touch the wind

[tʌtʃ ði wɪnd][tʌtʃ ðə wind]


  • Research purposes : In order to study the dynamic touch pressure characteristics for the pantograph head and an aerodynamic drag measurement for the whole pantograph the experimental research is conducted in FD-09 low speed wind tunnel of CAAA .

    研究目的:为了研究高速 列车受电弓头动态 接触压力特性和整弓气动阻力,在中国航天空气动力技术研究院FD-09低速 风洞进行试验。

  • Open coffin shroud close touch on the wind into a powder .

    打开棺木,严密 裹尸布一 风化成粉末了。

  • I am longing to touch your skin as the wind touches the sky ;

    我渴望 抚慰你的肌肤,就像 风流过天空。

  • At the back door there was a great butternut tree round which the steps had been built and in front the trees stood so close that I could touch them and feel the wind shake their branches or the leaves twirl downward in the autumn blast .

    房子后门还有一棵巨大的灰胡桃树,人们在它的周围修建了台阶。我离这些树木是如此之近,可以轻易地 到被 吹拂的树枝,还有在阵阵秋风中滚动的树叶。

  • To create the sensation of touch they are exploring the possibility of using electricity and wind pressure .

    为了创造 触感,他们正在探究利用电流和 风压 可能性。