


  • The $ 70m loan was planned as the first tranche of a total $ 400m loan that would have financed related projects in Manila .

    根据计划,上述7000万美元的贷款,是总额为4亿美元贷款的第一 部分,这些贷款将为马尼拉一些相关项目提供融资。

  • Greece should receive the next tranche of its current financial facility .

    希腊理应得到当前金融安排中的下一 援助 资金

  • One suggestion is to force banks to retain parts of the equity tranche of special-purpose vehicles .

    一个建议是,迫使银行保留部分特殊目的公司( spv)的权益类证券。

  • Athens will run out of cash in early October if the next tranche of the eurozone-International Monetary Fund rescue loan is not disbursed .

    如果下一 欧元区-国际货币基金组织(IMF)救援贷款不能发放,雅典方面在10月初就会无钱可用。

  • In October it will vote on the next loan tranche for Greece .

    10月份,它将就 希腊提供的下一 贷款进行表决。

  • Sheikh Hamad leads the QIA 's investment strategy but often invests his own wealth in similar deals to the QIA 's. This week 's investment in Barclays included a tranche of his own money .

    谢赫哈马德主导着卡塔尔投资局的投资战略,但往往将其个人财富投资于与卡塔尔投资局类似的交易。上周,卡塔尔投资局投资巴克莱的交易就包括他自己的一 部分资金。

  • A leveraged EFSF would have the worst kind of Eurobond : a tranche in a toxic debt security .

    杠杆化的 efsf将产生最不可取的欧元债券:一种有毒债务证券。

  • Critically it takes no account of the fact that in many cases government can catalyse a dollar of infrastructure investment at a cost of much less than a dollar by providing a tranche of equity financing a tax subsidy or a loan guarantee .

    还有一个至关重要的问题是,它没有考虑到如下事实:通过提供股权融资、税收补贴或贷款担保,政府促成一美元 基建投资的成本可能会远低于一美元。

  • The fund association has proposed that the QFII scheme have a separate tranche to allow overseas investors to invest in the mainland bond market but this leaves the doors to the Hong Kong renminbi market closed .

    香港投资基金公会建议,QFII计划应单 划出 部分 额度,以使海外投资者能够投资内地债券市场。但这一建议并没有打开香港人民币市场的大门。

  • The retail tranche was nearly 48 times covered .

    散户 安排 股票,得到近48倍 超额认购。

  • Shares closed at 27 in London on Friday close to the conversion price of 30 for the first tranche of convertible bonds offered to Chinalco .

    力拓股价上周五在伦敦收于27美元,接近向中铝出售的第一 可转债30 美元的转换价格。

  • They risk losing the next tranche of funding

    他们冒着失去下一 资金的风险。

  • The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors .

    下一 经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

  • Prof Sherman points to IPOs in Asia which often include an institutional and a public tranche ( as did the Thatcher privatisations ) .

    谢尔曼教授提到了往往包括机构和公众 部分(正如撒切尔私有化那样)的亚洲IPO。

  • The accusations against him come as eurozone finance ministers prepare to decide on Tuesday whether to release a delayed € 8bn ( $ 10.6bn ) loan tranche to Athens needed to pay public sector salaries and pensions next month .


  • The retail tranche accounts for 15 per cent of the global offering .

    散户的 投资 份额占了全球公开发行股票的15%。

  • The dollar tranche appeals to the more global audience .

    美元 债券吸引更为全球化的受众。

  • On February 12th he put up for sale a second tranche of 32 state-owned companies .

    2月12日他把第二 32家国有企业的 股票 向市场。

  • However this amount of money is unlikely to be transferred in a single tranche for immediate investment either domestically or offshore .

    然而,这部分资金不太可能一 转移至 外汇投资 公司,立即用于国内或海外直接投资。

  • The SEC also alleges that Mr Tourre implied to ACA that Paulson would be taking a long position in the deal by buying the riskiest equity tranche of the CDO .

    证交会还指控称,图尔向aca暗示,保尔森将购买这些cdo中风险最大的“股本 部分”,因此将在交易中持有多头部位。

  • One such shift may have occurred last week when EU and IMF negotiators imposed a new tranche of austerity .

    其中一个变化可能已在上周发生:欧盟和imf的谈判者提出了新一 紧缩措施。

  • But the retail tranche of the offering was only 70 per cent covered signalling public scepticism over pricing .

    但散户 认购完成70%,表明公众对发行价持怀疑态度。

  • Finance ministers from the group of countries that use the euro have approved the latest tranche of emergency help for the Greek economy .

    欧元区国家财政部长通过了为希腊经济体提供新的紧急 救助 计划

  • I 'm pretty sure that the last tranche will come though now a senior international analyst said .

    我很肯定最后一 注资 马上就会到来,一位资深国际分析师表示。

  • On April 30 this year caterpillar will have to pay the first tranche of loan notes according to filings that are public but have not been previously reported .

    根据公开但此前没有报道的申报文件,卡特彼勒将必须在今年4月30日偿还第一 部分 欠款

  • The second tranche is priced at $ 60 .

    另一 转换 债券定价于60美元。

  • The key finding in the latest tranche of data released yesterday was that more than 48 per cent of people aged 16 or over reported relatively low satisfaction with their work-life balance .

    从最新 数据中得出的关键发现已于昨天发布。它显示,16岁及以上的受访者中,超过48%的人对自己的工作生活平衡满意度相对较低。

  • The tranche was never actually sold a point made explicit in the final offering document .

    实际上这一 部分从未出售这一点在最终发行文件中明确表明。