


  • The bacteria on the dental plaque can release toxin and stimulate gums .

    牙菌斑上的细菌会释放 毒素,刺激牙。

  • The inducing death of root cap cells bioassay was firstly used to measure the toxicity of toxin from Curvularia spp.

    利用玉米根冠细胞死亡法测定了玉米弯孢霉 毒素的生物毒性,方法简单可行。

  • Since then several studies have evaluated botulinum toxin as a migraine preventative .

    在这之后,数项研究都评定肉毒杆菌 毒素是一种偏头痛预防药物。

  • OTA is a fungal toxin also considered a possible human carcinogen .

    赭曲霉 毒素 A是一种 真菌毒素,也被认为是可能的人类致癌物。

  • Concerning on its threat to the health of human and animals T-2 toxin has been paid more attention .

    目前,T-2 毒素对人和动物健康的影响受到了社会的广泛关注,已成为毒理学领域研究的热点课题之一。

  • They were close to weaponizing ricin — a lethal plant toxin .

    他们快把蓖麻毒素——一种致命的植物 毒素——研发为武器了。

  • The cotton is genetically engineered to produce Bt toxin which kills pink bollworm a serious cotton pest .

    这种棉花接受了遗传改造,从而产生能杀死棉红铃虫的Bt 毒素。棉红铃虫是一种严重的棉花害虫。

  • An additional metabolic characteristic associated with the growth and toxin production of Clostridium botulinum is gas production .

    另外与 肉毒杆菌的生长与产毒相关的代谢特征是气体的产生。

  • An antibody that can neutralize a specific toxin .

    能中和一种特殊 毒素的抗体。

  • The best therapy in my opinion is botulinum toxin injection of the parotid and submandibular gland .

    最好的治疗,我认为这是肉毒杆菌 毒素注射的腮腺和颌下腺。

  • Any substance ( as a toxin or enzyme ) that stimulates the production of antibodies .

    一种促进抗体增殖的物质(相当于 毒素或酶)。

  • This study demonstrated that botulinum toxin type A may be a promising treatment option for patients with OAB symptoms .

    研究表明A型肉毒 毒素对于OAB症状病人可能是一种有前景的治疗选择。

  • The cucumber contains the cucumber acid can promote human body 's metabolism discharges the toxin .

    黄瓜所含的黄瓜酸,能促进人体的新陈代谢,排出 毒素

  • For example they can produce anthrax and botulinum toxin .

    例如,它们可以生产炭菌病毒和肉毒菌 毒素

  • It provided basis for preparing T-2 toxin antibody .

    为进一步制备T-2 毒素抗体奠定了基础。

  • NO NUTRI-SWEET : It contains the toxin methanol and can exacerbate neurotoxicity .

    无营养甜的:它含有 毒素的甲醇和,可加重神经毒性。

  • Tests showed increased levels of toxin in shellfish .

    检验表明水生有壳动物的 毒素水平提高了。

  • To set a thief to catch a thief that is what we call “ to counteract one toxin with another ” .

    叫小偷去抓小偷,这就叫“ 以毒攻毒”。

  • The boiling water will kill most of ( ly ) the substances such as bacterium virus and toxin etc.

    开水将杀死大多数细菌、病毒、 毒素等物质。

  • Potent toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism .

    葡萄球菌产生的毒素由能引起香肠中毒的梭菌肉毒菌的细菌制成的有效的 毒素

  • But parasite and toxin in the soil also can cause fatal influence to the human body .

    不过,泥土中的寄生虫和 毒素也会对-人体产生致命影响。

  • The result showed that T-2 toxin could conjugate with BSA or OVA to produce T-2 toxin antigen .

    结果显示, T-2HS能与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)和卵清蛋白(OVA)结合生成T-2毒素抗原。

  • These factors may have confounded the specific efficacy of botulinum toxin for chronic tension-type headache .

    这些因素可能混淆肉 毒素对慢性紧张型头痛的特别效果。

  • Objective To observe clinical feature of patients with hemifacial spasm and therapeutic effect of Chinese botulinum toxin type A.

    目的观察半侧面肌痉挛患者的临床表现和肉毒 毒素对半侧面肌痉挛的治疗效果。

  • Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver * What 's worse .

    “苯”是那种会影响你的肾脏和肝脏的 毒素

  • A rabbit eating many such plants may absorb the toxin in all the plants .

    吃了许多这种植物的兔子会把植物里所有的 毒素都吸收进去。

  • A mixture of toxin and antitoxin used to immunize against a disease .

    用来提高抵抗疾病的免疫力的 毒素和抗毒素的混合物。

  • Maybe this is a toxin .

    或许这是一种 生化 毒素

  • Experts have linked this condition to a build-up of toxins in the body

    专家已把这一病症与体内 毒素的积累联系起来。

  • After this reacts with a protease enzyme the active toxin is released .

    之后与某种蛋白酶反应并释放出活性 毒素