transmission code

[trænsˈmɪʃən kod][trænzˈmiʃən kəud]


  • The system data transmission code is NRZ so in the E1 data transmission through CPLD programming and polarity circuit to achieve the conversion between the HDB3 code and NRZ .

    系统数据 传输 为非归零码,所以在传输E1数据前,通过CPLD编程和极性转换电路,实现非归零码和HDB3码之间的转换。

  • In this paper some of its applicable conditions are discussed including : transmission code selection of HDSL equipment number of line pairs bit error rate transmission media and transmission distance etc.

    本文介绍了HDSL技术在应用中应考虑的几个问题,包括对HDSL设备 传输 型的选择、线对数量、误码率选定、传输媒体和传输距离要求等。

  • A Transmission Code Based on High - Order Statistics Modulation

    一种基于高阶统计量调制的 传输

  • Mixing Errors Control of Digital Transmission on Convolutional Code in Underground Leaky Moving Communication System

    卷积 用于井下 漏泄移动通信系统的差错控制

  • Networking technologies is the thing of the Internet and a revolutionary significance of the industry the thing networking technology in information collection and transmission than bar code technology have qualitative leap .

    物联网技术是继互联网后的又一具有革命性的技术,物联网技术在信息采集和 传输方面比 条形码技术有质的飞跃,其对物流信息管理水平的影响是不言而喻的。

  • This paper introduces a kind of data transmission system consisted of base band pulse code transmission way-AMI pulse code and series communication port of mcs - 51 singlechip microcomputer in oil prospecting logging tool .

    介绍双侧向石油勘探测井仪中,一种以MCS-51系列单片机的串行通信口为核心,采用基带脉冲编码 传输一双极性归零脉冲 传输 方式构成的数据传输系统。

  • This article puts forward a digital video compression encoding technique based on the standards of JPEG and uses different video stream control techniques according to the encoding mode to realize high quality image transmission with lower code rate ;

    提出了一种JPEG格式的数字化图像压缩编码技术,并针对编码方式采取不同的码流控制技术,来实现以较低 速率 传输高质量的图像信号。

  • Composite electronic System is the hinge of the Pico-satellite which undertakes the work of data processing data storage data transmission Instruction code transmission and Instruction execution .

    综合电子系统是皮卫星的数据和指令枢纽,承担皮卫星数据处理、数据存储、数据 传输指令 收发、响应等重要任务,是皮卫星的核心组成部分。

  • IRIG-B code is a large amount of information suitable for transmission of time code but the time accuracy due to its low not suitable for high-precision clock synchronization system .

    IRIG-B码是一种信息量大,适合 传输的时间 ,但是由于其时间精度低,不适合应用于高精度时钟同步的系统。

  • Results show that the transmission probability code TPXY is the most efficient code for engineering design .

    研究结果表明, 穿透几率 程序TPXY是当前工程上实用的计算效率最高的组件计算程序。

  • A predictive power control algorithm for the uplink transmission in wideband code division multiple access ( WCDMA ) systems is presented .

    针对宽带 码分多址系统的 上行链路,提出了一种基于干扰预测的功率控制方法。

  • The USB electrical specifications describe the port driver circuit electrical level of data transmission code structure bit synchronization and power distribution .

    USB的电气特性反映了端口驱动电路、 传输电平、 编码结构、位同步处理及供电方式。

  • In the high-speed digital communications lots of filters are used if filter 's phase response characteristic is not matching it will reduce the reliability of information transmission and increase code error rate .

    在高速的数字通信中,一般会用到大量的滤波器,如果滤波器的相频特性不好, 信号通过时会产生角度偏移,降低信息 传输的可靠性,导致 误码率提高。

  • The cultural linguistic concept of advertising in modern China as a transmission message code of commodities has come into being .

    我国现代广告作为一种商品信息 传播 符号,其文化语境已经形成。

  • A Doppler compensation method based on conjugated transmission code

    一种基于共轭的 发射 码字的多普勒补偿方法

  • The waveform can reconstruct through imperfect datum which carried out a gradual data transmission when the code stream was broken .

    码流截断后,仍能进行图像的有损重建,实现渐进 传输

  • A transmission error code performance for square MQAM and star MQAM modulation schemes on the AWGN Rayleigh fading channel is analyzed . The corresponding BER formulas and computer aided numeric results are also given .

    分析了在含有高斯白噪声的Rayleigh衰落信道中,矩形星座图MQAM、圆形星座图MQAM的 传输 误码性能,给出相应的误码率计算公式,并进行计算机数值分析。

  • Stratospheric high-altitude relay platform for high-speed data transmission requires efficient error-correcting code technology to guarantee their communications reliability .

    平流层高空平台高速率的中继数据 传输需要有高效的纠错 技术来保障其通信的可靠性。

  • The configuration is defined as a transmission pair of transmission branch and spreading code .

    所述配置被定义为 传输支路和扩频 的传输对。

  • 8b / 10b code is a byte-oriented binary transmission code .

    8b/10b编码是一种面向字节的二进制 传输 代码

  • Function digit letter w_2722 Transmission codes : Standard code sets used in computers to represent alphabets and numbers . Examples include ASC and EBCDIC .

    传送代码:电脑用的一套标准 代码,代表字母和数字.例如雅舒码和纳斯迪码。

  • Error-correcting principle and applications in microcomputer information transmission with Hamming code

    明码在微机信息 传输中的纠错原理与应用

  • Blind equalization techniques can improve system bandwidth utilization and avoid inter-symbol interference caused by multi-path transmission and bandwidth-constrained code without increasing the bandwidth .

    盲均衡技术能够在不增加带宽的前提下提高系统带宽利用率,避免多径 传输和带宽受限引起的 间干扰。

  • In this paper we discussed the effect by carrier phase error in digital image transmission system calculated code error rate and SNR with carrier phase error in Gauss white noise channel and simulated the transmission system on computer .

    本文研究了载波相移对m-QAM 传输系统性能的影响,计算分析了高斯白噪声信道相移量与系统 误码率及信噪比的关系,并进行了计算机仿真。

  • Research on Automatic Transmission Reliability Test Code

    汽车自动 变速 可靠性试验 规范的研究

  • This text introduces a kind of data collection project of the logging well system according to DSP technology which can carry out high speed of the data collect in and adapt to various transmission code types .

    文章介绍了一种基于DSP技术的地面测井系统的数据采集方案,可以实现高速的数据采集和适应多种 传输 型。

  • Aiming at the application requirement of multi users a multiple access transmission scheme of code domain transmitted reference IR-UWB system is proposed .

    针对系统多用户的应用需求,提出一种 域发送参考脉冲超宽带通信系统的多 接入方法。

  • There are many different kinds of interference at many aspects during the process of information transmission Error-correcting code ( EEC ) could be used to overcome the interferences and increase transmission reliability .

    信息在 传输的过程中可能受到来自各个方面的干扰,而纠错 编码能够克服这些干扰,增加传输的可靠性。

  • The Exchanging Transmission Syntax Code of DICOM

    基于DICOM 传输语法的 编码转换