


vt.& vi.歪曲,扭曲扭转

  • This book is suffused with Shaw 's characteristic wry Irish humour

    这本书充满了 萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与 嘲讽

  • His smile was wry and reserved .

    他的笑容是 牵强的,含蓄的。

  • Matthew allowed himself a wry smile

    马修不由得 苦笑了一下。

  • John looked at me and smiled a wry smile .

    约翰看着我,笑了一下,笑容 扭曲

  • He came out with a wry smile on his face .

    他出来时脸上带着 一丝 讥笑

  • Away from the cameras he possesses wry humour and a quick mind .

    远离闪光灯,他拥有 搞笑的幽默感和快速灵敏的头脑。

  • He succeeds though here and there his own wry presence is unmistakable .

    他成功了,尽管很多地方他自己的 陈述是不会 弄错的。

  • He acknowledged his mistake with a wry grimace .

    他做了个 怪的表情, 是认了错。

  • Gradually a wry smile settled on his face .

    一丝 苦笑浮现在他脸上。

  • She gave a wry smile


  • Mr. Lin sighed and smiled in wry modesty .

    林先生叹一口气 苦笑着, 是谦逊。

  • I was really keen to play a good guy he said with a wry smile .

    我非常想演个好人,他 苦笑着说。

  • The more we quarrel the more we love each other she said with a wry smile .

    我们争吵得越多,爱得越深,她 苦笑着说。

  • A wry smile spread over lynda 's face at this .

    听了这话,林德的脸上现出一副 苦笑

  • He is an elderly Pole courteous with a wry sense of humour-and an extraordinary story to tell .

    他是一位波兰籍老人,幽默 诙谐且彬彬有礼,为我们讲述了一个不同寻常的故事。

  • You 're always laughing at my battle tactics . Well this one of them Chueh-hsin sat up and replied with a wry smile .

    你时常笑我的战略,这也就是我的一个战略,觉新坐起来, 苦笑道。

  • The Taylor Swift of this album is savage wry and pointed .

    这张专辑里的泰勒·斯威夫特是凶猛、 嘲弄、尖锐的。

  • She cast a wry glance in her grandmother 's direction .

    她朝奶奶无可奈何地 了一眼。

  • Behind his white beard Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has a wry sense of humour .

    美联储(Fed)主席本伯南克(BenBernanke)的白胡子下,掩藏着一种 扭曲的幽默感。

  • I like your wry sense of humor .

    我喜欢你对幽默的 曲解感。

  • There is a wry sense of humour in his work .

    他的作品带有一种 讽刺意味的幽默。

  • I don 't agree for I think beautiful or not is just one condition to judge a film or a people but I accepted it with a wry smile .

    我觉得漂亮与否并不是 决定性的因素,然而,带着一丝 苦笑,我还是接受了。

  • It really let me wry smile not .

    可真让我 苦笑不得。

  • He sought Lin pei-shan 's eye and she returned him a wry smile .

    林佩珊很快地回 他一眼,就抿着嘴一笑。

  • The play is a rueful wry observation about the way we are all subject to the ravages of time

    该剧凄然而 讽刺地描述了我们大家是如何被岁月所摧残的。

  • Antony 's wry smile disconcerted Sutcliffe

    安东尼的怪笑让 萨克利夫不知所措。

  • His mouth twisted into a wry smile .

    挤出 一丝 干涩的微笑。

  • Bethune released Tung 's horse and made a wry mouth .

    白求恩放开了董的马,噘了 噘嘴

  • I can only reluctantly wry smile the younger brother this rascal who can tube dwelled him ?

    我只能无奈地 苦笑,弟弟这个捣蛋鬼,谁能管得住他呀?

  • The winner in this category is a wry picture of life in a northern town .

    这一类中的优胜者是对北方城镇生活的 歪曲写照。