


  • If I look only at the slice parallel to the x-axis then maybe I am going through the minimum .

    ,如果我只观察平行于 x 的切面,那这应该是一个极小值点。

  • So let 's do the first one on the x-axis .

    首先算 x 上的。

  • Let 's say we do rotation about the x-axis .

    也就是 x 旋转。

  • In the table below the token on the X-axis can follow the token on the Y-axis if their meeting place is marked with an X.

    在下面的表格中,若 X 上的符号和Y轴上的符号对应的交界处用X作了记号,则相应 X轴上的符号可以接在Y轴上符号的后面。

  • Angles are measured starting from the x-axis .

    x 为始测量角度。

  • By default time ( the units on the X-axis ) is shown in seconds .

    默认情况下,时间( X 上的单位)的显示单位为秒。

  • Well the first ray that we might want to consider is the one that goes along the x-axis .

    ,我们要考虑的起始射线,是沿着 x 的射线。

  • Distance to x-axis is absolute value of y.

    x 的距离是y的绝对值。

  • What point in the plane x X-axis is foobar y-axis ought to be foobass something else right ?

    在平面中指向哪个点呢?, 是foobar的?,does,p,now,point,to?,而y轴应该是其他一些foobass的,对不对?我知道这看起来像一个?

  • But I moved along the x-axis to one .

    先沿着 x 走到。

  • Now we notice that the x-axis is not really marked in degrees and does not look good .

    现在,我们注意到 x 实际没有标记为度数,看起来不是很好。

  • Because my x-axis is describing a phase which doesn 't exist on the diagram .

    因为我的 x 是描述一个,在这个图中不存在的相的。

  • First calculate the X-axis scaling factor .

    首先计算 X 的比例因子。

  • So for example I tell you how to set the x-range to limit the range on the x-axis of the graph .

    所以,例如,我告诉您如何设置x范围来限制图表中 x 的范围。

  • The other thing I want you to notice is the x-axis runs from to3 .

    另一件事是,这个 x 是从3开始的。

  • But my x-axis here is the composition in the liquid phase There 's no liquid around .

    但是我这里的 x 是液体中的组分比,实际上没有液体了。

  • Well we know we are on the x-axis .

    我们在 x 上。

  • The motion is only in the x-axis along the x direction .

    只在 x ,沿着x 的方向进行移动。

  • Plot distance on the vertical Y-axis against time on the horizontal x-axis .

    以垂直y轴表示距离,而以水平 x 表示时间。

  • If I 'm on the x-axis my vector field is actually in the y direction .

    也就是, x 上,向量场都是y方向的。

  • Hence each reading is plotted at20-pixel intervals along the X-axis .

    因此每次读取操作的结果在 X 上间隔20像素进行绘制。

  • Of course you can also do it geometrically because geometrically you can see in the picture along the x-axis the vector field is pointing vertically .

    当然,你可以直观地算出来是因为,你可以直观地在图上看出 x 上,向量场是垂直指向的。

  • But the x-axis here doesn 't tell me about the composition of pure liquid . It 's all yB .

    但是 x没有告诉我们纯液体的组分,液体组分是用yB 表示的。

  • And if I choose as my x-axis xB I can draw a coexistence line on this axis .

    如果你选择xB作为 x ,从0变到1,to, have,xB,going,from, zero,to,one,我可以在轴上画出共存曲线。

  • It is slightly strange but I have y in inertia about the x-axis .

    这有点奇怪,关于 x 的转动惯量跟y有关。

  • We can let the X-axis coincide with one of the forces which will simplify the problem .

    我们可以让 X 与其中的一个力相重合,这就简化了问题。

  • So I can draw a diagram that looks just like this except now with the x-axis being the gas phase composition .

    这样我就可以做一个,和这个相似的相图,唯一不同 之处在于 x 代表气体组分

  • Therefore the X-axis span should be divided into four equal segments of length = span / 4 .

    所以,应该将 X 坐标 的跨度分成4个相等的区段,每个区段的长度=跨度/4。

  • For the x-axis we only need to specify the first column where the data starts .

    对于 x ,我们仅需要指定数据开始的第一列。

  • The first box rotates around the y-axis and the second box rotates around the x-axis .

    第一个立方体是围绕y轴旋转,而第二个立方体则围绕 x 旋转。