

v.绞( wring的过去式和过去分词 )握紧(尤指别人的手)把(湿衣服)拧干绞掉(水)

  • She wrung the wet towel out .


  • He wrung water from the soaking-wet shirt .


  • He wrung my hand warmly .

    他热情 紧握我的手。

  • His soul was wrung with agony .

    他的心灵 深受痛苦的折磨。

  • After waiting so long she felt completely wrung out .

    等了那么长时间她感到 疲惫不堪

  • He tripped forward and wrung Harry 's hand with both of his own .

    他轻快地走上前 ,用他自己的 双手 握住哈利的手。

  • He wrung out the rag .

    抹布 了。

  • Mistrust and fear are toxic to innovation and engagement and must be wrung out of tomorrow 's management systems .

    不信任和恐惧时创新和敬业的 毒药 ,未来的管理体制必须 杜绝 现象

  • Was her heart not wrung by the thought of Arthur 's crime and Helen 's estrangement ?

    想起亚瑟的错误和海伦对她的疏远,她 难道不觉得心如刀割吗?

  • I wrung water from my wet bathing suit .

    我把湿游泳衣的水 出来

  • She wrung his hand and congratulated him on his epoch-making feat .

    紧握 他的手,祝贺他创造了划时代的功绩。

  • Mind out or you 'll get hurt ! The sad story wrung my heart .

    留心点,否则你会受伤的!悲惨的故事 使我伤心。

  • They wrung a confession from her .

    他们 千方百计 她招供。

  • She wrung out the clothes and hung up to dry .

    衣服后 它们挂起来晾晒。

  • He wrung his hands in sorrow .

    他悲伤 绞紧双手。

  • The paint had solidified in the tin . She wrung the laundry dry .

    罐子里的颜料已经乾了.她 乾洗好的衣服。

  • He wrung a large sum of money from me .


  • She wept and wrung her hands but the king said I wish only for your happiness .

    可是 国王说:我只是希望你 得到幸福,有一 你会感谢我的。

  • The police wrung a confession out of him .

    警方 他招认了。

  • He wrung the clothes ( out ) before putting them on the line to dry .

    衣服 后晾到绳子上。

  • They wrung the truth out of her .

    他们 强逼她说出了真相。

  • The clever lawyer at last wrung the truth from the prisoner .

    聪明的律师终于从犯人 那里 设法 得到实情

  • He wrung water from wet swimming-trunks .

    他从湿的游泳裤中将水 出。

  • He has wrung the words from their true meaning .


  • I took off my trousers and wrung them too then my shirt and under clothing .

    我把裤子也脱下来 ,接着脱衬衫和内衣裤。

  • She wrung her hands but soon recovered herself .

    她把手 扭伤了,不过不久就好了。

  • She paused and wrung her little hands .

    她停了下来, 痛苦 扭动 她的小手。