toxic symptoms

[法] 中毒症候

  • In addition some types of Fusarium can grow in a variety of food and produce toxic metabolite ; pigs horses donkeys and other livestock would show symptoms of poisoning after them eat it .

    此外,有些种类的镰刀菌能在各种粮食中生长并能产生 有毒的代谢产物,猪、马、驴等牲畜食用后会发生急性中毒 症状

  • Results Systemic toxic symptoms and local inflammatory reaction of 18 cases were controlled within 3 ~ 7 days .

    结果18例患者全身 中毒 症状和局部炎症在3~7d得到有效控制。

  • In summary Flos Puerariae and Hovenia dulcis Thunb can mitigate the toxic signs and symptoms of acute alcohol and has effect of relieving alcohol toxicity and preventing drunkenness promoting the metabolism of alcohol in the liver .

    总之,葛花与枳棋子能够迅速缓解急性酒精 中毒 症状,促进酒精在肝中的代谢,加速酒精的分解,起到有效的解酒防醉作用。

  • The experiment also found that different levels of additive olaquindox in mice do not affect the growth of the same ; in lower dose level less than 600.30 mg / kg Olaquindox significantly affected the growth in mice without toxic symptoms nor death .

    不同的喹乙醇添加剂量水平对小鼠生长的影响不竟相同,在小于600.30mg/kg较低剂量水平下喹乙醇能明显促进小鼠的生长,小鼠无 中毒 症状,也没有出现死亡。

  • RESULTS : In acute toxicity test male and female KM mice were fed with15g / kg dose of pollen pini no toxic symptoms were observed .

    结果:破壁松花粉对2种性别的SPF级昆明种小鼠在灌胃量达15g/kg下,2周内动物未见明显 中毒 症状

  • All of the transgenic rice with hygromycin phosphotransferase gene ( hpt ) was resistant to hygromycin B none appeared any toxic symptoms over the concentrations mentioned above .

    在上述浓度范围内,带潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因(hpt)的Bt转基因水稻(克螟稻)幼苗均未出现 中毒 症状

  • Results indicate that emetine hydrochloride at a single 15mg / kg dose ip may induce myocardial damage in rats . The animals presented toxic symptoms changes on EKG increase of serum CPK and degenerative changes of myocardium .

    实验结果表明,依米丁组大鼠(盐酸依米丁15mg/kg一次腹腔注射)出现 中毒性心肌损害 症状,并有心电图改变,血清磷酸肌酸激酶(SCPK)明显增高以及心肌组织病理学改变等。

  • Therapeutic effectiveness and toxic side effects on ventricular extrasystole main symptoms and electrocardiogram were assessed after 4 weeks .

    4周后进行室性期前收缩、主要 症状、心电图等疗效及 副作用的评估。

  • The fever drops the toxic symptoms and poor appetite improve rapid after the drainage of abscess .

    引流后体温迅即下降, 中毒 症状改善,食欲恢复。

  • The changes of toxic symptoms and signs were observed and the digoxin concentrations in blood were measured by fluorescence polarization immunoassay before and after hemoperfusion .

    结果经过一次或两次血液灌流治疗可消除地高辛的 中毒 症状,非常显著地降低血中地高辛的浓度。

  • The general manifestation behavior toxic symptoms and deaths of rats were observed and recorded .

    观察和记录动物的一般表现、行为、 中毒 症状和死亡情况。

  • The toxic symptoms of plant showed an evident correlation between dose and effect ;

    植物受 毒害 程度 表现出明显的剂量效应关系;

  • In order to confirm whether the solution can cause accumulative toxic symptoms when it is used repeatedly and the maximum dosage is used with no side effects we carried out the experiments in toxicity for 28 days with rats and dogs .

    为了确定该药反复使用有无蓄积性 中毒作用及最大 作用量,作者以大鼠和狗进行为期28天的长期毒性试验。

  • Results : Among 86 cases the adult cases account for the majority ( 77.9 % ) the morbidity rate of the old is high ( 16.28 % ) and most of them have typical toxic symptoms of phymatiosis .

    结果:86例中青壮年占大多数(77.9%),老年患病率较高(16.28%),大多数具有典型的结核 中毒 症状

  • The systemic toxic symptoms occurred in 2 cases at late course .

    有2例甚至出现全身 中毒 症状

  • Excessiveness of Cu Mn Zn B and Mo in nutrition produced visible toxic symptoms . Proper decrease in Mn concentration in MS liquid medium was suitable for the growth of potato plants .

    Cu、Mn、Zn、B、Mo等元素过量植株会出现明显的 中毒 症状,MS营养液中Mn元素需适当降低才能适应脱毒马铃薯苗的液体培养。

  • In order to avoid toxic shock symptoms cervical cap should be in48 hours after we take out .

    为了避免 毒性休克 症状,宫颈帽应在48小时后再取出。

  • Obvious malnutrition or severe toxic symptoms .

    明显营养障碍或严重 中毒 症状

  • Under the conditions of soil culture the main toxic symptoms of eggplant were yellowing of leaves accompanied by brown patch defoliation stunt and even death of plant .

    土培条件下,茄子铅 毒害的主要 症状为:叶片失绿变黄、伴有黄褐斑、并逐渐脱落;植株矮小,甚至死亡。

  • Acute toxicity test : Many toxic symptoms of the mice were observed after poly I : C including action retardation gloomy spirit chilly clothing hair erection and diarrhoea 3 hours after medication and death one by one 4 hours later .

    急性 毒性实验:各组小鼠注射聚肌胞后均 表现行动迟缓,精神沉郁,畏寒扎堆,被毛竖立,用药后3h呈现不同程度的腹泻,4h后相继出现死亡。

  • After withdrawal of FLU all toxic symptoms disappeared and the abnormal indexes were restored .

    停药后,各 毒性 反应消失,异常指标恢复正常。

  • Results The patients suffered with the spinal tuberculosis at the early stage were atypical of tuberculotic toxic symptoms .

    结果脊柱结核早期患者全身结核 毒性 症状并不典型,患者均 表现为不同程度的局部疼痛,其中8例患者曾被误诊。

  • The morphological observation on toxic symptoms and pathological changes of visceral organs in the mouse treated with mercuric chloride

    小鼠氯化汞 中毒 症状及内脏器官病变的形态观察

  • The toxic symptoms of Pb to rice were significant decrease in plant height yield panicle number panicle length fresh weight of root and dry weight of straw .

    水稻铅 毒害 症状 主要 表现为:株高、产量、穗数、穗长、根鲜重、干稻草重明显下降。

  • The acute toxic symptoms produced by intravenously administered deltamethrin ( DM ) in rabbits were similar to those in rats The median lethal dose of DM ( i.v. ) in rabbit was 1.35mg/kg .

    家兔静脉染毒溴氰菊酯所产生的急性 毒性 症状与大鼠相似,半数致死量为1.35mg/kg。

  • The biocompatibility in vivo of microencapsulated BMSCs was investigated through implanting the microcapsules in mice by intraperitoneal injection the normal physiological activity was observed and the mice remained a stable weight without toxic symptoms .

    将载BMSCs细胞的微囊植入小鼠腹腔考察微胶囊的体内生物相容性,观察发现小鼠生理活动正常,未见 毒性 症状,体重增长平稳。

  • The systemic toxic symptoms were significant . The positive phlegm germ culture was 55.3 % . There were 23.7 % cases complicating extrapulmonary tuberculosis .

    全身 中毒 症状者明显,痰菌阳性率55.3%,合并肺外结核者占23.7%,急性、亚急性血行播散性肺结核占42.1%。