wrong post

[rɔŋ post][rɔŋ pəust]


  • The research on the rationality of the herding behaviors indicates that the degree of herding increases when the consensus is proved to be wrong by the ex post return .

    股评家羊群行为的理性研究指出,当舆论被 事后的收益率证明为 错误时,羊群行为反而增加。

  • But no matter for what I was all wrong and is ridiculously wrong by this post I would like to express my apologies though there was no sense not to use but I would say

    Sorry&不管我是为了什么但是都是错了而且是 的离谱我只想通过这 帖子来表达我内心的歉意虽然没有用也没有任何意义但是我还是会说

  • As a corollary to this approach both Mr Bernanke and Mr Greenspan drew the wrong conclusions from post - bubble strategies earlier in this decade put in place after the bursting of the equity bubble in 2000 .

    这种做法的必然结果就是,伯南克和格林斯潘都从2000年股市泡沫破灭后制定的“ 泡沫”策略中得出 错误的结论。

  • Post in the wrong language or post content that is incomprehensible .

    错误的语言的波斯特,或不能理解的 柱子内容。