


  • And also students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system .

    而且,学生应该使用 电话 按键系统来注册。

  • Information is needed as to how the touch-tone phone can be used in medicine .

    需要有关怎样在医学上使用 按钮电话的资料。

  • It is a touch-tone phone .

    这是一个 按键 电话。

  • Touch-tone telephones have been marketed in America since 1963 .

    按键 电话从1963年起就开始在美国销售。

  • You can call your bank and perform a transaction using a touch-tone phone .

    你可以用 按键 电话机给银行打电话,进行交易。

  • Cover open alarm open the lid if the case of dehydration through the alarm closed the lid and then to continue until dehydration ; external buzzer circuit is mainly used for touch-tone or buzzer alarm use .

    桶盖打开则报警,若脱水时遇桶盖打开则通过显示报警,直到闭合桶盖后才能继续脱水处理;外接蜂鸣器电路主要用于 按键 提示或者鸣叫报警。