛奶蒸馏酒的研制

  • The paper described wine-making yeast to change Cr 3 + in pumpkin to glucose tolerance factor ( GTF ) and intermix with milk to produce GTF pumpkin powdered milk which has medical treatment and health care function for diabetes and other people .

    利用酿酒 酵母将南瓜中的Cr3+转化为葡萄糖耐量因子(GTF),并与 牛奶混合而制成适合于糖尿病人及其他人群、具有医疗保健功能的GTF南瓜奶粉。

  • Does Not Contain : Yeast wheat soy gluten milk starch artificial flavors artificial colors artificial sweeteners alcohol or honey .

    不包含: 酵母,小麦,盐,麸质, 牛奶,淀粉,人工香料,人工色素,人工甜味剂,酒精或者蜂蜜。

  • Effects of yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) on Milk Production and Composition in Holstein Dairy Cows

    饲喂百奥美速 源对荷斯坦乳牛产 量及乳品质的影响