X Remote

[计] X Remote协议

  • There is also an extension of a remote X client such as VNC to make remote administration easier if required .

    如果需要,还有VNC等远程 X客户机扩展可以简化 远程管理。

  • By default X will not allow arbitrary clients on a remote host to run on the local display .

    默认情况下, X不允许 远程主机上的任意客户机在本地显示器上运行。

  • Although not applicable to the console or remote sessions xev provides a robust and lightweight method for detecting keyboard events for any application running in X Window System .

    虽然不适用于控制台或 远程会话,但是xev为检测在 XWindowSystem中运行的任意应用程序的键盘事件提供了一种健壮且轻量级的方法。

  • The Wireless Remote Control System for Portable X-ray Machine

    便携式 X 射线机无线 远程控制系统设计

  • Since his plan includes conducting seismic surveys I 'm wondering if at least part of his rationale for drilling in these remote areas is to measure and monitor Earth changes triggered by Planet X ?

    既然他的计划包含了地震勘察,我想知道,是否至少他在这么 偏远地区进行钻探的理由是测量和监测由行星 X引起的地球变化?

  • The instructions below assume that you have a GUI environment on AIX which could be satisfied with VNC or a remote X server display .

    以下说明假定您在AIX上有一个GUI环境,可通过VNC或一个 远程 X服务器显示满足。

  • Distributed computing made easy : Remote messaging between Mac OS X and Ubuntu

    分布式计算变得很容易:MacOS X和Ubuntu之间的 远程消息传递

  • Numerical Experiments of Rainwater Content Remote Sensing with a Combined X-band Radar-Radiometer System

    X 波段 雷达和微波辐射计联合系统反演云中雨水含量分布的数值试验

  • Describes the typical troubleshooting in the maintenance of WANDONG F108-V remote control perspective X-ray machine analyzes the causes and puts forwards the measures .

    介绍了在维修万东F108-V 遥控透视 X 射线机的过程中遇到的一些典型故障及分析与维修过程。

  • Once you do this setup communication from the OS X machine and verify you can see the remote node by calling the nodes function

    完成上述操作之后,就可以从OS X机器建立通信,通过调用nodes函数验证是否可以看到 远程节点

  • For microwave remote sensing vegetation-covered fields the sensitivity and accuracy of X-band are lower than those of C-band but X-band still has a certain sensitivity and accuracy as long as proper working parameters are selected .

    微波 遥感在有植被覆盖的土壤含水量方面, X 波段比C波段的灵敏度和精度要低,但是只要工作参数选择适当,就能达到一定的灵敏度和精度。

  • There is a remote point p of X p is not a P-point of X ~ .

    存在 X Remote点p,p是X~的P点。

  • The X Window System and current desktop software make remote access fairly transparent : A window is a window and the underlying application could be running on any computer .

    XWindowSystem和现有的桌面软件使得 远程访问变得相当透明:窗口仅仅只是窗口,而基础应用程序可以运行于任何计算机。

  • Remote authentication schemes such as Ajax login pages or thin clients running server-hosted X sessions require special consideration .

    远程身份验证方案(例如Ajax登录页面或运行服务器托管的 X会话的瘦客户机)需要进行特殊考虑。

  • The Remote Space X-Ray Imaging Spectrometry System and Its Software for the Moon Exploration of Chang'E Mission

    空间 X 射线成像谱仪系统及其软件研制

  • X clients could be configured to run on your PS3 with an X server on a remote system .

    可以通过配置,使X客户机在PS3上运行,而将 X服务器放在一个 远程系统上。

  • Remote access just may not be fast enough or you may not have a convenient X server to use .

    远程访问可能不够快,或者您可能没有一个便于使用的 X服务器。

  • The real-time ocean surface parameters can be obtained by the sea image data which is got through X-band nautical radar remote sensing survey and the sea image data also provides accurate data basis for the later inversion .

    利用 X 波段导航雷达进行 遥感测量,根据所获取的图像数据了解海洋状态的实时信息,可以为后期的各种海洋表面参数的反演提供准确的数据。

  • In this paper we discuss this problem in σ - compact locally compact and noncompact spaces . The main results are . Suppose X is a σ - compact locally compact and noncompact spaces .

    本文主要对σ紧局部紧非紧空间讨论这个问题,主要的结论如下:假设 X是σ紧局部紧 拓扑空间, 如果 X有可数π重量,则存在 X Remote pq

  • Forwarding X sessions from a remote host ( possible through multiple intermediate hosts )

    从一个 远程主机转发 X会话(可能通过多个中间主机)

  • U-type tires transmission X-ray detector scan the image to scroll through the display ; the use of multi-threading technology and information technology for remote object handling and storage .

    采用U型探测器对轮胎透射 X 射线进行扫描,图像以滚动方式显示;利用多线程技术和 远程对象技术进行信息的处理与存储。

  • An auto-injection instrument with X-ray remote control is presented . The system is developed by using infrared technique and single chip microcomputer .

    本文介绍一种利用红外和单片机技术实现的 X 射线 遥控自动注射装置。

  • Use X Window Technology in Remote Monitoring

    巧用 XWindow技术 实现 远程监视

  • Implementation of Tyre X-ray Machine Remote Control System

    轮胎 X 射线 检验远程控制系统实现

  • Six gold-bearing silicified zones discovered in the central part of X mountain by the remote sensing method

    遥感地质方法在 X山中段发现六条含金硅化带

  • The overall design of the double reflector optical - electronic theodolite is studied on the background of the X small remote - control optical - electronic theodolite .

    X小型 遥控光电经纬仪为背景,研究了双反射镜式光电经纬仪的总体设计。

  • Development of an Active and Passive Dual-wavelength ( X / Ka ) Dual-polarization Remote Sensing System and its Preliminary Test

    双线偏振双波段( X/Ka)主被动 微波 遥感系统的研制与初步试验

  • A remote control automatic-injection instrument for X-ray radiography

    X 射线造影用 遥控自动注射装置

  • It contains the remote hosts that are permitted access to the X server .

    它包含允许访问 X服务器的 远程主机。