X Windows Protocol

[计] X Windows协议

  • In the space we provide a message passing method of node-to-node each of which runs on Windows X operating system and uses TCP / IP protocol as its basic communication protocol .

    此分布式并行计算环境中的每个节点运行在 Windows X操作系统环境下,以 TCP/IP作为基础通信协议。

  • Not only does it provide a secure alternative to common tools like Telnet FTP and RCP it can also act as a transport protocol for other services like Subversion X Windows System and rsync .

    它不仅是常规工具(如Telnet、FTP和RCP)的安全替代方法,而且还可以充当其他服务(如Subversion、 X WindowsSystem和rsync)的传输 协议