writing program

[ˈraɪtɪŋ ˈproˌɡræm][ˈraitiŋ ˈprəuɡræm]


  • Application of Visual Basic Writing Program in Large-scale Ground Control System of Coal Mine

    VISUALBASIC 编程在煤矿大型地面监控系统中的应用

  • Every database record delegated one I / O channel so when the I / O device is supported by EPICS the users can collect the data that they require in the database without writing program .

    每个数据库记录对应一个I/O通道,只要使用EPICS支持的I/O设备,用户无需 编写 程序,就可以将所需的数据采入数据库中。

  • Last by utilizing technology of ASP and ADO interface of BBS is designed and the group decision process of model is achieved by writing program .

    最后,通过运用ASP和ADO等技术,对系统的BBS界面进行设计, 编程实现该模型的群体决策过程。

  • Based on APDL of ANSYS this paper simulates the construction process of mass concrete by writing program .

    本文基于ANSYS的APDL语言,通过 编制了计算 程序来模拟了大体积混凝土的浇筑过程。

  • If you 're writing a program and you 're testing it and recompiling .

    如果你 一个 程序,检测,然后重新编译。

  • And adopt soft regular in writing program of controlling instrument VISA .

    并且在 编制仪器控制 程序时采用了虚拟仪器软件规范VISA标准。

  • The essay states how the C language procedure code is used directly in Delphi program and elaborates each of their specialities and advantages of writing program .

    阐述了在Delphi程序中如何直接使用C语言程序代码,从而发挥它们各自的 编程优点和特长。

  • Therefore in early May writing program and calligraphy program were formulated to help the children unable to learn composition and writing sufficiently in school .

    因而在五月上旬,又设置了 写作 和书法班,帮助在校无法充分学习作文和写字的小朋友。

  • The result is of great value in engineering application . First based on theory of powertrain mount system model of the system is made by two ways : writing program by mathematical software MATLAB and modeling by mechanical system dynamics analysis software ADAMS .

    首先,在对动力总成悬置系统研究的理论基础上,通过用数学软件MATLAB 编写 程序与机械系统动力学分析软件ADAMS建模两种方式,对悬置系统进行仿真计算,验证模型的准确性。

  • It provide a better platform to the majority of teachers to create an open writing settings build self - reliance writing mechanism and design gradual writing program .

    同时,这 教科书也为广大教师营造开放的写作时空,构建自主性写作机制和设计层次性的 写作 运程提供了一个较好的教学平台。

  • The training only by software includes software of circuit emulate and writing program by oneself .

    单纯的软件训练方法又可以分为电路仿真软件优化法和自 编程 训练方法。

  • For the sake of writing program conveniently the syntax of ATLAS is close to the nature language .

    为了用户 书写 程序的方便,ATLAS语言的语法较接近于自然语言;

  • At last the sensor 's parameters were optimized by writing program .

    通过 编写 程序对3段式差动变压器位移传感器的各个参数进行了优化。

  • The hardware circuit of ANN is trained by writing program by oneself in this paper .

    本文用自 编程方法对人工神经网络的硬件电路进行训练。

  • When writing a program to play a two-person zero-sum game with perfect information .

    编写完全信息二人零和博弈游戏 程序时。

  • Discrete the designed robust repetitive controller and then fulfill it on the real system by writing program on the computer . Prove the effectiveness of robust repetitive controller .

    将所设计的鲁棒重复控制器进行离散化,并在计算机上 编程实现了该控制算法,验证了鲁棒重复控制的控制效果。

  • Learn about the different types of errors that can occur when writing a program .

    了解 编写 程序时可能发生的不同类型的错误。

  • When writing the program the programmer did not make the assumption that the TPS signal would fail .

    编写 程序时程序员并不能假设TPS信号将是无效的。

  • So writing a program at least in this language is a two-step process .

    用这种语言 一个至少需要,两步完成的小 程序

  • Some programmers write pseudo-code before they begin writing their program .

    有些程序员在他们开始 编写 程序之前会编写一些伪代码。

  • In practice I found the BCEL version of this class writing program ( org . apache . bcel . util . BCELifier ) to be of limited use .

    而在实践中,我发现这种类 编写 程序的BCEL版本(org.apache.bcel.util.BCELifier)使用起来有一些限制。

  • Code snippets can make writing program code quicker easier and more reliable .

    代码段可以使 程序代码的 编写更快、更容易、更可靠。

  • After writing program with c + + the result of experiment show that the new algorithm has better ability on reducing the time of computing .

    在使用C++ 编写程序后的试验表明,改进后的算法在减少计算时间方面有较好的表现。

  • She is a professor of English at Rhode Island College where she directs the Creative Writing program .

    她是罗德岛学院英语教授兼 创作 班主任

  • Under Writing Program policy you cannot pass the course if you have more than five unexcused absences .

    写作 专题的政策之下,如果你有超过五次的无故缺席,将无法通过这门课程。

  • When the access path of database needs changing in the progress of writing program it can be modified expediently in the ini file directly instead of in the source code .

    尤其是在 编写 程序的过程中,当要访问的数据库路径改变时,只需要在ini文件中直接修改,而省去源代码中多处修改的麻烦。

  • One possibility is writing one program for each process .

    一种可能性是为每个处理过程 一个 程序

  • By writing program just this once program can run on Windows platform and Linux platform this development solution increases developer productivity and speed .

    实现应用 程序经过一次 开发,就可在Windows和Linux操作系统上运行。这种开发方案增加了开发者的开发效率和开发速度。

  • Writing program of given facilities and realizing the distributed remote monitor system based on DCOM .

    针对具体设备 编写 程序,实现基于DCOM技术的对于设备的远程监控系统。