total variation

[ˈtotl ˌvɛriˈeʃən][ˈtəutəl ˌveərɪˈeɪʃ(ə)n]


  • Tolerance is the amount of variation permitted in the part or the total variation allowed in a given dimension .

    公差是零件允许的变动量或给定尺寸允许的 变动

  • Fast Total Variation Image Restoration Based on Multi-step Iteration Method

    基于多步迭代方法的快速 图像复原

  • An Adaptive Total Variation Method Applied in Image Denoising

    一种基于 整体 自适应图像平滑去噪的方法

  • Combining fractional order differential theory with total variation method a new image denoising model was proposed which was based on fractional Partial Differential Equation ( PDE ) .

    将分数阶微分理论和 方法相结合应用于图像去噪,提出了一种基于分数阶偏微分方程的图像去噪新模型。

  • This paper points out the relation between total variation of variational function and generated measure definitely and gives the strict proof .

    本文明确指出了变差函数的 与生成刚度之间的关系,并给出了严格的证明。

  • This algorithm changes the form of nonlinear filter and denoises the image by combining with the method of total variation minimization .

    该算法改变了原算法中非线性滤波的方式,并结合 最小化方法对图像进行降噪处理。

  • A super-resolution algorithm based on L1 norm and total variation ( TV ) regularization is proposed .

    提出了一种基于L1范数和 分规整化的超分辨率图像重建算法。

  • The algorithm also adopts dual method to avoid the nonsmooth and highly nonlinearity of total variation term .

    同时采用对偶方法来避免 分项的非光滑性和高非线性性。

  • Robust super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on total variation

    基于 的鲁棒的超分辨率重建算法

  • Multiscale Total Variation Method and Its Application in Time-Lapse Seismic

    多尺度 方法及其在时间推移地震中的应用

  • A novel hybrid denoising model which combines Total Variation and wavelet shrinkage basing on function space is pro-posed in this paper .

    本文在泛函空间理论基础上提出了一种 整体 与小波阈值萎缩复合的图像去噪模型。

  • Model of Fuzzy Recognition Based on Fuzzy Distance ′ s Total Variation and Runoff Forecasting

    基于模糊距离 的模糊识别模型及径流预报应用

  • The total variation range in seed weight for all crosses was 16 . 7 mg .

    所有杂交在种子重量上的 变异范围为16.7毫克。

  • Firstly a new edge stopping function was constructed by combing the total variation miniature with the anisotropic diffusion equation .

    首先把 和各向异性扩散方程的有机结合构造出新的边缘停止函数;

  • A multi-resolution algorithm for illumination processing based on total variation model

    基于 模型的多分辨率光照处理算法

  • Total variation image denoising based on fractional B-spline wavelet

    分数阶B样条小波域的图像 去噪

  • Autofocus Algorithm for ISAR Based on Total Variation Norm

    基于 最大 范数准则的ISAR自聚焦方法

  • For some drugs this variability may account for one half or more of the total variation in eventual response .

    对某些药物来说,这方面的差异性可占最终反应的 差异的半数或半数以上。

  • Elimination Technology for Labeled Objects of Satellite Cloud Images Based on Total Variation Algorithm

    基于 TV算法的卫星云图标注对象剔除技术

  • A single type of materials was used in these studies leading to declined total variation among hybrid progenies .

    在该项研究中,多个研究者采用的材料类型单一,降低了杂交后代分离的 变异

  • In the case of motion blur the performance of the proposed model was compared with that of Total Variation ( TV ) model .

    针对运动模糊情况,对新模型与 (TV)模型修复效果作了比较。

  • Shoreline detection algorithm based on total variation and ridgelet transform

    基于 和脊波变换的海岸线提取算法

  • Satellite image blind restoration based on surface fitting and generalized total variation

    基于曲面拟合与广义 的卫星图像盲复原

  • Edge Detection of Space Non-cooperative Targets based on Total Variation and Mathematical Morphology

    基于 整体 和数学形态学的空间非合作目标边缘检测

  • An Image Denoising Method Using Total Variation Regularization for Flow Field

    一种 正则化流场的图像抑噪方法

  • CFD ; high voltage circuit breaker ; the total variation diminishing scheme ;

    气流场数值分析;高压断路器; 减小方法;

  • In this paper the method for combining total variation with an adaptive fidelity term with hard wavelet shrinkage is proposed .

    本文提出了一种将小波硬阈值与带有自适应逼近项的 相结合的方法。

  • Color Image Magnification Based on Chromaticity-Brightness Total Variation Model

    基于色度-亮度 模型的彩色图像放大

  • Transformation of color image to gray image based on improved total variation restoration model

    改进 TV复原模型的彩色-灰度图像变换方法

  • New Method to Solve Flow Equation using Total Variation Diminishing Schemes with Third and Fourth Order Accuracy
