trade liabilities

[treid ˌlaɪəˈbɪlətɪs][treid ˌlaiəˈbilitis]


  • Noble has extensive credit and trade facilities and has deliberated over which liabilities to transfer to the new venture which it will jointly manage with Cofco and in which it will retain an equity stake .

    来宝拥有广泛的信贷和 贸易业务,而且一直在商讨将哪些 负债转移到新公司,它将与中粮合作管理新公司,并将持有新公司部分股权。

  • Incoterms 2000 By the 1920s commercial traders developed a set of trade terms to describe their rights and liabilities with regard to the sale and transport of goods .

    《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》20世纪20年代,商人们开发了一套用于说明他们在货物销售和运输中权利和 义务 贸易术语。

  • An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Trade Liabilities and Protection for Debtors

    商业 负债影响因素的实证研究及其债权人保护

  • Protection of trade safety is mainly realized by rigorous scheme of liabilities as a result of defective establishment of corporations .

    交易安全主要通过严密的公司设立 责任体系保护。

  • The International Monetary Fund said last month there was strong evidence that Japanese domestic investors were conducting a form of carry trade by purchasing foreign bonds to support yen-denominated liabilities on an unhedged basis .

    国际货币基金组织(imf)上月表示,有强大的证据显示,日本国内投资者正在进行某种利差 交易他们在未对冲的情况下买进外国债券,来支持日元计价的 债务