


  • Toxin-antitoxin gene systems ( TA systems ) widely distributed on the chromosome of free-living bacteria are assumed to be involved in or mediate cell growth inhibition or cell death as a prokaryotic cell stress factor .

    毒素 - 毒素系统基因广泛存在于细菌染色体上,可能作为原核细胞的胁迫反应因子,参与或介导 中度胁迫条件 细胞的生长抑制或死亡。

  • We found that more than 300 genes changed and we selected a pair of toxin-antitoxin genes ( VCA0391 / 2 ) to investigate whether they can help Vibrio cholerae to escape from death under the bad condition

    我们发现超过300个基因均发生了改变,同时我们选取了一对 toxin-antitoxin基因(VCA0391/2)进行研究,观察其是否能够帮助霍乱弧菌在恶劣条件下逃避死亡

  • All antibodies belongs to IgG1 subclass . Results of toxin-antitoxin neutralization show that 12 out of 13 monoclonal antibodies have the activity of neutralizing e-toxin .

    13株单克隆抗体均为IgG1亚类,经 毒素 毒素中和试验测定,13株单克隆抗体中,12株具有中和ε毒素的活性。