x-ray short

[ˈɛksˌre ʃɔrt][ˈeksrei ʃɔ:t]

[医] X线疗法

  • At present the studies of X-ray lasers focus mostly on Z-pinch carbon discharge and the short and multiple laser pulse from high power lasers and most of which confine in Soft X-ray laser .

    目前, X 射线激光研究多采用毛细管放电、高功率激光的多脉冲和 脉冲等抽运方式,而且绝大多数研究局限于软X射线波段。

  • The X-ray laser is a useful tool in dense plasma diagnostics because of its short wavelength high intensity and coherence .

    X 射线 波段的相干 辐射 &X 射线激光,由于其 波长、高强度、强相干等独特的优点,已经成为诊断稠密等离子体状态的一种工具。

  • As a tool for analyzing X-ray powder diffraction data the whole powder-pattern decomposition method ( WPPD in short ) without reference to crystal structural model can refine the unit cell parameters and the positions intensities and other profile parameters of individual reflections .

    X 射线粉末衍射数据的解析中,整体分解( WPPD)法不涉及被测晶体的晶胞构造而能确定各条衍 射线的位置、强度及其它线形参数,并得到精密化的晶胞参数值。

  • Investigation of X-ray intensity on the short axis of the X-ray tube

    X线管 轴方向的 X线强度分布探讨

  • The BRV-type vacuum spark soft x-ray source has been triggered by focus-ing the low energy short pulse laser beam onto the high voltage cathode .

    采用低能的 脉冲激光束聚焦到高压阴极上触发BRV型真空火花软 X线源。

  • At the center of this image made by NASA 's Chandra X-ray Observatory is a very young and powerful pulsar known as PSR B1509-58 or B1509 for short .

    这张照片由NASA的钱德拉 X 射线观测台拍摄,图的中央是一颗非常年轻、强烈的脉冲星,被称为PSRB1509-58,简称 B1509

  • Since the first reported in 1984 soft X-ray laser as a coherent light source characterized by good monochromaticity high instant brightness narrow pulse duration and short wavelength seizes more and more scientists ' attention .

    自1984年首次实现 X 射线激光以来,软 X 射线激光作为一种相干光源,因其单色性好、瞬间亮度高、脉冲持续 时间 和波长 等特点受到了越来越多科学家的重视。

  • X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) pattern results show that high-quality crystal structures of thicker Mn / Sb films can be fabricated by UHV evaporation technique with subsequent thermal annealing for a very short duration ( about 1 min ) .

    X 射线衍射谱图结果表明高质量单晶结构的Mn/Sb多层膜能用超高真空蒸发技术生长,对较厚的多层薄膜,热退火的时间可很 (约1min)。

  • MOCVD Growth and X-ray Diffraction Studies of Short Period AlGaAs / GaAs Superlattices

    周期AlGaAs/GaAs超晶格的MOCVD生长及 X 射线衍射研究

  • Ni-like Sm X-ray laser pumped by double short duration pulse was simulated with series code .

    介绍了模拟产生类镍离子电子碰撞激发 X光激光全过程的系列程序。利用它模拟了英国RAL实验室的双 脉冲驱动类镍钐 X光激光实验。

  • Conclusion : ① The dosage outside exposure field on X-ray short axis is higher than inside ;

    结论:①3组曝光条件下,照射 面积不同, 轴方向上的平均接受剂量外侧缘均大于内侧缘;

  • Objective : To study density difference of symmetrical organs images between the left and right and explain consistency of X-ray intensity distribution on the short axis of X-ray tube .

    目的:基于对称性器官X线照片影像左右两侧光学密度不对称的现象,解疑X线管 轴方向的 X线强度分布是否相等。

  • Soft X-ray laser in expansion plasma pumping by short pulsed laser

    脉冲驱动下膨胀冷却等离子体中软 X 射线激光研究